1 Chapter 1

Octavia walked down the street to her house, she hated home, she hated her house, and she hated her father. Her father, Michael, was very abusive, he would smack her, punch her, kick her, he even sometimes cut her, luckily for her he never attempted to do anything sexual to her. She had her head down as she walked up the stairs to her house, all the abuse started when she was 12, her dad was drunk one night and she hit her, she shrugged it off knowing he was drunk, but then it became a recurring thing, and sometimes he wasn't even drunk.

As she opened the door to the house she was met with silence, she slowly and cautiously walked into the house closing the door behind her. She walked to her room quietly hoping her dad was sleeping, "Where do you think your going?" a deep voice asked behind her.

Octavia stopped, her heart immediately started beating faster. "Nowhere." she answered slowly turning to face her father, "Nowhere huh. Why are you sneaking around?" he asked, Octavia didn't answer. "You trying to get away from me huh." he exclaimed, Octavia fully turned around and as soon as she did she was met with a punch to her face causing her to fall to the ground, and that was the last thing that she remembers.

Octavia's eyes shot open as she jumped up, she panted hard as she looked around. The house was quiet, really quiet, she stood up and turned around, what she was met with made her sick. Her father's body was beaten up and blood was all over, she stepped forward just a little when she stopped, she looked at her hands. Octavia's eyes widened, "AHHHHH!" she screamed so loud the neighbors heard, she stared at her blood stained hands, then she saw her clothes that were covered in blood causing her to scream again.

About 15 minutes later she heard police sirens, "Its the police open up please." she heard a knock on her door. Her body moved by itself as she immediately ran to the door quickly opening it, "Mam" one of the officers started but stopped when he saw Octavia, "Miss what happened?" the officer asked. Something in her had the answer already and she spoke, "My...my..dad hit me..and I..I fought back." she exclaimed, the officer looked at her face and saw her darkened cheek where her dad punched her. "Alright mam come outside please." the officer exclaimed moving aside so she could get out the house, he then spoke into his speaker, "Get a ambulance over here please." he exclaimed and walked into the house.

Octavia sat in a chair at the police station, she was shaking as she looked at the ground trying believe what she actually did wasn't real. "Mam come with me please." an officer walked up to her, she got up and followed the cop to the front of the station, as she walked she saw the one person she didn't know she needed right now, "Mom" she exclaimed hugging her mom tightly letting tears roll down her face. "Mam your daughter killed her father defending herself. From what she told us he has been abusing her for four years." the officer exclaimed, her mom's eyes widened, "Did you know anything about this?" he asked her mother, "No..I'm not even allowed to see her anymore." her mom, Janelle, by the way answered. "Well we just need you to sign this and she's you responsibility now." the officer handed her a paper that she signed.

Octavia followed her mom to her car, "Why didn't you say something to me?" her mom asked stopping and turning around, "Because he would find out and hurt me." Octavia's voice was shaky, "Then why didn't you try the police?" her mom asked, she stayed quiet. "Aww honey, I'm so sorry." her mom hugged her and she cried again, "Let's go home okay." she got in the car and they drove home.

She got out the car and looked at her mom's house, it was bigger than her house before, "Do you like it?" she was asked, "Yeah" she couldn't help but smile a little. "There's that smile is miss." her mom smiled causing her to smile bigger, "I missed you so much." her mom hugged her again, "Me too." she exclaimed hugging back tightly.
