

Chapter 146 Archer VS Warrior (fourth more! Seeking subscription!)

Kloss said in a joking tone.

Only when one's own physical strength is exhausted, the body can truly vent.

"This is the first time a human has challenged me."

Wendini smiled sweetly.

From birth to the present, I really haven't faced a confrontation with human beings.

The imperial army was still subdued by a sneak attack by a powerful magician, and there was no battle.

"Then I am honored to be the first." Kloss suddenly became a little excited when she heard Wendini's words.

"Then you should choose empty-handed comparison or weapons comparison?" Wendini asked.

On the Noxus Arena, both sides can choose to fight with weapons or not.

Monsters basically choose to fight with their bare hands, which leads to fewer humans on the arena.

After all, what mankind is best at is weapons. Without weapons, it is like a tiger without minions.

"Of course it's a weapon."

This is not for the convenience of Kross, but she knows that Wendini is an archer, and the archer does not have a bow, so can she still exert her greatest strength.

Wen Dini was taken aback when she heard it, her shiny eyes blinked, and she understood Kloss's kindness.

"Thanks, since you want to use weapons, come on."

Wen Dini didn't push three and resist four, and used her strongest side to face Kloss. This is the greatest respect for Kloss.

"Then come!

Clos did not have any ink marks, and quickly walked to the side of the weapon stand with both feet warm, and took down the silver bow and arrow and the silver gun on it.

"Take it." Kloss threw the silver bow and arrow to Wendini.

Wendini took it and reached out and stroked the bow and arrow. She hadn't touched the bow and arrow for almost a month.

"By the way, don't you use your own weapon?" Wendini asked puzzled.

She remembered that Kloss originally had a golden spear.

"No, since we are fighting, we must be fair."

Kloss shook her head, she knew the power of the God of War gun.

With God of War gun, own strength is completely capable of Ascension level, but it is only used to compete with Wendini, which is completely unnecessary.

Because Wendini's hand is not a weapon she is good at.

"Fair? Indeed, the battle started?"

The corners of Wendini's mouth were cocked, and the people in Noxus were so interesting, many times better than the disgusting humans outside.


Closs was not polite, and rushed towards Wendini. She wanted to test Wendini's strength first.

Wendini saw what Kloss meant, but the distance between the two sides was too close, and she couldn't draw the bow to fight back.

So Wendini turned her bow and arrow and blocked the oncoming spear with the hard handle of the bow and arrow.

Li Qiang!

The spear drew a fierce spark across the bow, and then Wendini turned it over strongly, successfully jamming the spear, causing Kloss to be unable to withdraw it.


Kross tried hard, but found that the spear didn't move at all, and she couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

He was a fighter, and I didn't expect that Wendini, an archer, had the same strength as himself.

Seeing that the spear couldn't be pulled out, Kloss used his hands and feet.

Holding the spear in one hand, he hit the front of Wendini with a straight fist.

Wendini quickly turned her head to avoid her fist, and then reacted quickly to stretch out a hand and grab the fist of Clos.

Clos made no sign of weakness, and kicked out with his right foot.

Wen Dini also fought back. The feet of the two were entangled together. After kicking each other dozens of feet, Wen Dini was the first to lose.

In order not to be kicked by Kloss, Wendini had to flip the bow and arrow again, causing Kloss to withdraw the spear successfully.

But she didn't expect Wendini to take the opportunity to make up for it.

Kross was shocked, and hurriedly blocked Wendini's long legs with the spear across her chest, fell back a few steps with her inertia, and then stopped.

And after stopping like this, Wendini and Kloss had already moved a distance.

"Attention Kloss!"

Wendini bends her fingers to hold the bowstring, and a bunch of golden arrows slowly condenses on the bowstring.


The sound of an eagle hitting the sky sounded in Wendini's hand, and the golden arrow beam shot out, like a golden eagle.

Kloss's pupils shrank, and then she jumped to the left lightly.


There was an explosion sound from the arrow beam shooting on the ground, and the arena trembled.

Kloss's eyes widened in disbelief. She didn't expect the arrow bundle in Wendini's hand to be so powerful. This should be a skill of the arrow bundle.

Wen Dini did not give Kloss any breathing time, and shot at Kloss one after another.

Kloss could only dodge back and forth on the arena, trying his best to move closer to Wendini.

As a fighter, of course you cannot be killed by the archer flying a kite, you must approach the archer.

Puff! Bang! Bang!

A cloud of dust started ascending on the arena.

Wendini naturally saw Kloss's intentions, she must prevent Kloss from approaching herself.

And this is actually her ordinary attack, she doesn't have the skills of an archer at all.

Kloss didn't know about this, but she didn't use own fighting skills either.

"No! If you don't use fighting skills, you can't get close to Wendini!"

Kross was beaten backwards again and returned to the original position.

With Wendini's fire suppression, approaching is simple.

And it happens to own three fighting skills, two of which are rushing fighting skills.

"Wentine, look!" B.

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