

Chapter 133 Close VS Anlu (first update! Seeking subscription!)

The clash of the two armies, the sound of fighting resounded across the sky, and a life was dying every minute and every second.

The black forest, which was originally like ink, was dyed extremely scarlet at this moment, as if red was the original color of the black forest.

The war gradually entered a white-hot stage. The enemy's strongest leader, Anlu, met Kloss of Noxus.

"Did you kill that waste?'

An Lu's words were extremely mocking, and he held up a sand palm man in his hands, click! The sand palm man's neck was directly crushed by him.


The body of Shazhang Man was like rubbish, thrown to the ground by Anlu.

The humans in front of them looked extremely thin, and Longordo was indeed a fool, unable to beat even a little human girl.

"He is indeed a trash, just like you.

Kloss squeezed the handle of the God of War gun, and the breath of the black licker in front of him was very dangerous.

Much more powerful than the Longo he killed.

"Cut~ Then try it!"

Anlu stopped talking to Closdo, and the mace in his hand flicked 27 and slammed towards the door of Closs.

Kloss's pupils shrank slightly, and hurriedly squeezed the God of War gun with both hands and blocked it above her head.

Li Qiang!

The mace and the God of War gun were intertwined, wiping out a violent orange spark.


Anlu grabbed the mace and kept pressing it down, and Clos's arms kept trembling, and she knelt on one knee helplessly.

"Trash! Let me see, your blood!"

An Lu saw Kloss under him, and the human strength was really weak.

"Don't be too rampant! Phew!!"

Kloss looked at the barb on the mace close at hand and immediately blew the whistle.

Just when Anlu wondered why Kloss was blowing the whistle.


A behemoth nearby rushed out, like a Titan rampaging on the battlefield.

"not good!

An Lugang wanted to avoid sideways but it was too late.


The Yalong dog's one horn slammed into An Lu's back firmly, pierced through his spine, and broke a curved dragon horn from his chest.

Moreover, the Yalong dog hadn't stopped his own footsteps, and smashed against Anlu on the battlefield all the way, using Anlu's body as a shield.

Countless blades slashed across An Lu's body, leaving countless scars, black blood covered his whole body, and some exaggerated the mane of the Yalong dog.

"Spread me away! Stupid beast!"

An Lu's ears have very strong vitality, and this level of damage has not weakened him, but has become violent.

Raising the steel mace in his hand, he furiously beat behind him.

The blade-like thorns pierced the Yalong dog's skin, bursting out bright red blood.


The Yalong dog suddenly raised his head to the sky in pain, and An Lu was directly thrown out.

It fell on the ground like a parabola and rolled several times.

Before Anlu could relax, he saw that Clos had already pursued him.

An Lu was so frightened that he quickly turned over and prepared to block, but he didn't expect it.


Kloss rushed forward with a gleam of golden light on her body, and she came to Anlu in the blink of an eye.

The suddenness of the matter made An Lu stunned, and it was too late to try to block him when he recovered.


The golden spear pierced through his abdomen, again causing great trauma to An Lu's body.

Unbelievable Anlu gradually lowered his head, as if he was dead.


Kross was finally relieved to see that Anlu hadn't made any movement, and turned to look at the injured Argonian to come forward to comfort him, but found that the own God of War gun couldn't be pulled out!

When she looked back, she realized that Anlu, who was supposed to have died, raised her head again and stared at her directly.

"Do you think Anlu, the great black licker, will die?

Anlu laughed out of his stubborn face, his tongue licked his face like a snake apricot, and his right hand was tightly holding Kloss's God of War gun.

Kross tried his best to draw out the weapon, but his strength was obviously not Anlu's opponent.

"go to hell!"

Anlu suddenly raised his left hand holding a mace, and slammed it towards Kloss's right cheek.



A cloud of dust rose slowly, and the Yalong dog anxiously shouted and walked around the circle.

With a gust of wind blowing, the dust slowly disappeared, revealing the figure standing inside.


The whole body exudes a noble golden light, and the golden hair is blown up by the air current, as if it is a female God of War.


An Lu fell to the ground unwillingly, and the look in 230 gradually lost its luster.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Cross didn't take it lightly anymore. He even shot Anlu several times, but after Anlu was dead, she knelt down on the ground.

The dazzling shield on the left hand turned into starlight and gradually dissipated.

At the moment when her life was hanging by a thread, she used a fighting skill and awe shield.

Awe shield can form a golden shield visible to the naked eye around itself, and the shield can also explode at the moment of being attacked.

Can effectively block attacks and damage the enemy.


Seeing that Clos was weak and sitting on the ground, the Yalong dog hurried to the front of Clos, took Clos up and placed it on his back.

The surrounding enemies who wanted to approach were all swept away by the Yalong dog.


When the two armies were at war, the Blade Tribe succeeded in coming to the enemy's rear under the leadership of Pepys.

"For the great Noxus! Kill!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless sand and dust lifted up behind the Black Swamp army, and the attackers jumped out from the ground, knocking down the enemies in front of them.

"No! There are enemies in the back!".

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