

Chapter 140 Mutu's right leg (third more! Seeking subscription!)

The Black Swamp monster did not dare to move.

He didn't dare to reach out and grab the corpse on the ground to eat.

After all, Noxus's rules are to bring these heroes who died on the battlefield back to the tomb of Noxus.

They will not bleed for Noxus in vain.

Later, Noxus will also count whether the dead companions have family members.

If so, then give out gold coins as a supplement.

Gold Coin Xilin was not stingy, he opened a gold mine specially to maintain the operation of Noxus.

Although the dragon is very greedy for money, Xilin can restrain himself a little bit.

The most important thing is that he still has Death's treasure, that bunch of shiny things.

As an empire, gold is also the most important point.

Without gold, there is no capital to trade with other countries.

If the dead companion is alone, he will also record his great achievements on the tombstone, so that everyone knows what they did in front of them.


Mutu tore off the leg 233 of a swamp werewolf.

He hates the swamp werewolf, his own leg was damaged by the swamp werewolf.

In addition, the swamp werewolf's claws are highly toxic from the swamp, which can use bacteria to cause wound necrosis.

Now Mutu will have to face this point.

If self-repair is not enough, then his leg is destined to be necrotic and useless.

The legs are very important to Mutu, he is the leader of the Langya tribe.

Every month there is a risk of being challenged by other werewolves to succeed.

Naturally, he is not afraid of challenges, since he has all four limbs.

But now he doesn't know if his right leg will be better, and he is likely to lose in the next boss challenge.

If you lose the position of the Wolf King, it will be difficult for you to get close to your Majesty.

Now Mutu has regarded Xilin as his master.

Where can the dog not touch the owner.

"Mutu, how do you feel with this leg?"

Ramos dragged a bloody thigh to Mutu and sat down.

"I don't know, I can't die if I die.

Mutu touched the wound on his right leg with his paw and mocked himself.

He knows his own resilience best, he should not be better.

"You can go to your majesty.

Ramos glanced at Mutu's wound and suggested.

Indeed, after this war, His Majesty will reward them again.

Mutu can use this reward to plead with your Majesty to repair his right leg.

After all, this is about Mutu's future.

"Let's talk about it then, it's fine if you can't die now."

Mutu shrugged, he was not too embarrassed to take the initiative to find Your Majesty.

My own merits on the battlefield are similar to those of other leaders, and I am a little embarrassed to take the initiative to find your Majesty.

If you stand out on the battlefield, it's pretty much the same.

"Aren't you the most loyal wild dog of your majesty?"

"Since I want to be a wild dog, is the broken wild dog worthy of your majesty's wild dog?"

Ramos was ready to excite Mutu.

After two months of getting along, he now has a good impression of Mutu.

He is a reliable teammate and worthy of leaving his back.

"I know you are irritating me, Ramos."

Mutu couldn't help but smiled: "But this approach is too clumsy."

"Huh~ I love to listen or not."

Ramos put his head aside, he didn't expect Mutu to see through it so easily.

"What are you (chbb) talking about?"

Pepys also walked over, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

In Noxus, his relationship with Ramos is the best.

"It's nothing, just talking about Mutu this dogleg.

Ramos looked at Mutu's injured leg and joked.

"Ha ha!"

Pepys couldn't help laughing after hearing this: "I didn't expect Ramos, you also learned to joke.

"Huh~ Don't worry, even if your bacon is rotten, my leg won't be broken!"

Mutu hadn't been excited by Ramos, but now he stood up suddenly and walked towards Xilin.

"What is he going for?" Pepys looked at Mutu's back with some confusion.

Ramos blinked in astonishment: "I'm considered a success, right?"

"What did it succeed?" Pepys frowned, he couldn't understand what Ramos was saying.

the other side

Xilin shrank again and Kloss and the others grilled meat.

Barrul, the black dog, was tied to the Black Swamp by him, just like a dog.

He did this to prevent Barrul from being unconvinced, and to destroy Barrul's prestige.

In fact, it is completely unnecessary, because Barrul signed the contract, so there is nothing to be convinced.

"Your Majesty, I'm done baking!"

Olena was excited to use the floating magic to deliver the barbecue to Xilin's mouth.


Xilin bit into the barbecue, and the gravy exploded in his mouth instantly, giving him a sweet taste.

"Well~ it's really good, but it's better if it's saltier."

Xilin tasted it with relish.

I don't know if it was because of becoming a red dragon.

Now he seems to have a heavier taste, preferring spicy but salty things.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Olena nodded obediently, and then continued her own barbecue.

After Xilin saw it, um~ Ruzi can be taught.

Kross was roasting leisurely beside her, seeing Olena sighed helplessly, Olena was completely fallen.

You can't get caught in the gentle claws of the dragon, or you won't be able to get out of it.

At this moment

"Your Majesty, excuse you, the humble wild dog wants to say something to you."

Mutu limped over, already regretting it when he walked halfway.

But Pepys and Ramos stared at him behind him, and he couldn't be so frightened.

Ask your majesty, even if your majesty disagrees, he won't kill himself, right?

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