
Not Until Death, Fated to the Vampire

Anya's world is turned upside down when her boyfriend is murdered by vampires. Consumed by grief and anger, she vows to avenge his death and return her father's stolen treasure. But Anya is no ordinary girl. She is the heir to a long line of werewolves, and she possesses ancient powers that she never knew she had. With the many challenges coming her way mysteriously, Anya begins to shift and explore her newfound abilities. As she grows stronger, Anya ventures into the dark heart of the vampire underworld, determined to face her enemies and bring them to justice. Along the way, her father and treasure sister Layla are taken captives and she has to save them too. With time running out, Anya must race against the clock to stop the vampires from killing her father and sister before it's too late. But as she gets closer to her goal, she realizes that she must also confront her own inner demons in order to emerge victorious. In the end, Anya faces off against the vampire lord who killed her boyfriend and stole her father's treasure, solwnium. In a brutal battle, she defeats him and reclaims what was rightfully hers. But her victory comes at a cost. She loses her loved one, Layla and as well she sacrificed her innocence. But Anya becomes stronger now than ever before. She has learned to embrace her powers and her destiny.

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Chapter 5

"Husband?" My brain stuttered as I repeated Shawn's words. He had just said that Gregory loved me. But his expression seemed to ask if I was okay with his word. It was an answer I wasn't sure about, so I looked away and jammed my phone into the pocket for something to do. "Then?" 

He seemed uncertain how to continue. "I am sorry. I assumed, since you were lovers, that such attachment would be obvious could lead into that marriage, some amount of feeling was indicated" I opened my mouth in an attempt to correct him and then decided to leave it alone. I wondered how Shawn got to know that I was about to get married to that guy, it was made a secret between the two families, and I wondered how he knew the whole thing.


  With a final look of concern, Shawn continued. "Once Ethan knew you existed, he started using you to threaten Michael. Gregory didn't know that his brother had spoken of you, and believed your existence to be a secret from the Vampires.

  That was Ethan's new weapon, his way to control Michael. I am sure you can imagine the consequences if Ethan could decide to hurt you and then tells Gregory that he got to know you through Michael's indiscretion". When I only blinked, he sighed and specified, "I am certain Gregory would have wanted blood, brother or not, and Michael knew it. Because of that, it worked for a while, but Michael finally told his brother about his mistakes and the threats their father had made on him. Gregory...," Shawn paused again. "Uhm- Gregory didn't take it well.

  Together with Michael, they worked together to steal something that Ethan had always wanted to have for his territory. Something he was ready to kill for. The two hoped to use it as a bargaining tool, but, as you know. It didn't work."

  I wasn't sure what to feel. I tried to reason out the crazy story in my entire mind. If what Shawn said was true, then Gregory had been in love with me and had stolen something trying to protect me from Ethan?

  I casted my thoughts backwards, looking for a hint of what sounded like insanity. I went as far back as the night I had met Gregory in the pub. I could see it clearly; his black leather pants looked uncomfortably hot in the humidity and his tank top barely covered him. He had been all blonde hair and smeared eyeliner, smelling of stale cigarettes and Vodka an easy smile on his lips and a twinkle in blue eyes that spoke of mischief. Then something strange happened-

The image was a punch in the stomach. I would spent my last few weeks trying not to think about him, not to picture him. Now, he was there before my eyes, loughing, trying to invite me for a drink, and promising not to take advantage of me.

  Defeated, I dropped into the stairs and let my elbows rest on my knees. "So I suppose Ethan killed his son over this unknown thing?" 

Gregory seemed at my assumption. " Ethan? No, it was their other brother!" 

  "His other brother? Who then? Other than Michael?" Michael was gone, and had gone, or so... Gregory and the police said. He had left months ago and never to come back. If Shawn's story was true, then that is probably when they had stolen the 'staff', and no doubt Michael had taken it somewhere and hidden it. But if he was surely guarding it, why would he come back?

  I narrowed my eyes suspeciusly. "Why would he do that?" 

"Because Gregory wanted to give the "thing" to Ethan in a promise that you wouldn't be harmed, but Michael wanted to be released from Ethan's slavery. But it doesn't work that way, once you belong to Ethan's slavery, you belong to him forever. Gregory knew that; he knew there would be no deal unless they were willing to suffer for their misdeeds". Shawn sighed almost sadly. "And so- as has happened since the dawn of humanity- brother killed brother; Cain killed Abel once again".

  I struggled for words. "He couldn't have-" I thought of Gregory's mangled body, lying pale and mutilated in a pool of sticky congealed blood, his spinal column showing through where his throught should have been. "How did he do it? I saw his body, his throat was ripped out! No human could have done that!"

  "But it wasn't human"