
Not so wonderful after all

How would you feel being left by the two people in the world you loved more than life it's?. Well I can tell you it sucks. And now after 5 long years I'm back in Cathdale having to face them and a whole lot of other problems just to make it through to live another day. Sound fun huh? Hi I'm Lexi Stevens and I'll be your guide with the ups and downs and twists and turns of my life in Cathdale. What's Cathdale you ask? Well I'll tell you. Cathdale is the official name of Wonderland and it's not like in the movie with talking cats or white rabbits. It's dark and dangerous but it's also warm and lovely. And above all else it's a place I swore I'd never see again. " I want you." He says in a low seductive voice, that sends shivers down my spine. I try and push him away he's too close but he catches my hands and pins them up over my head. I'm now trapped against his hard chest and the unyielding wall at my back. This was supposed to be a conversation and now it's turning into something dark and hungry. I look him in his eyes and for a minute I'm thrown back in time when I would have welcome this and him but now I'm older and know better than to believe this man in front of me. I take a deep breath and say, " But I don't want you. " Before I can continue he laughs low and brings his free hand up to cup my chin. He lowers his head a little so his breath is warming my lips and says, " Little lair. You want nothing other than us.

Deborah_Strohm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Vance Asher the Queen of Spades continues.....

Sometime later I'm jerked awake by a loud pricing scream. It's high and full of fear. I'm awake and looking around for the sorce of it, when I feel the small body in my arms start to shake. As I look down I see one of my wife's beautiful blue eyes looking at me with a mixture of fear and loathing. What the actual fuck is this? This is not the reaction I had anticipated waking up to. Before I can think about it any more I feel her small hand push me away from her. She's shaking so bad I'm afraid that she might break. I start to lean down when she says,

" Get out!"

That takes me back. This is not how Lexi has ever reacted to me and it's scaring the shit out of me.

" Baby what's wrong? Are you in pain? I can get Julian to come have a look at you." I say while thinking it has to be the pain and shock of her injuries that has her reacting like this. I still feel her pushing me and I tighten my hold on her. I need her to stop this or she might hurt herself more than she already is. If she keeps this up she's going to do more damage and I can't let her. I'm her daddy and part of that is to keep her safe even if it's from herself. With that thought I roll her over to her back and cage her in. She always responded well to restrained submission. But instead of going lax and soft under me she tense up more and starts to scream at the top of her lungs. I'm so shocked and it shows on my face.

"Shhh, shhhhh babygirl it's ok your safe. Nothing is ever going to hurt you again daddy's here. "

I say. And repeat it a couple more times before she stops her screaming but instead of crying and clinging to me like she should, she starts to laugh and it's a mocking sound that's not at all like her light musical one I love. This is dark and full of hurt, fear and loathing. What has happened to my wife?

" Safe, I'm safe with you. What a fucking joke! Get off of me!"

She says with a mocking twist to her lips. I see her wince from the pain but other than that she shows no signs of pain. Right then and there I have a sick realization that this is not my sweet sheltered little wife. Right now I'm truly at a loss as to how I proceed with her.

" Lexi baby your hurt but don't push me to far. My patience is at an end and you best to do is to remember that."

I warn her. I know it's a dick move but I honestly don't know how to get through to her any other way. My emotions are running to hot right now and I don't want her to push me to were we both would regret it.

" Fine. Whatever. Just get off of me that's all I'm asking for right now. Can you do that, Your Majesty." She says.

I'm taken back by how formally she's being. What has happened to her?

" Ok baby." I say as I slowly roll off of her.

I notice she starts to relax when there is some space between us and it starts to break my heart. Lexi has never wanted space between us before. All my intuition tells me that something is very wrong here and not just the beating she took but to our bond. I realize right then I can't feel her emotions at all. And that shocks me. This is not good. We are a bonded pair her emotions and thoughts should be clear to me but there not. It's like she's not there at all.

" Thank you. Could you now please get off the bed?" She asks and I notice she's not looking at me anymore. Her voice has gone flat with no emotions in it. I debate giving her that but in the end with her like this I can't do anything else but give in to her request.

"Baby talk to me. Tell me how this happened and who did this to you? Where have you been for the last 5 years? We have been so worried about you." I can't help myself the questions come out before I can think better of it. I need to know the answers and I also need to know how to fix this between us. We won't survive if we can't get through to her.

She looks up at me and I flinch at the dead look in her eye. Her other eye is swollen shut, most of her small face is swollen and covered in nasty bruises it makes my stomach churn just looking at it.

" Mr. Asher I find your questions to be foolish and just down right stupid. Now if you'll be so kind you can take your shit and leave." Her voice is dead and hold no emotions at all. But before I can respond she adds,

" And do me the favor of not coming back. Ever. I don't want to see you or your brother near me again." She pauses for a moment and I'm shocked. Before I can respond again she goes on,

" Do I make myself clear?" Now the shock is starting to wear off and I'm just dumbfounded. Lexi has never said something like this before. She never has acted like this either. And I'm at a lost of what to do.