
Not the villain or hero just the original

oofnaut · Fantasy
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????? pov

As I walk down the streets of the city I had one thing on my mind. how the hell do people deal with the sound! I mean like all I hear is, "AHHHHHHH." but some how you here, "..." I just don't get it. as look to my left with irritation clear on my face I see an old man walking the road on a red light and I just break because I know what's next the light suddenly turns green and a dumb, young, idiotic, stupid, retarded person will run out and save the old man and die. after that the old man turns out to be a senior god who felt pity and decided to bring him to another wold! how do I know this well because I am a god and of course I know him the old man really already knew this and is just an asshole who wanted to do something to annoy me or something.

"well not today asshole." I whisper under my breath I snap my fingers and suddenly In front of everyone a panel appears saying, 'hello mortals of this world I am known in your culture as a system. my job is to 'help' you survive what's next because you didn't think that gods ignored you now did they well actually they did for a million years but on track you are now here to witness the 'end of the world. those who survive will go to a new planet those who fail well see ya in hell.' for those who are wondering. yes. yes I did just cause the end of the world because I was angry at a totally different god. well its time to go give a bitch slap to a certain god.





npc pov

what the hell is this, so you see I was working at my shop when I suddenly see this system as its called. as continue looking at system screen it suddenly says, [scanning being known as ____ scan completed showing stat] as it shows.

NAME: ______

bloodline: none

soul: weaker than weak

powers: npc logix

job: npc

rank: NPC

well that's unexpected I thought systems were supposed to make you stronger not point out the obvious. I go to a corner and find it's already taken and go to the next and start crying....

MC pov

[scanning being known as jack. due to bloodline and soul changing name to origin. scan complete. showing stats.]

NAME: origin

title: the first before the gods, system creator

bloodline: originator of all

soul: origin level

powers: creation, destruction, infinite law, reality bender, first of all, rulers will,

job: @(#+2+#-($(*+


[due to being a reincarnation you will now inherit your memories. starting process... 'warning: pain on high scale.]

'huh. well that's not something you see everyday I guess I need more sleep huh.' then the pain came it hit me harder than a god ever could and that's really saying something. anyway once the pain was gone and I regained consciousness I could now remember everything that I was mostly. My name is origin and I am...

I am not a frequent updater so don't expect much of this.

oofnautcreators' thoughts