
Not The Typical Britney Anderson

"Mom, I cant lose her I already lost dad." "I know honey, but we don't have choice" I didn't notice but I started crying. * * * * * * * * * * * Britney is a 17 year old girl that doesn't have it all together like others do. Her dad died when she was fourteen, her identical twin sister is messed up literally. She has to deal with her mom and her sister while going to school. She's basically the one keeping everybody smiling at home, but what about herself? Well the people who keeps her smiling are Noah, Cole, Alexander, Peter and Justin. Yes you are right those are guy names, she’s a one of the guys type of girl, not by choice but by luck. All the guys treat her like a guy but will they always treat her like that? Especially when she learns that she maybe likes someone…. * * * * * * * * * * *

Tino_jean · Teen
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Chapter 23: I’m sorry.

I'm walking towards April's locker with a wide smile, yes you guessed it, I'm happy. Betty's coming today and I'm finally friends with Justin and Alex again, nothing can ruin this day.

"Woah, what's making you smile like that?" April asks me as I stand next to her.

"Nothing." I say while only smiling wider thinking about everything.

"Ohh, did you and Justin kiss?"

"Who and who kissed?" Cole says as he stands next to him, Alex is with him.


"Yeah guys who kissed who?" Alex asks teasingly.

"Nobody," April and I say in unison, that's crazy.


As we start walking to our next class which is English April and Alex are arguing about a soccer game that they saw yesterday.

"They are similar to each other," Cole whispers to me while walking next to me.

"That's so true, they are like twins but like is April is more smarter." I say with a small smile.

"Yeah, she's way more smarter,"