
Not Quite Enough

Not Quite Ready is a world building novel. Jemman doesn’t always win, she isn’t always right and she certainly isn’t always the best. Despite her youth and poor start, watch her become something great. Not Quite Ready is not a typical romance. Jemman is not trying to win a man. Yet, despite this she is what many men want and more men need. A woman who is able to love deeply but always walk her own path.

Ancient_Koala · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Perfectly Crazy

That evening Jardin and Jemman sat down to discuss her "cultivation options". Jardin was kind of cute as he put on a pair of reading glasses. He read what looked like a checklist. So, of course, Jemman asked him, "Are you really working through some sort of list?"

"Of course, some things really need to be decided systematically. I've been preparing this for you over the last few months based on your strengths and weaknesses, and perceived requirements in the future. However, before I start, I have a few questions."

He looked so serious that Jemman began to giggle. It didn't help that she compared his approach to her favourite eastern fantasies and that instead of fighting her way into a library and battling strange spiritual forces she was being questioned by a wolof in glasses. After she finally calmed down he began, "If you were at a party and someone wanted to offer you a drink, how likely would you be to accept it?"

"No way," Jemman said to herself "It's a personality test!"

Of course she started laughing again. "I'm eight years old Jardin, I'm way to young to drink. Of course I'd say no."

She then spent the next hour messing with him.

Eventually he gave up. When he was finished Jemman looked over at him. "Just messing with you Jardin. I'm basically shy but get my energy from people around me. I'm very confident in who I am and what I think but with solid reasoning I will change my mind. I like an even balance of physical exercise and contemplation. I want the best cultivation system for the long run. The best foundation possible, even if it is the most work. Finally, I would like to cultivate both body and soul techniques, and a martial art. I can't afford to be weak."

When she'd finished he asked a few other questions before saying, "I'll start you on a body refining regime in three days. It'll take me three days to get the materials. I suggest you use the Phoenix Core method for cultivating. If you do you'll need to be accepted into the Fire Rebirth sect. I have three levels of cultivation techniques for the Phoenix. There is some possibility of getting a Phoenix bloodline although you'd need to become an inner disciple of their sect. Here's a document I've prepared that gives you the benefits and what might be some weaknesses with this cultivation technique.

"It's not as powerful as some other cultivation methods when you need attacking energy but the restorative rate is excellent. Defensiveness is high and attack is quite high. Perhaps eight out of ten, unless your opponent is strong against fire."

Over the next twenty minutes he went through six different techniques of cultivating with her. Vermillion bird, white tiger, black turtle, as well as ones involving yin energy. His synopsis on that was pretty funny. "Actually I think you're too blokey to use yin methods you know, too much yang. Even though you're still a little girl." His voice faded out towards the end as he realised his comment might come across as rude.

"That's alright. I'm not really that interested in a yin approach. Only thing is...", and for the first time in a long time a Jemman began to cry with tears of frustration, "it's not supposed to be so boring. You don't choose your method with a board and pen and reading glasses. Where is the passion? How does his impact my soul? Too much yang? You've got to be kidding me?"

For the first time that night Jardin actually looked at her and smiled. "I am kidding."

"The last option and only option for you is so ridiculously impossible that only a crazy human like you would go for it. Cultivate them all. Pheonix, Black Turtle, White Tiger, Azure Dragon. You will need to get a bloodline from each, the purer the better. And to top it all off I only have the first stage of a dragon cultivation method. You'll need the next stage of it, somehow, before you open your eighth meridian. It will be a crazy amount of work and unless you're some kind of genius, very slow.

"Do you understand? If you follow this method you cannot progress past stage one for any of the cultivation methods until they are perfect. Otherwise, you'll ruin your foundation. You cannot start opening the ninth meridian until you can cultivate stage two for all four methods. There you go kid. Is that crazy enough for you?"

Jemman looked at him and smiled. "Perfectly crazy. When do we begin?"

Jardin looked down at her over the top of his reading glasses. "Love it. Just so you know, you'll be the weakest well everything, ..., until you're the strongest. Good luck."

As he walked out of the room Jemman heard him mumble, "Always wanted to try this."

Before he finally left Jemman yelled out, "What's the cultivation method called?"

"The Four Heavens."

"I like it," she said to herself.