

Chapter 142 Return to Noxus (fifth more! Seeking subscription!)

Xilin smiled slightly at this, and the pastor was not a mysterious profession.

Not as mysterious as the Dragon Whisper Mage.

The Dragon Whisperer Mage is called the real mysterious, and it's almost a stunt.

Xilin is going to teach Olena to the Jackie Chan wizard.

After all, the dragon language magician is the magician with the most magical power among the magicians.

But first of all, the first point is that Olena must be taught Dragon Language. If Olena has no talent for Dragon Language, she can only give up.

"You tell me what the pastor looks like? Will they have three heads and six arms?"

Olena excitedly patted Clos next to her and laughed.

"Please Olena, the priest is just a human being, where's the three heads and six arms. "Two thirty seven""

Kloss rolled her eyes silently, what did Olena think of the priest, another kind of monster?

"Hey~ Of course I know, I just can't help but have some fantasies.

Olena smiled embarrassedly, she is active and active.

"Then your fantasy is too unique." Clos said helplessly.

Seeing Olena's mischief and Kloss's helplessness, Xilin smiled knowingly.

Gradually, when the fire gradually extinguished, the high moon hung in the sky, and the Black Swamp monsters fell asleep with hunger.


Early in the morning, the monsters were awakened by Mutu's wolf howling.

The monsters packed up their things one after another, but there was actually nothing to pack.

The corpses of the dead companions were handed over to the monsters in the Black Marsh, and asked them to confess for the dead Noxus monsters.

About ten minutes or so, the monsters had all cleaned up and set off in the direction of the Death Desert with great force.

This time, compared to the momentum of the Black Marsh, the current army's momentum is more powerful, after all, the black dragon Barrul has been added.

The number of the Noxian army plus the newly joined Black Marsh army has reached nearly 30,000.

The number has been more than 10,000 more than in the past.

The desert werewolf charged in the front, using the noisy shouts to retreat the monsters blocking the way, followed by the sand palms, humans and miscellaneous troops, and then the monsters of the black swamp.

The last party was the Dragon Turtel, which was heavily armored and smoked all over the place for a while.

In the sky, Xilin was flying high in the sky with Olena and Kross in his hand, followed by a black dragon Balul behind him.

This time it is to return, naturally the sooner the better.

So the army didn't even have time to rest. When the humans were tired, the desert werewolves would put the humans on their backs and move on.

Human physical strength is limited. Xilin naturally noticed this scene.

Now he has decided that he does not need to come out in the next expedition to mankind.

Human beings are suitable for guarding the country and guarding borders, but not suitable for expeditions that require a lot of physical strength and speed.

Unless they are all cavalry.

After traveling at full speed for a day and a half, everyone entered the border of Noxus and drove straight into the Noxian imperial capital.

Noxus Capital


A horn of Dao name swept across the entire Noxian Empire, countless monsters and people walked out of the house, poking out their hands to look at the situation outside the city wall.

Among them, many are the families of soldiers who went to the expedition this time.

"What's happening here?"

Wendini put down the biscuit she had just bitten in, wondering.

"Your Majesty, they are back!"

Alyssa was beaming, of course she knew what the horn meant, and Noxus returned in triumph!

"Your Majesty is back?"

The biscuit in Wendini's hand fell to the ground, and she hadn't waited for her to pick it up.

Alisha grabbed Wendini's right hand and ran towards the city wall.

"Long live Noxus!"

"Long live Noxus!"

"Long live Noxus!"

Before Wen Dini came to the wall, she heard the cheers of everyone

Afterwards, the gate of the city wall opened, and before the monster came in, a red dragon landed in the city.

With a light flap of the huge dragon wings, the sand flew away in a short time, and countless yellow sand and gravel were blown up.

But this can't stop the fanatical worship in the eyes of the citizens of Noxus!

"Death Wings!"

"Death Wings!"

"Wings of Death!!!"

They chanted Xilin's nickname.

Afterwards, the black dragon Balur followed closely and fell behind Xilin, his expression looked a little cringe.

In the high altitude just now, Xilin warned him that he was not allowed to be high-profile and must be as quiet as a dog.

What can Brewer who signed the contract do? Of course he accepted it.

Not even the majesty of a real dragon.

The appearance of Brewer stunned the citizens of Noxus, what is this? Where did the black dragon come out?

"My Death Wings, conquer the Black Marsh and return to Noxus today. This is the lord of the Black Marsh, Black Dragon Brewer, starting today!"

"He! Including the 1.1 Black Swamp monsters behind me, they will join Noxus.

"Don't think Brewer looks fierce, in fact he has a good temper, right Brewer." Xilin laughed.

"Yes, yes, great majesty, please don't think I look fierce, but in fact I am very gentle.

Barrul said that in order to prove himself, he smiled and showed his own fangs and sharp mouth.

But this smile is uglier than crying, and a three-year-old child will be scared to cry when he sees it.

The citizens of Noxus swallowed. Is this surely gentle?

"Well, the next thing is left to you, Kross, Barrul and Olena will return to the Dragon Palace with me."

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