

Soon I got the flu no I was sick and zac made me feel better. After when I was sick I haven't seen him in a long time but I couldn't call him because I didn't have his number and I was too nervous to ask my mom to drive it to my house so I just played some board games with my family watch TV. I thought that maybe he got sick from trying to take care of me which I feel bad for we are on spring break. And I couldn't go to school to go check on him if he was there. I went to the store and I got him a get well card and balloon in case he got sick. So I asked mom to drive me to his house I told her the address and then she started driving I put all the stuff in the back trunk. I walked up to his house and knocked on the door. Nobody answered but I saw the lights on and I saw zac walking to the kitchen and getting some ice cream there was two bowls I just thought it was him and his dad. I knocked on the door again because I knew they were there. I heard zac talking to someone he was telling them to hide but I didn't think of anything of it. zac answered the door and he Saw me. I asked if anyone was home and he said "no nobody is home. Just me" I asked him about the two bowls of ice cream and he asked me if I was spying on him I just told him that I saw him through the window because the lights were on and he didn't answer the door first. He said he just eats two bowls of ice cream every day I don't believe that he's too skinny in two bowls of ice cream. But I just went with it. What's in the back I saw a girl walking to the kitchen she said "I'm gonna get some water OK" I asked zac Who she was any close the door. I saw him pushing the lady into the bathroom or some room and then answer the door again. He said he had to go he didn't want his ice cream to melt so they close the door. Pretended to leave because he was watching me through the window and as soon as I saw him left I went to the back of the building and I was peeking through the window to see if I could see anything unusual. When I peaked they almost saw me and I saw that girl come out of the room and I sat together on the couch and zacs I am went around her they started eating ice cream and then they watch the movie that I watched with him. Play pause the movie and then I started to stand up. And then I hugged each other. I thought it was just them being friends because friends hug, but then they kissed. Friends don't do that girlfriend and boyfriend do that. I knocked on the door and zac and third I saw the girl in the back and I asked him " why did you kiss her" he said" what do you mean I thought you were gone" and then I said " no I saw that girl and I was really wondering where she was so when you left I snapped the back of your house and looked at the window I saw everything that you did you kissed you hugged her you were even eating ice cream together and watching the movie that me and you watched" I started to cry and then I just ran it was a long run home but I ran to my room and I started crying and then my mom knocked on the door and she asked me if I was OK. I told her I wasn't OK and she asked to come in so I let her come in. I told her that I saw zac kissing another girl at his house. So it turns out That he isn't sick I went to the store and I returned all the stuff and the worker man asked me why am I returning it I told him "I thought I needed it but it turns out my boyfriend was just hanging out with another girl" and then I left. I really thought he was the perfect boy but I guess not.