
Not So Perfect Life

Life should be easy but why is it hard for me? We’re broken family. There are a lot of family issues. I’m not with my siblings. My grandma is blaming me of what happen to my parents. My mother was missing. My father is a drug user. I’ve been abused, I got nothing but myself. I want to end this…Now

love_elysiann · Teen
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4 Chs


Isa has been waiting for the results of her admission to MAPUA. Every time her phone ring a notification, she immediately checks it. She's too excited and entering MAPUA. It is one of the biggest schools in the Philippines and she's lucky enough that they offer a Bachelor's degree in Interior Designing. She was also planning at entering a scholarship so that she wouldn't feel guilty for her Aunt for paying so many fees.

"Honey chill, don't be paranoid. They will send you an email, just chill." Tierra said to Isa because she can't stop checking at her phone.

"School starts in 2 weeks. They should've had sent me at least."

Tierra just shook her head to Isa who has been paranoid over an email.

"Don't make fun of me. I just wanted to know if I got in or not." Isa said because she saw Tierra giggling.

"I'm not making fun of you. You're just so cute. That's why." Tierra explained herself.

"Wait! I got an email." Isa said excitedly. She just received a notification of her email.

"What? Is it the school?"

"I don't know, I haven't opened it yet."

"Open it," Tierra said and Isa opens the App.

"It's MAPUA. I think I won the deal." Isa said confidently.

"Shhh! Just open the email."

Isa opens the email. Then silence took over the place.

Dear Ms. Fernandez,

Thank you for showing interest in Mapua University. The admission committee has given careful consideration to your application.

The Committee regrets to inform you that we are unable to offer you a place in our first-year class. You have been a competitive applicant, however…

Isa didn't finish reading the email. She was so disappointed in herself that she didn't get in.

"It's okay honey. We still have Enderun to look at." Tierra was trying to cheer up Isa. But it seems like it's not working.

"Enderun is a prestigious school. It is for sure that I didn't get admitted there as well. They wouldn't let a student from public school enter their Campus." Isa said while crying.

Tierra didn't say anything she just hugs Isa and let her cry.

2 days have passed, Isa is still upset. She was trying to look for another school and hoping that they still accept late admission.

She checks her phone to see if any of those schools that she applied to reply to her. As she was scrolling, she notices an email from Enderun two days ago. Same day as Mapua sent her an email, it's just that Enderun sent theirs at 3 in the afternoon.

She's nervous about opening that email. But she composes herself and open it, expecting that she got rejected too.

Dear Ms. Fernandez,

This is an acknowledgment of your application to the Bachelor's Degree Program at Enderun Colleges. We have reviewed your application and all the supporting documents. We are happy to inform you of your acceptance to our prestigious program.

We hereby confirm your application to the program. Our semester begins on the 12th of July.

Welcome to our college, and we look forward to having you.


Mr. Steven Rodrigo

Head Administrator

"WHAT?! Is this real?" Isa read the email again and she can't believe that she got admitted to Enderun.

Tierra got home from work. She saw at the dining table looked confused. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked. Isa didn't answer so she looks at what Isa's looking at on her phone. "Wait? What? Is that an email from Enderun?" She took the phone from Isa and read the email.

Isa was still in shock that she got admitted at Enderun.

"What the heck! You got in! Whooo!" Tierra said happily and hug her. But Isa was still confused. She doesn't even know how she got admitted to such a prestigious school. " You should be happy, honey," Tierra said.

"I am. I was just confused how the heck I got in." Isa said and took a glass of water.

"Maybe because they saw something from you?"

"What? I have nothing. All I had was this Major Depressive Disorder." Isa sarcastically said.

"You have a lot of things, honey. You just need to look and appreciate it again. Besides, maybe Enderun change everything."

"But I'm scared. I'm scared that they will judge me and look down at me because I am nothing. I'm scared that I will be an outcast. I'm scared that maybe people might think that I just wanted to look cool and look rich. I'm scared that everyone tells me that I am just using you to have a great life." Isa burst out. Those are her reasons why she doesn't want to enter Enderun. She's so scared of herself and of other people. She's scared to make a mistake that soon Tierra will leave her too.

"Isa, I don't care about what people say. I don't care if they thought that you are using me. I know for sure that you're not, because you are not like that. Besides, this is my decision. I want you here to be with me. I want you to live your life without fear. I want you to believe in yourself like how I believe in you. At the very beginning, I know that you can make it to Enderun because I believe in you. I believe that you have something more in here…" She said and point at her heart. "Just believe in yourself and don't let others ruin you again. Don't be afraid to face other people. Face them with confidence. Everyone is equal, they also have their imperfections. You don't have to compare yourself to them because you are uniquely you. You are Margaux Isabelle Fernandez and no one will never be like you." Isa's face lit up after hearing those things from Tierra. She didn't hear those things from anyone. She always got a judgment from people and that's how she lives her life for 4 years. Then now, she's healing and has a great support system from Tierra and it is enough for her to get through this.

Days have been passed, it's already Isa's first day at Enderun. She's now preparing for school. While Tierra was preparing her breakfast.

"Breakfast is ready," Tierra said.

The two of them had a peaceful breakfast. But Isa might not know that Tierra has something for her.

"Is everything fine now? Your keys? Phone? Wallet?" Tierra asked.

"Yeah, I have everything."

"Your money?"

"I just bring 1000. 2000 was too much."

"Fine, just keep 'em"

They are now heading to the parking and Tierra was nervous about the surprise that she has for Isa.

Tierra hop in her car and locked the door as fast as she could.

"What are you doing? Unlocked it." Isa said irritated.

Tierra turns the engine on and opens the window where Isa is.

"Here!" She said and throw the car key at Isa. "That car." She pointed the car to her right. "Bye!" She said and left Isa there confused.

"What the heck is this?" Isa spoke to herself. She looks at the key, then the car, and to the key. She presses the key if it is real. Her eyes widened when the car light up. "What the?! This can't be real, and she really chooses this car? Really Tierra? I really don't even know if you're still my aunt." She continues talking to herself while checking the car. "Audi R8 for real? Is this allowed at school? If I get in trouble I swear to God!"

Isa has no choice but to use the car. Luckily She took a driving lesson and practice her car racing skills while she's still in process psychotherapy.

She just parks her car at Venice Grand Canal to avoid so much attention and walk for 5 minutes to Enderun. She went to the admissions office first then go to her designated classroom.

The Professor wasn't there yet but there are already few students there just talking to each other. She just walks ahead to the chair in the third row beside the window and her earphones in while waiting for the Professor.

She was staring outside the window and trying to look calm. But her head has a lot of thoughts especially on how she'll introduce herself without embarrassing herself. Then she remembers what her Aunt Tierra told her that she just needs to be confident and be herself. Don't think of what others will think about her. Just go on and let them be.

Their professor finally came. "Good morning everyone. Welcome to your first year of college. So shall we move on? The usual, introduce yourself in front, but with a twist. You have to tell us your flaws, insecurities, or imperfection. And tell me how you look at it, in a positive way."

Everyone's doing great introducing their selves. Until her turn comes, She immediately got nervous. But she has to compose herself and look tough. She took a deep breath and speak, "Good Morning, I'm Margaux Isabelle Fernandez. You can call me Margaux…"