

Chapter 136 Red Dragon VS Black Dragon (fourth more! Seeking subscription!)

You know, he singled out the five-color dragon boss Red Dragon!

The most famous thing about the red dragon is not the dragon language magic, but the power of the flesh.

In the five-color dragon, each dragon can defeat the red dragon at the same age.

The red dragon's body data is destined to be the strongest among the five-color dragons!

What Barrul has to challenge is the invincible Red Dragon in the same rank segment, Xilin.

"Are you going to fight me head-to-head?"

Xilin tilted his head, he wondered if he had heard it wrong. This was the first time anyone dared to say this to himself.

Heads-up? You're afraid it's not going to kill you.

"Yes, yes!"

Barrul swallowed after speaking, and said everything, what else can he do, can he take it back~?

In any case, it is already hard to harvest now, and I have to face this red dragon hard-hard.

However, why does this red dragon look so violent? At first glance, it seems that it is not easy to mess with in the red dragon.

But looking at the face of Dragon Queen Tiamat, this red dragon shouldn't kill itself, right?

He didn't do anything to make Red Dragon unforgivable, at best he had a mouthful.

And this addiction to the mouth was said when he was a dragon, it is impossible to pass to the ears of the red dragon.

"Do you really want to fight me? I agree."

Xilin smiled softly. It seems that he hasn't been singled out with others since he became a red dragon?

Except for owing to provoke Felicia when he was a child, Felicia Big sis cleaned it up, and never played again.

Along the way, the creatures were frightened by their own dragons, and their bones were loose.

"Made your real name."

Xilin entered the shield and fell in front of Barrul.

When two real dragons fight head-on-head, you need to pray for the real name of the dragon, so as not to fight a hybrid dragon and make you lose the price.

"I, I! Barrul-Luvis-Acado-Galuru! I'm here to fight you head-to-head!"

Barrul clenched his teeth and read his real name. He refused in his heart.

"Hmm, I'm Cillin-Raymond-Gattuso-Caesar! I'm head-to-head with Barrul here~"

Xilin uttered an incomprehensible dragon language, twisted his neck, moved his shoulders, and his bones made a crisp sound. It really was a long time since he had a fight.

"I'm here?" Barrul asked cautiously.

He was really afraid of Xilin's death.

Regardless of the body length of both sides are more than 30 meters, both of the black dragons look like skeletons, while the red dragons are full of explosive muscles. There is no contrast between the two.

"Well, I'll give you a chance, you will shoot first."

Xilin, like all red dragons, showed his arrogance.

In fact, he is indeed too confident now, and the strength of the two sides is completely different. This is the source of own confidence.

[Name: Barrul] [Creature: Black Dragon (Chaotic Evil)] [Attack: 2000 (Ordinary Youth Dragon Red Dragon 3000)

[Defense: 1000 (Ordinary Youth Red Dragon 2000)] [Speed: 900 (Ordinary Youth Red Dragon 1500)]

[Physique: 2500 (Ordinary Youth Red Dragon 3500)]

[Item: None]

[Magic: 500 kinds of one-ring magic, 250 kinds of two-ring magic, 125 kinds of three-ring magic, 55 kinds of four-ring magic] [Talent: Night Beloved (Demi-God)] [Ability: bite, tear, acid breath] [Evaluation: You were indeed a small king when you were a teenager in the black dragon, but unfortunately you met a real red dragon emperor]

Look, this is the fundamental difference between a black dragon and a red dragon.

Compared with the ordinary red dragon in all aspects, it is about one thousand or five hundred.

......…Please ask for flowers…

You know, Barrul also has a demigod talent, and he is a very strong guy in the black dragon.

It's a pity that he met Honglong, and it was Honglong Xilin.

"Then I really came?"

Barrul still had some hesitations, and he was always a little afraid to start.

This feeling felt like facing the mother of his adult dragon, which was really terrifying.

"If you are too late, then I'll come!

Xilin has long been unable to bear it, and the dragon's roar is like a solid substance, rolling up a thunderous sound wave, and impacting Barrul's head.


Barrul was shocked by Xilin's roar, and his soul seemed to be scattered, and he looked at Xilin blankly.

Xilin would not be merciful because of this, and the violent right paw slapped Barrul on the head severely.

Barrul only saw a flash of red light in front of him, and then felt the sensation that his head was about to explode. The huge body suddenly hit the ground, and smoke was everywhere.

"Roar~" Barrul wailed in pain. He wanted to surrender, and Xilin on the ground would not give him this opportunity.

Xilin's four feet trampled on Barrul's body, and Barrul couldn't breathe.

Then Xilin made several heavy punches in a row, making Barrul stare at Venus, and almost lost consciousness for a while.

Barrul, who thought that Xilin was about to stop, was about to catch his breath, and felt the pain in his chest again.

It turned out that Xilin's head hitting felt uncomfortable, but now he began to hammer Barrul's chest again, completely treating him as a dragon-shaped sandbag.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Heavy palms spread all around, resounding through the mountains and plains.

Countless people could hear this terrible scream and the loud sound of the drumbeat.

After hitting, Xilin became more and more enjoyable, and then violently broke Barrul's mouth with his paws, and a pungent sulphur smell gradually appeared in his mouth. Second,

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