

Chapter 137 Runaway black dragon surrender (fifth more! Seeking subscription!)

"No no no no!"

Barrul was half-dead and suddenly resurrected like a chicken full of blood, his eyes widened, and he wailed begging for mercy.

He guessed what Xilin was going to do.

After all, he is a giant, and this frantic red dragon seems to breathe his own flame into his mouth.

Tiamat, the great dragon queen! This is definitely a dead dragon!

Mom! I want to go home!

"Please, I don't want to die, I am willing to submit to you!"

In a hurry, Barrul directly pleaded for mercy and was willing to surrender to Xilin.

Surrender among giant dragons is very rare. Most dragons will not surrender even if they die.

Because surrender means to give Own Choi's "two, three, and three" treasures and life to the other party, and no real dragon is willing to lose freedom and treasure.


When he heard Barrul's words, Xilin's heart immediately moved.

The surrender of a real dragon, even if this black dragon is such a dish in front of him, he is a real dragon after all.

If you go out, you can tell the public. Then look at it. This is my servant. It's so beautiful and has a lot of faces.

Mother Danier had lived so long that Felicia surrendered to a dragon, which proved how difficult it is to make a true dragon surrender.

But my own flame breath is already on the string, and I have to send it out!

Thinking of this, Xilin hurriedly turned his head at a critical moment and pointed Longkou elsewhere.


The thick cylindrical fire pillar hit the shield next to him.

The shield suddenly penetrated like paper encountering a fire, and the scorching high-temperature flame fell on the ground of the Black Forest, scouring the black soil over and over again.

These, the Black Forest has really become the Black Forest.

The surrounding trees were still swallowed and burned by flames even when they were soaked, and finally turned into a cloud of black, making the sound of an explosion.

"Sign the contract."

Xilin directly stretched out his hand, and a contract full of flames appeared from the palm of his hand.


"I, Barrul-Louvis-Acado-Galuru, is willing to surrender to the red dragon Xilin-Raymond-Gattuso-Caesar, and once again use my soul to swear to the dragon queen Tiamat!

Barr dared to talk too much, so he quickly took off the scales, patted it on the contract, and read the contract by the way.

The two true dragons signed the contract to use Tiamat as a witness.

As if one party violated the contract, Natiamat would personally harvest the dragon's soul.


The contract turned into a ball of sparks and dissipated in mid-air.

At the same time, Xilin felt that there was an extra word in Own's mind, which was the content of the contract between the two parties.

The same goes for Barrul.

Compared to Xilin's happiness at the time, Barrul is now extremely depressed, and he is finished.

"Don't worry, I'll be nice to you.

Xilin stretched out his paw and touched Barrul's head.

This bone-only head doesn't feel good at all, but Katrina's head is easy to touch.

"Yes, the master."

Barrul lowered his head in resignation, and that real dragon was worse than himself.

Even if the other true dragons are surrender, they are all surrendering to an ancient dragon-level real dragon, and he actually surrendered to a red dragon of the same age.

But if Barrul knew that Xilin was a three-year-old red dragon, he didn't know what his expression would be like.


Xilin's dragon wing lightly flapped, and the surrounding shields dissipated.

"Don't call my master, call me your majesty."

Xilin almost shuddered when Barrul called his master.

It's really bad for a male creature to call his own master. He is quite used to calling himself female humans.

As for why it is not a female creature, it is because many female creatures in Western Fantasy Continent are so ugly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Barrul shrugged helplessly, and Xilin could do whatever he said, and he signed the contract.

"How long do you stay in the Black Marsh?"

Xilin leaped vigorously, jumped out of the black swamp, and landed on the big boulder in front of him.

After removing the shield, his limbs touched the swamp that made him uncomfortable. It was smelly and dirty, like a cesspit.

I really don't know how the black dragon stayed.

"One hundred and fifty-one years, Your Majesty." Barrul replied obediently.

"One hundred and fifty years? So weak?!"

Xilin's mouth twitched,-one hundred and fifty-one years.

It doesn't matter if he pulls his hips with his own strength, even the monster army in the territory is such a rookie.

Own Noxus developed in just three or four months and caught up with the Black Swamp established by Barrul 151?

Speaking of which, Xilin couldn't believe it, did he develop too fast, or did Barrul develop too slowly.

"Yes, yes, how can I compare with your Majesty, you are the Star in the sky, and I am just a humble ant."

Barrul thought that he had already surrendered, so he might as well lick the red dragon more. If he licked the other side and was happy, he would tear up the contract and set himself free.

Thinking of this, the shackles in Barrul's heart disappeared directly.

This is not for licking the red dragon, but for freedom.

"Where did you learn this sentence? Your hand?" 1.1

After Xilin heard Barrul's praise, he was extremely disdainful in front of him.

In this case, he has listened a lot in Noxus, and his ears are tired of listening.

"Uh, yes."

Barrul smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, after all, as a real dragon, he was also in praise.

Throughout the entire Western Fantasy Continent, which real dragon can lick others, all grew up listening to the licking skills of other monsters.

"Learn more from other monsters. I'm so cool. I might actually let you go." Xilin chuckled at Barrul.

"Really?!" Barrul's eyes widened. Is it really possible for him to be liberated by the Red Dragon?

"Fake." Xilin refused expressionlessly.

Barrul: (* m ).

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