
#1 | Alert

A palace guard running to Lunox.....


Guard bows as he informs her about something...

"There's commotion going on the gardens."

Lunox replies. "I shall see it myself."

As she exits the doors, she sees lots of people

with worries all over their faces. Lunox

wonders whats with all of this? What are the people murmuring about? Why are they worried? What are they worrying about?

"What is all of this?"

Lunox calls for the attention of the townsfolk

"Your highness!! Something strange is happening!! The sky is bright but the moon is up!"

Lunox replies "Thats strange. This hasn't happened before, whats going on?!"

A palace guard tells her "Someone would like to tell you about what is all of this your majesty."

"Bring him to me."

Lunox orders the guards to bring forth this said person who knows about this strange happening. But should Lunox believe them? Or not?

The guards approaches Lunox with the person who "knows" about everything thats happening

"Your majesty." He bows

It is a traveller who is said to see the future, he comes from another country far far away from here. He practices magic yet still can't control his clumsiness. He saw all of this happening a few days ago, and since then has never stopped travelling to inform nearby towns.

"What is your name?" Lunox asks,

"I'm Jonathan" He responds

"Jonathan, how do you know all of this stuff?"

Lunox asks.

"I was born with this ability, so I'm basically the son of wizards. But i was said to be the first one with such ability, people say I'm somehow unique, and some even tried to take me away to use my power. So me and my family went to the woods. We hid there for many years, grew up with no one but with my family. But now everything's different. Because one day I've been experiencing numerous nightmares about the end of the universe, I can't remember much, but the last thing i remembered was me getting sucked into a black hole or something, along with the remains of Earth." Jonathan explains.

"I understand, I was born different too." Lunox replies, "So can you try to look at the past?" She adds.

"I-I could try, but it'll take long" Jonathan answers.

"You have all the time you need. Jonathan, you're our only hope, the only hope for us, the world, the universe." Lunox replies.

"Thank you." Jonathan replies.

"You can start when you're ready, don't push yourself if you can't do it now." Lunox advises.

"Its fine, I could try to do it now, for everyone."

Jonathan answers

"Alright, we're ready when you are." Lunox replies

"Alright, I need to focus now." Said Jonathan as he tries to look at what happened in the past. Everything seems normal, peaceful townsfolk, nothing unusual. Jonathan was about to go back until he senses something, far away from the land of dawn, and from earth, he tries to search whats disturbing him. After seeking further into the universe, he sees a planet, with a structure, and dark shadows trying to break in. Jonathan wonders what do they want in there? Who are those shadowy figures. With curiosity, Jonathan seeks whats inside the structure. Jonathan went inside, and saw the place which looks like a shrine, yet looks like its abandoned, but still has guards. Jonathan explores the place and remembers the shadowy figures that were trying to break in, he then keeps on exploring the place. Just as he was about to leave, Jonathan saw a room thats glowing, he quickly goes to the room, he saw the Twilight Crystal, a very important artifact that keeps balance, this crystal was made by Lunox incase if she dies, so that balance will stay, Jonathan wonders what do the shadowy figures want with this?. Suddenly the shadowy figures breaks in and searches for the Twilight Crystal, one of the figures found it, Jonathan secretly seeing everything thats happening, noticed that the figure wanted to break the crystal. Then all the figures got into the room, and broke the Twilight Crystal, then everything went unstable. With a gasp, he then breaks his connection with his mind, and wakes up

"GASP!!" Jonathan gasps as he wakes up with great fear and worry.

Out of curiosity, Lunox quickly ask Jonathan.

"What was it?! Are you ok?! What did you say?!"

"I-I saw something!! So many of them!!!!" Said Jonathan.

"Whats "them"?!" Lunox asks.

"Shadowy figures!!! They were breaking some kind of crystal!!!" Jonathan answers.

"GASP! The Twilight Crystal!" Lunox yells with great fear, then she continues, "H-how is this possible?! That place is guarded!" Said Lunox, then she quickly adds, "But its not highly guarded...."

