
Chapter 1: The beginning

What does it mean to be a superhero? An answer that I also wanted to find. Our world had several superheroes in the past. Their stories we read in our history books. But for last hundred or two, there was no heavily powered superhero. So, tales of the superheroes have become a kind of myth. There are not many people who have power. Even those who have some powers are not that very significant. Normally people hide their powers so that they can fit in the society and live normally. So, the answer to that question wasn't something I expected to find.

Okay, let me tell you about myself first. My name is Sayantan Dutta. I live in a town called Kalsi. It's a pretty big town, though not that huge. I live with my parents and an elder sister. Her name is Titas. She is studying in a university and I just started my final year of high school. She and I are very close. I just turned 17 last September.

It's been eight months since that day when I first discovered my power. I discovered I can run at super speed. At first, I was scared. I just couldn't understand what was happening to me. Titus has been helping me since then. Having discovered the power, I decided to help people in who are in trouble. Since then I have helped plenty of people.

I am using a mask to hide my identity. Media has gone crazy since I started. They have started me calling me Speedy, a name I reluctantly accepted. I mean, come on, couldn't they have given me a better name?

It is fun to wear that mask and saving people. When afterwards I see the news on the TV and people thank me for saving their lives I feel that I have done some good in the world.

Well, my story starts on the day when it was two months since the final year of high school started. As usual, I was returning from college with my friend Nandini. I can't use my speed while she is with me, though I think sometimes she suspects me.

Nandini is my friend since elementary school. We have decided to go to the same college in same subject honours as we both have the same subject our favourite. Generally, I am the one who talks less and she is the one who is a blabbermouth (don't tell her I said that). She is the same age as me.

We were talking about what happened in the class today suddenly she decided to change the topic and asked, "Sayan, what do you think about Speedy?"

I didn't expect to hear the question so I gulped and answered, "I guess he is pretty cool, saving all those people." She directly looked me in the eye and said, "Hmm I also think so, but he is kinda weird."

"And what made you think so?" I asked, getting a little flustered. She continued, "Look at all those saves, he never stops afterwards to hear the praise. If I were in his place I would have certainly enjoyed all the attention."

"Maybe he doesn't like the attention. Maybe he is an introvert who doesn't like to talk much." I started to defend myself automatically.

"You mean like you?" She stressed the last word.

"No, no, obviously not. H-he is way different than me." I stuttered.

Her face turned into an evil grin and said, "So why are you getting all nervous and defending him?"

"I-It's not like that. I am just saying, you know." I said, still flustered

"I think you are him."

Shit, she cornered me. I have to think some excuse fast.

"Don't be ridiculous. Obviously, I am not him."

She suddenly burst into laughter. I blinked. What the hell is happening here?

"Oh my, it's so easy to tease you. Every time I mention him you get all defensive. What are you, some fanboy?"

I said nothing, I know my face is all red.

"Relax, there is no way you can be him. I mean you can't even beat me in a race." She smirked.

"What? I have beaten you in a race." I said, still red-faced.


"When? Umm… ah…." I struggled to remember. Seriously, when did I beat her before? I started to scratch my head.

"Don't stress your head. There is none." She said with that evil grin of hers.

I opened my mouth to argue but got stopped by Nandini. She pointed her finger toward something and said, "Hey look at the news." Looking towards the direction of her finger I realised we have reached the TV selling shop near her house. A news channel was broadcasting in the several TVs.

The reporter was reporting in front of some big building which was apparently engulfed in a big fire. Nandini suddenly gasped, "Oh my god. It's the Officers Guild building. My friend's father works there.

"Which friend?" I asked, puzzled.

"Rittika. You know, my neighbour." I looked at the TV. The fire seemed to look dangerous. I have to go there immediately.

"Nandini, go ahead without me. I have some work to do." I said. "What work?" she asked, looking surprised.

"Mom asked me to pick some grocery after school. I just remembered."

"Oh, okay then." She said, suddenly looking gloomy.

"I will text you in the evening," I said as I started running (in normal speed obviously).

As soon as I was out of her visual range, I checked if someone was watching me. Making sure no one was noticing me I picked out the mask from my bag and put it on. I don't have a suit yet. I started to run towards the building.

Oh, what a feeling. Running at that speed and the feeling of gushing air on my hair. As the mask does not fully cover my face so I am still able to feel the air. Everyone was so slow like someone paused a video game and I am passing through that video game. Everything is going backwards.

I reached the Officers Guild building as it was near to the place I was. Upon reaching there, I saw the same disturbing scene which I saw earlier on the TV.