

Chapter 145 The challenge of Closs (third more! Seeking subscription!)

"Except for some special circumstances, such as monsters who come here to join Noxus, or caravans passing by, as long as they show proof, then let them go."

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. You can make a little profit by the way, but don't be too cruel.

Xilin typically slapped Barrul and gave him a sweet date.

"Yes, thank your Majesty for giving me the opportunity, I will definitely cherish it!!

Barrul's smile was almost impossible to hide, and he didn't expect that he could still reap the benefits.

The gold coins that Own had stored for hundreds of years were taken away by Xilin, but now he has the conditions to store gold coins again.

"Treasure it? Then don't you hurry up?"

Xilin looked a little bored at Barrul.

Since Barrul lives in the Black Marsh all the year round, the smell on his body is really stinky.

As long as he stayed, Xilin was afraid that all his own Dragon Palace would have this dirty stench.

"Yes, yes! I'll go right away, goodbye to your majesty!"

Barrul doesn't need to stay here too much. Facing Xilin feels like facing a scourge, which is really terrifying.

Soon, Barrul turned around and stretched out his wings, and flew out of the Dragon Palace non-stop, 237 flew towards the Black Swamp at a very fast speed.

"Air purification!"

As soon as Barrul left, Olena took out the Frost Staff to clean up the air in the Dragon Palace, and replaced it with a fresh fragrance.

"It looks like Olena you can't stand it anymore?" Xilin smiled slightly.

"Yes, your majesty, that black dog is so stinky, I can't stand it anymore."

Olena aggrievedly clicked on the tip of her nose. If her Majesty hadn't spoken for a long time, she would have wanted to drive Barrul away.

"Black Dragon prefers that kind of environment, so that it can cover up its own breath and allow itself to grow up safely." Xilin explained.


The entire Western Fantasy Continent is so big, and there are so few dragons.

Except for the Dragon Nest, almost the entire Western Fantasy Continent is still quite difficult to encounter a giant dragon.

Therefore, the smell of the black dragon can prevent many monsters from discovering his existence, so they can grow up safely.

As long as you don't encounter giant dragons, black dragons can generally grow to an adult state.

Xilin didn't know why he could meet two giant dragons in Ionia and the Black Marsh.

Should this be said to be lucky or unlucky.

Now Barrul, the dragon in the Black Swamp to the west, has been resolved and has become a servant of own.

Now let's see what happens to the dragon of Ionia.

After chatting with Olena for a while in the Dragon Palace, the whole Noxus wailed and prayed for the dead.

This is another rule set by Xilin, everyone must respect the dead, they are all brave and fearless heroes of Noxus.

Olena, who heard the whine, immediately lowered her head, closed her eyes, and began to pray for their sacrificed heroes in her heart.

The wailing continued for about five minutes, and then stopped.

They will take the corpse to live, and then bury it in the Noxus Cemetery.

"Your Majesty, how long does His Highness Katrina need to sleep this time?"

Olena hasn't seen Katelina for two months.

Now she missed Katrina very much.

After all, Katelina still has the taste of a master for her.

The relationship between the two is also a teacher and a friend, but this is Olena's own opinion.

As for what Katelina thinks of the relationship between the two people, this is not known.

"How long? It will take at least half a year, and I can feel the strength in her body climbing rapidly."

Xilin told a little lie about this. When the dragon fell asleep, it could be said that he felt very weak in his own breath, and he could not see whether his strength had increased at all.

The reason why he knows that Katalina's strength is growing rapidly is that he uses the system to check the changes in Katalina's data from time to time.

"Half a year? I don't know if His Royal Highness Catalina wakes up, will she be surprised to see the current Noxus.

Olena seemed to think of Katrina's expression when she woke up, and couldn't help but smile.

Before Katrina fell asleep, Noxus hadn't even built the walls.

Not to mention the prosperous Noxus.


"What are you doing here, Wendini? Maybe you have to challenge the broadcaster."

When Clos passed through the arena after dealing with some things, she saw Wendini who was in a daze on the arena.

"Well, before the war started, there was a desert werewolf who said he would fight me again.

Wendini understood that the desert werewolf would not be able to return.

Feeling a little melancholy in his heart, this desert werewolf could barely be regarded as the first monster friend he knew.


After hearing this, Kloss sighed, and then seemed to think of something, a flash of joy flashed in front of her eyes, placed the Yalong dog next to it, and she jumped up and jumped onto the arena.


Kloss's feet landed steadily on the arena.

"What are you doing, Clos?" Wendini asked puzzled.

"Hmph~Of course I want to challenge you, don't you know that as long as you stand on the arena, you can accept other people's challenges at any time?

Kloss put her hands in her slender waist, and smiled and raised her head to face Wendini.

"Challenge? Of course I know this, but Kloss, are you going to challenge me?

Wendini naturally knew what it meant to stand on the arena, but was a little surprised that Clos wanted to challenge herself.

"Of course, is it possible for you to spend a month in the arena easily?".

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