

Chapter 143 Be firm in your heart (first! Please subscribe!)

Xilin did not continue to stay in place, but took Olena back to the Dragon Palace with the wings spread.

Barrul followed closely behind and hurriedly chased after him.

When Xilin left, a group of Noxian citizens rushed forward.




Everyone is shouting their own friends and family, hoping they can come back alive.

It's a pity that very few can respond to them, and most of them can only get back a corpse.

But these people are very strong. They didn't cry. They regarded Death in the war as the highest honor.

"Chief Mutu, what happened to your leg?"

Alisa noticed Mutu who was lame on one leg.

During the run, other desert werewolves came back with him on their backs.

Otherwise, judging from his broken leg, it is impossible to achieve such a fast travel speed.

"It's nothing, just got bitten by a few miscellaneous dogs."

Mutu didn't talk to Alisado about anything, and dragged his necrotic right leg towards his home.

Alisa sighed, the war really was cruel.

Even Mutu, the powerful leader of the desert werewolf, broke a leg.


At this moment, Alyssa suddenly thought of Kloss, this was the Little Sister she had recognized in Noxus, she was fine.

"Alyssa Big sis! I am here!"

Kloss heard Alyssa's cry, jumped from the Yalong dog, and led the Yalong dog to Alisa.

"Are you not hurt?"

Alyssa's worried hands touched Kloss around for fear of a wound on Kloss's body.

"Don't worry about Lisa, I'm fine."

Kloss blushed a little when Alisa's hand touched it, which felt weird.

"It's fine.

Alisha breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Clos.

She really treated Kloss as a little sister.

If something happens to Kloss, she doesn't know what to do.

"Don't worry about Ai Lisa Big sis, don't you know my strength!"

Kloss chuckled and raised Own's arm to show Own power.

But to be honest, if it hadn't been for his majesty to bestow his own God of War gun, he wouldn't know how many times he would die.

The God of War gun brought her three fighting skills, and these three fighting skills are very practical.

In the war, Kloss also used it several times.

The energy is almost exhausted.

"You, still have to be careful, the battlefield is very dangerous."

Alisha looked at the laughing expression of Kloss, and reluctantly reached out and knocked Kloss's head.

"O~Alyssa Big sis, why are you hitting me on the head~"

Kloss touched her head aggrievedly, but she didn't say anything wrong.

"Noxus casualties look a lot this time."

Wendini was watching the corpse he brought back. It thought of his group of dead sisters.

I don't know what happened to the Elf Queen, she won't have an accident, right?

It doesn't matter if the purity is gone, I'm afraid she will seek death.

"Well, it is true, the casualties of human soldiers are even more, more than three thousand people have been sacrificed."

Cross didn't tell Xilin the death number of the human army, because she was afraid that Xilin would not be able to use it.

After all, under the Xiantian physique, human beings are indeed no better than that group of monsters.

"More than three thousand people?

Wen Dini exclaimed and covered her mouth, and the forest elves died more than two thousand in that battle.

"Well, I am the leader who was not prepared, and I blamed me.

Clos lowered her head guiltily. As a general, she must be responsible for the soldiers' lives.

Who would have thought that this time there were so many human deaths.

But this can't be blamed on Kloss, she didn't even have a chance to breathe during the whole war.

Just after defeating the leader of the predator Longordo, he came out of the siege of the predators, and before she could support the human soldiers, she ran into the leader of the black licker Anru.

Anlu's strength is very powerful, and Clos nearly died in Anlu's hands many times.

Had it not been for the God of War gun in her hand, she would have never known how many times she had died.

"It's not to blame you, Cross, you don't have to blame yourself, everyone has his own life.

Alisha patted Kloss on the back comfortingly.

"Yes, Kross, you have done your best. You have done what others have not done. If it weren't for you, there would be more humans in Death."

Wendini knew very well what Kloss felt, and she had experienced it firsthand.

It's painful and helpless.

"Thank you for your comfort, but I don't have that fragile heart, I must become stronger!"

Cross stretched her face and smiled, this time she strengthened her own fighting heart, for Noxus, for this group of soldiers.

"It would be great if I had your insight in the first place."

Wendini couldn't help feeling a little envious when she saw that Kloss was so strong in her heart.

If I had been so strong in the first place, it is estimated that the Elf Queen would not be taken away, and I would not have been locked in a wooden cage.

"Wentine who will grow up.

Alisa and Wendini have also got along very well in the past few days.


At this moment, the desert werewolf began to wailing.

They are singing the praises of the dead, in their legend, this can reincarnate the soul of the dead Samsara and become the next generation of desert werewolves.

Each family claimed the corpses, and after careful prayer, they loaded all the corpses and transported them to the Noxus Cemetery.

Among them, this needs to be cremated, after all, only ashes will not take up so much space.

Only the Black Swamp monsters were at a loss, and they were extremely hungry.

I didn't eat anything the night before, and I continued to run for a day and a half. My stomach was already hungry. .

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