"That must be the reason why they broke in!!" Said Jonathan

"We need a solution! NOW!!!" Said Lunox

"Can't you fix it your majesty?!" Jonathan asks

"It'll take years to fix a crystal with high power." Lunox answers, then she adds "And based on your theory, it could be that the universe will end in a matter of days..."

The townsfolk heard what Lunox said, and starts to grow fear into their thoughts. Families hugging each other, with some sad, with some even tearing up, some are shivering with great fear.

Lunox, who is also worried, can't stand to see her people, and every living thing in the universe to just disappear like that, she had to think of a way to fix this.

"If only there was a way to travel back through time, then we could try to fight these mysterious shadowy figures. But who would hold such great power?" Lunox wonders.

"Your majesty, I'm sensing someone who holds the power of time. We could get to him, and maybe he could help us!" Jonathan answers.

"Are you sure he can travel through time? Can we even trust him? The fate of the whole universe is in our hands Jonathan." Said Lunox who wasn't that much convinced.

Jonathan tries to convince Lunox about this person.

"Your majesty, we may not know him, but its our only choice. Its either we risk our lives, or let every living thing die." Said Jonathan.

"Fine, I'll do it, hopefully this will all work, for everyone." Said Lunox with a worried tone. Then she quickly adds. "But i have to inform everyone for my absence, for I can't just leave them all worried and no hope on their faces."

"Take your time to make your speech, your majesty" Said Jonathan.

The townsfolk, who are filled with great fear, looks somehow too worried to listen to Lunox. Time is running quickly, and Lunox needs to tell them that she needs to leave the kingdom for a quest. She thought of something that would make the townsfolk listen to her, she thinks of anything that would make the townsfolk focus on her. But then suddenly, after a lot of thinking, Lunox receives an idea to attract the attention of the townsfolk. With all her breath, Lunox screams!


Then suddenly, the townsfolk gasps! They murmur about such a foolish decision. But just as about they were gonna start a riot, Lunox quickly says.

"Just kidding, calm down."

Thats it! She finally got the townsfolks attention! Now Lunox stands right infront of the crowd, with all the palace guards, and Jonathan beside her.

"My people, I know fear struck you quickly when everything is starting to get unusual, especially when a man named Jonathan approaches our kingdom and delivers us a news about the Twlight Crystal, that holds balance to the universe, has been shattered by unknown forces, I myself is also worried, for you, for me, and everything living not only on this land, but also on this universe. So to fix this mess, I will try to go back through time, along with Jonathan, to get to an old Cosmic Shrine and see if I can change the past. It was foolish to keep the Twilight Crystal inside that shrine, thats been there for hundreds of years, its structure must've gotten weaker, hence how these forces broke in. I know you don't want me to leave, but this is for all of you, for your lives, and even for mine. So I have to leave the kingdom, to search for this person who has the power to control time. I know it's impossible, but there's no other choice. I have to do it or else it's the end for all of us."

Lunox hears the townsfolk, who has gotten less fear than awhile ago, talking about her plan, which hopefully could work. Turning to Jonathan, Lunox tells him. "Let's go, take me to this person"

"Understood, your highness. Hop on my chariot, don't worry, it's safe." Said Jonathan

"No offense, but something's smelly." Said Lunox

"Impossible! I had this cleaned last week! What could stink it up this time?!" Jonathan wonders

Just then, Lunox and Jonathan sees where the foul smell is coming from. Lunox tries to approach it, but Jonathan stops her and he implies to go approach it. Jonathan slowly steps close to the foul-smelling thing, as he gets close, he grabs it, and sees nothing but a smelly boot....

"Is that yours?" Lunox asks while giggling a little

"Oh goodness! must be my brother's boot. Terribly sorry your majesty" Jonathan apologizes

"I-It's fine, now lets move! Quick!!" Said Lunox

"We shall await for you your highness!"

"Yes! We shall wait for you to come back!"

"You're our only hope!"

The townsfolk cheers as Lunox and Jonathan leaves the gates outside of the kingdom, into the forest, where they start to move and inform other towns about their plan. They have now started, their journey, to save the universe from danger...