
Not so wonderful after all

How would you feel being left by the two people in the world you loved more than life it's?. Well I can tell you it sucks. And now after 5 long years I'm back in Cathdale having to face them and a whole lot of other problems just to make it through to live another day. Sound fun huh? Hi I'm Lexi Stevens and I'll be your guide with the ups and downs and twists and turns of my life in Cathdale. What's Cathdale you ask? Well I'll tell you. Cathdale is the official name of Wonderland and it's not like in the movie with talking cats or white rabbits. It's dark and dangerous but it's also warm and lovely. And above all else it's a place I swore I'd never see again. " I want you." He says in a low seductive voice, that sends shivers down my spine. I try and push him away he's too close but he catches my hands and pins them up over my head. I'm now trapped against his hard chest and the unyielding wall at my back. This was supposed to be a conversation and now it's turning into something dark and hungry. I look him in his eyes and for a minute I'm thrown back in time when I would have welcome this and him but now I'm older and know better than to believe this man in front of me. I take a deep breath and say, " But I don't want you. " Before I can continue he laughs low and brings his free hand up to cup my chin. He lowers his head a little so his breath is warming my lips and says, " Little lair. You want nothing other than us.

Deborah_Strohm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Um Maybe I went to Far?

Voughn stands in the door and takes in the room and I can tell he's not liking what he's seeing. I swallow the lump that has lodged in my throat and wait for the shit to hit the fan. Yup, Julian's efforts to save my life will have been in vain because the look in Voughn's eyes tell me I'm as good as dead.

" I asked a question and I expected an answer from someone." Voughn says it very cold but with the up most authority in his voice.

I shiver again and wait to see who will answer him because there's no way in hell I'm answering that question. It's a trap and I'm not stupid enough to step into it. Vance sighs and turns to his brother and says,

" There's a issue with Lexi. It seems like she has had some damage done to her brain because she's refusing to let Julian exam her and she's tried to kick me out of the room. She's already kicked me out of the bed."

Voughn looks shocked for a moment and then turns to Julian and says,

" Jules can you give us a few minutes with our wife. It's seems like we need to discuss a few things with her and I'd like some privacy for it."

Julian looks at me and then turns back to Voughn and answers,

" Sure I'll be in my office when your finished but just remember to keep her calm and no spanking. Her body can't take it right now."

With that Julian walks out the door and closes it behind him. He left me with them. Is all I can think. I feel myself start to shake but I keep my eyes on them. I notice Vance runs his hand through his black hair. Ah so I've flustered him, good to know.

Voughn looks at me and sighs. Oh boy hear it comes there is just the three of us and no more need to put on a show for everyone. This is not going to do so well for me. Maybe I should have acted with Vance and not put up a fight. I just didn't have it in me to act, I still don't.

"Princess, what of the actual fuck has gotten into you?" Before I can answer Voughn just goes on with,

"You have got to be kidding me right? The first thing you do when you wake up is to push Vance to the point of punishing you. Have you lost your ever loving mind?" He takes a breath and goes right back to his little speech. Oh yay me, how lucky can a girl get.

"You have been gone 5 years, Lexi and then you show up beaten to hell. You almost died on us and then you wake up and start fighting with Vance and then Julian. Where is your consideration, Julian spent the better part of the night saving you and how do you repay him, by trying to walk out of the medical wing and refusing to let him exam you. Your not in any shape to be up and moving much less trying to leave here. So tell me what's going on in that mind of your?"

I wait for a few minutes, all the while they're both looking at me expecting an answer. I'm debating with myself to give them it when it occurs to me that they both know the answers to the questions they're asking. Hell they started this 5 years ago.

" We're waiting Lexi. You need to start talking. " Voughn says.

" Why?" Is all I say.

" Why? What?" Vance looks stumped when he asks this.

"Why should I have to explain when you both have all the answers to your questions. The only question I have is why did you let Julian say my life when your the ones who sent Zach to kill me in the first place." I don't expect them to answer but I didn't expect them to look so dumbfounded either.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Lexi?" They both ask me at the same time. Are they kidding me right now?

Ugh. If they expect me to believe that they know nothing about this then they both are dumber than they look.

"Fine whatever. I actually don't care. But this is how it's going to work from now on, you two will leave me alone. I don't know you and I'm not your concern anymore. You'll go about your life and let me go about mine. I understand you have a girlfriend and want to marry her. That's fine with me. We'll just act like our relationship and marriage never took place. But I'm telling you this now, I don't want to see either of you again. As far as I'm concerned you're both dead to me. Have you got that?" I was proud of myself for my little speech and now that I've seen them, smelled them and looked at them my heart completely broke and all I wanted to do was to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out but I won't do it in front of them.

They both look shocked. Voughn is looking at me like he has never seen me before. And Vance just looks like I gutted him. Why? Did they both except me to willing go back to the way things were before they sent Zach to kill me. WTF.

Vance recovers first and turns to Voughn and says,

"See, what did I tell you. Lexi is not herself and I'm at a loss of what to do with this."

Oh shit, I totally forgot that they can read and speak to each other with only using their minds. Ugh. How could I have forgotten something like that? So all this time I've been with Vance he's been connected with Voughn, so Voughn knows everything. Just great. That's so not playing fair.

"It's ok Vance she's just a little confused. She's in pain and we need to give her some time to trust we can protect her again. " Voughn explains to his brother and all I can think is, is he fucking kidding me. What bullshit is this.

"Lexi, baby it's all right your safe here with us. But you have to stop this so we can protect you. You have to let us back in." As Voughn is saying this he moves closer to me and before I know it he's reaching down to grab ahold of my chin. I try to slap is hand away but like magic Vance grabs both of my hands and pins them above my head which forces me to lay down. With me flat on my back with my hands pinned down by one man, Voughn takes this opportunity to lay above me so I'm looking into his eyes.

His eyes start to swirl and I can feel his magic starting to build up and before I can get caught up in it I close my eyes and turn my head away from him. I hear and feel him sigh. His breath moves against my ear as he whispers into it,

" I really wish you hadn't down that baby. Your just making it harder on yourself. You know you belong to us but yet your fighting it and that's hurting all of us. I can't allow this anymore baby. Just calm down and listen to me. You belong to us and with us. Your ours and nothing is going to change that. Now turn your head and look at me. Let's make this as easy as possible. "

Oh fuck. He thinks I'll cave and give in to him. This is so much worse than I thought. I know if I do as he's telling me to I'll be lost. Voughn and Vance can make anyone do anything with just a look and a little mental push. And right now it looks like they want back into my mind. They want the bond to form again. Well I'll fight them first. With that in mind I stop thinking and go wild. I try to buck Voughn off me as I'm trying to pull my hand out of Vance grib. As I'm twisting I hear one of them yell for Julian and then I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and I feel something warm start to leak out. Oh fucking great I'm bleeding with a bunch of Vampires around is my last thought before I hear,

"Hold her down. Don't let her move. "

Then I feel a needle pinch through my skin and then my world slowly fades to black. Right before I go unconscious I hear Voughn say,

"It'll be fine baby just get some more rest. You'll be more your self when you wake up."

And like magic I go under and I know I've pushed it too far.