
Not so wonderful after all

How would you feel being left by the two people in the world you loved more than life it's?. Well I can tell you it sucks. And now after 5 long years I'm back in Cathdale having to face them and a whole lot of other problems just to make it through to live another day. Sound fun huh? Hi I'm Lexi Stevens and I'll be your guide with the ups and downs and twists and turns of my life in Cathdale. What's Cathdale you ask? Well I'll tell you. Cathdale is the official name of Wonderland and it's not like in the movie with talking cats or white rabbits. It's dark and dangerous but it's also warm and lovely. And above all else it's a place I swore I'd never see again. " I want you." He says in a low seductive voice, that sends shivers down my spine. I try and push him away he's too close but he catches my hands and pins them up over my head. I'm now trapped against his hard chest and the unyielding wall at my back. This was supposed to be a conversation and now it's turning into something dark and hungry. I look him in his eyes and for a minute I'm thrown back in time when I would have welcome this and him but now I'm older and know better than to believe this man in front of me. I take a deep breath and say, " But I don't want you. " Before I can continue he laughs low and brings his free hand up to cup my chin. He lowers his head a little so his breath is warming my lips and says, " Little lair. You want nothing other than us.

Deborah_Strohm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Cross Roads.......Which way to go?

I know I'm laying on a bed and I know where I am but the question is do I let on that I'm awake or do I pretend to still be asleep? That's the question. After everything I'm just worn out. I don't have the energy to fight them right now and I know it will be a fight if I open my eyes. So that's why I'm just laying here with my eyes closed but fully awake. Ugh why? WHY, WHY, WHY is all I can think. Why did I have to come here in the first place? Why did I have to meet them? Why did I ever fall for them? Why did I have to come back? And above all why did they ever want to reestablish our bond when they have tried to kill me on many of occasions?

  See I'm in a loop of why's with no answers and no way of finding out now because if I interact with them now that they have established a new blood bond it will only strengthen and I want it to weaken. 

I hear the door open a shut and heavy footfalls coming to the bed. Staying relaxed and not tensing is the key to faking being asleep. I keep telling myself.  But then I feel a dip in the bed next to me and a second later I hear something hitting the floor and then a body is laying next to me pulling me gently into warm and strong arms.

Now there's a new question running around in my head should I pull away or just stay here and wait. But before I can answer that question I hear and feel him talking to me.

" I know your awake princess." Voughn says into my ear.

Ugh, just fucking great.

" Hmmm, don't get all riled up. Let's just stay like this. You in my bed and in my arms where you belong. Just pretended it's just us there's no outside world it's just us in this room. What do you say?"  He whispers it into my ear so sweetly and with such affection that I nearly fall for it.

"How about no. Let's just forget about this right now and have you get up and leave and never look back. How about that one, Your Majesty.?"  I say to Voughn and I can hear the venom in my own voice there's no way he's missing that one. The sigh he let's out tells me that in fact no he didn't miss it.

"Princess just stop. We both know you won't win so just stop." Voughn said with another tired sigh.

"Why? Why do you always assume I'll loose?" I ask with a frustrated sigh.

Voughn's laugh is low and full of humor when he answers, " Because you don't want to win sweetheart. We all know you still are in love with us." He pauses to gently turn me over so I'm laying on my back and looking up at him. He's eyes are full of emotions that have me drowning in them. I know better and try to pull out of his stare but once caught in Voughn's gaze there's no coming out until he releases you and we both know we won't do that.

He then slowly starts to lower his head to mine, I'm desperate for this to stop but I can do nothing nor even move my fingers.

"There you are." He whispers to me as his lips touch mine. The feel and the smell and the since of comfort come to me all at once. With these feelings overwhelming I give in to the kiss and sumit to Voughn.

Just this once through....