
Not the same anymore

Not only was he betrayed for a sack of food by his family. He was also betrayed by his lover because he could not be of use to him anymore and saw him as a threat. Under the hands of the ones he once loved, he and his best friend died in the crowd of zombies. However that was not the end, not only did he find out that before their death that his best friend loved him for a long time, but also found out that he who was supposed to be dead came back alive half a month before the zombie apocalypse along with his super ability. LOOK OUT EVERYONE FOR FENG FAI IS NOT THE WEAK AND SENTIMENTAL ANYMORE BUT A WHITE LOTUS. DONT EXPECT NOTHING FROM ME AS IM NOT THE SAME ANYMORE. I'll apologize in advance if this story is not that great as this is my first ever written story please support me. Also, let me know what I could fix.

melodylopez8033 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: The White Lotus Unveiled

The luxurious halls of Feng Fai's home exuded an air of grandeur, a stark contrast to the turmoil and devastation that had befallen the outside world. Within these walls, Feng Fai meticulously orchestrated his plans, drawing upon his newfound powers and determination to rise above his past.

As the days wore on, he continued to play the role of the delicate white lotus—the image he had carefully crafted to mask his true strength. To those who had once betrayed him, he presented himself as an amiable and unassuming figure, willing to mend the bonds that had been shattered by deceit. His actions were deliberate, his words chosen with precision, as he wove a web of feigned vulnerability and naivety.

One day, as the sun cast a warm glow through the windows, Feng Fai's plan began to unfold. He had arranged a meeting with Zheng Wei, his best friend and the person he had secretly loved in his previous life. With the charade of fragility intact, he approached Zheng Wei with a request.

"Zheng Wei," Feng Fai began, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability, "I know we've been through so much together, and despite everything, you've always been there for me."

Zheng Wei's expression softened as he looked at Feng Fai, his own emotions evident in his eyes. "Feng Fai, you're like family to me. You know I'll always have your back."

Feng Fai's lips curled into a gentle smile. "I appreciate that more than you know. But I've realized that life is short, and we should cherish the time we have left. I've been trying to rebuild what was lost and make amends with those who hurt me."

Zheng Wei nodded, his gaze unwavering. "That takes a lot of courage."

Feng Fai took a deep breath, summoning his inner strength. "There's something I want to ask of you. I've been working on turning my home into a safe haven, a place where we can escape from the chaos outside, even if just for a little while. Would you come stay with me? It would mean a lot to me."

Zheng Wei's brows furrowed in thought, but the sincerity in Feng Fai's eyes was unmistakable. "You want me to come to your home? To vacation with you?"

Feng Fai nodded, his gaze never wavering from Zheng Wei's. "Yes. I want to mend our friendship and create new memories together. Please, consider it."

Zheng Wei's gaze softened, his resolve seemingly crumbling under Feng Fai's heartfelt plea. "Alright, Feng Fai. I'll come."

A genuine smile spread across Feng Fai's face, a blend of relief and triumph. "Thank you, Zheng Wei. You won't regret it."

As Zheng Wei left, a sense of accomplishment surged through Feng Fai. His plan was in motion, and he knew that having Zheng Wei at his side would be essential for what was to come. With each step he took, he solidified his transformation from a victim of betrayal to a strategist wielding power and purpose.

Days turned into weeks, and the appointed day drew near. Feng Fai's fortress-like home had become a haven of security, his preparations thorough and extensive. But beyond the physical defenses, he had also been cultivating his connection with Zheng Wei, fostering an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie.

When the day finally arrived, and Zheng Wei stood at the entrance of Feng Fai's home, the realization of his actions set in. Zheng Wei couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur around him, the luxury that contrasted with the harsh world outside.

Feng Fai greeted him with a warm smile, his white lotus facade firmly in place. "Welcome, Zheng Wei. I'm so glad you could make it."

Zheng Wei returned the smile, a mix of gratitude and curiosity in his eyes. "Thanks for having me, Feng Fai. This place is incredible."

As they entered the mansion, Feng Fai's heart raced. His plan was set into motion, the pieces falling into place. With Zheng Wei by his side, he felt stronger than ever before, ready to face the impending apocalypse with a determination fueled by a thirst for vengeance and a newfound strength.

Unbeknownst to those who had schemed against him, Feng Fai was no longer the person they had once known. He had evolved, both in abilities and mindset, ready to reclaim his destiny and reshape the world in his own image.