
not really good with book names sorry

There was once a Legendary monster who was outcast unjustly for being too powerful. They tried to kill him at birth but failed and he escaped. His father saved him and took him away. His father betrayed him and tried to control him because he thought that he was crazy. They were told to kill and did what they were told. He was raised to become a monster and none could stop him he was number #1 He had been born in the era of physical might and as a result of his physical stats being as high as they were from birth he was basically invincible even if someone had managed to hit him with a Dragon crafted weapon there would be no damage his physical might at birth was just too great and weapons had zero affect on him even the strongest warrior paled in comparrison and even with the strongest weapon even they would fail to inflict any damage upon him. This was his birth stats and each and every single one of these physical stats were at that level. When they tried to kill him they did so using posion it was the only real method. He had a unique abillity as well it was the abillity to steal the power of any defeated enemy and add it to his own. As a result every battle made him stronger. However at the age of 6 years old they were introduced to magic. The very first Demon Lord had been born and to rival it humanity had been blessed with magic and the Hero summoning. The Demon Lord paled in comparison to the monster. However even after using his unique abillity the monster was never really able to use magic but instead that magical power enhanced them in magical resistences.

Goke_black · Fantasy
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11 Chs


The world had also started to profit from elementals and they were known to catch a nice price on the black market. As a result his father made him fight the elementals and earn that price on the black market for his father. Spirtual arts was also brought into this world at the time along with soul arts and other such things and so his father made him fight them all and earn all that money for the black market and than to take it over once more just to sell once more again and again in an endless loop. At the age of 14 he was already unstoppable and all of his resitences to magic elemental attacks spirtual attacks and everything else was at the height of his phyiscal stats he was attacked. His father was being hunted down by the worlds powers. As a result every nation in the world united to take down the father who was hiding behind his son. They had thousands of magic casters of each level and each element the same with every thing else it was a combined force of 400 million agaisnt two. However the father did not join the battle but instead watched as his son fought. They tried to overwhelm him with sheer numbers but that only made him stronger they tried to overwhelm him with sheer power but his sheer power overwhelmed them instead. However it eventually came down to the last man standing to finally defeat the monster. However that man was not enough to finish the job and the son claimed victory that day. His father smirked and said "Good job my son together no one can stop us we are invincible"