

Chapter 132 The two armies are at war (fifth! Seeking subscription!)

Anlu immediately stood at the highest position, calming the panicked monsters.

Walkkin and Longordo stood next to Anlu.





"Help me! Help me!"

The monsters on duty were chopped in half by Noxus with a merciless axe, depriving them of their lives.


Pepys didn't greedy the battle on the front line. He led the attackers into the ground and circled to the back, seeing the Black Swamp monsters who were only late at this moment.

"Chief, do we want to attack."

The attacker next to him couldn't bear his inner impulse.

"No, when they and our Noxus fight "Two Two Seven", we will come out of the soil to attack them."

Pepys stopped the men who were about to move. It was not the time yet.

Using the naked eye, the enemy roughly estimated that there were at least 30,000 monsters, equal in number to Noxus.

And there are only 5,000 attackers here. If he rushes out now, he is likely to suffer heavy losses.

After all, the big troops are still killing the enemy and grabbing the record.

The attackers buried themselves into the ground more than two meters deep, and only exposed small tentacles that sense the outside world.

The little tentacles were automatically ignored by the monsters of the Black Swamp. They only thought it was some weeds, and didn't take it to heart.

At this time, the Noxus army came here and collided with the Black Swamp monster.

The monsters of the two sides are very tacit, and the two sides directly fought together without even letting go of any cruel words.

"It's you! I want to be ashamed!"

Longordo recognized Kross on the Yalong dog at a glance, it was this human girl who had left so much trauma on herself.

"Orina, be careful yourself."

Clos naturally also saw Longordo, smiled playfully, and put Olena down.

The next charge is not suitable for taking Olena, but will cause Olena to be injured.

Olena nodded solemnly, jumped off the Yalong dog, ran her slender fingers across her earlobes, and a staff exuding a cold breath appeared in her hand.

"Winter is coming!"

As soon as she landed, Olena saw the predator who was hacking at her, and she used the three-ring magic without saying a word.

Pieces of snowflakes appeared around her, and pieces of icy cleanness slowly spread out from the soles of her feet.

The enemies where they went were all frozen by ice, and then they were chopped into ice dregs by the monsters of Noxus with an axe, unable to shed even a drop of blood.

The blood was frozen in their bodies.

the other side

"I want to kill you!"

Longordo cut off the head of a desert werewolf next to him with a big knife in his hand, then raised the big knife and slashed towards Clos.

Clos was not afraid of danger, and grabbed the Yalong dog's mane with one hand.

At the beginning, the Yalong dog's hind limbs were strenuously, and the forelegs were raised high and trampled towards Longordo.

Longordo suddenly shrank his pupils, rolled to the left in embarrassment, and just raised his head to get up.

I saw that Kloss had jumped up from the Yalong dog, and the golden spear in her hand appeared in her hand.


The God of War gun penetrated Longordo's abdomen without hindrance, like a hole left by a cannonball.

"You will never defeat me, go to The Underworld!'

Kloss pulled out the God of War gun forcefully, and the sound of clattering came from Longordo's abdomen.

The intestines and spine on the spear were pulled out by Kloss, and the blood was shot out like a blowout well.

Kloss quickly avoided with eyes and hands, but there was still a lot of blood splashed on her silver armor.


Clos glanced at Longordo's corpse and mocked, then turned around and continued to kill the enemy.

Only Longordo was left in place.

the other side

Mutu, the leader of the desert werewolf, met the leader of the swamp werewolf here, Walkkin

"It's ingenious, quietly, who I met."

Walkkin's body was already stained with the blood of other desert werewolves.

"Dirty and smelly chopped-up pieces, just like the chopped-up dragon behind you!"

Mutu smelled the blood of the same race on Walkkin, and roared angrily.

"You dare to insult the great black dragon, you will pay for your own ignorance!"

When Walkkin heard Mutu's insults, he immediately became annoyed.

The two sides threw away their weapons in a tacit understanding, and used their most powerful claws as weapons.



Mutu and Walkerkin's forced bodies collided with each other, groaning of physical collision.

Walkkin exposed his sharp right paw and attacked Mutu's abdomen.

Mutu hurriedly twisted his waist, Walkkin's claws passed his skin, leaving three blood stains.

This caused Mutu to break out immediately, and this was the first time he was injured in a war!

Mutu burst out with fierceness. He hugged Walkkin's body and jumped up on the spot, pushing his right knee to Walkkin's chest fiercely.

Taste! Boom!

The ribs in Walkkin's chest broke apart, and the rib cage sank directly, forming a small hole.



Walkkin only felt a heat in his throat, and then a cloud of blood spurted from his mouth, and his hands were also sinking into Mutu's shoulders.

He wanted to make Mutu suffer and let him go.

But what Walkkin never expected was that Mutu even ignored the pain on his shoulders and attacked Walkkin's abdomen with his claws.

For a while, blood splattered all over his body, leaving several bottomless scars on Walkkin's abdomen.

"Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

Mutu's mouth kept roaring, and Walkkin's strong resistance from the beginning gradually became weak.

Finally, the claws fell on the ground weakly.

This scene is not only happening here, but almost all on the battlefield.

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