

Ha.. Ha... Ha...

As the sounds of pursuit grew closer, panic gripped my heart, and I knew I had to find a way out. The darkness of the woods seemed to close in around me, and the only sound was the pounding of my own heartbeat in my ears.

I'm tired...

"Ah!" I whimpered as I stumble to a tree trunk that I didn't notice.

I pushed myself up from the ground, the pain in my ankle shooting through me with each step. Every movement felt like a battle against time and fate.

Desperation fueled my actions as I hobbled forward, each step agonizing but necessary. The branches of the trees clawed at my skin, leaving a trail of scratches in my wake.

Tears brimming into my eyes as my mind wanders while I'm still running.

I can't believe they could do that to me.

I trusted them.

The voices of my pursuers echoed through the trees, their cruel laughter slicing through the night air. I knew I couldn't outrun them, but I refused to give up without a fight.

With a surge of determination, I turned to face them, my eyes blazing with defiance. I may be injured and cornered, but I would not go down without a fight.

As they closed in on me, their shadows looming large in the darkness, I braced myself for the inevitable confrontation. But just as they were about to reach me, a sudden rustling in the bushes caught their attention.

A figure emerged from the shadows, a glint of steel in their hand. It was a stranger, a savior in the night, coming to my rescue when all hope seemed lost.

With a swift and decisive movement, the stranger engaged my pursuers, a whirlwind of motion and skill. In the chaos of the moment, I seized the opportunity to escape, limping away as fast as my injured ankle would allow.

I stumbled and fell, the pain searing through me, but I refused to give up. With every ounce of strength I had left, I pushed myself forward, driven by the will to survive.

"Just keep running" I whispered to myself.

And as I reached the dead end, with nowhere left to run, I turned to face my fate with courage and determination. Whatever awaited me, I would meet it head-on, ready to fight for my life until the very end.