

Chapter 131 Killed at the door (fourth more! Seeking subscription!)

"What's the matter, let's talk about it after the war is over.

Walkkin said to Longordo, then walked away.

After everyone left, Boom! Longordo punched the tree trunk next to him in anger.

I must kill him!

The other half

Naturally, the army's large-scale expedition cannot be too fast. The last time it was a fight against humans, the gap in strength was very wide.

This time, facing monsters of the same level, everyone had to save their physical strength so as not to lose strength during the battle.

However, it was still the old rule. In order to fear that this black dragon would be discovered in advance, Xilin used concealment magic around him.

They can only be seen when they are within two hundred meters of the distance.

The distance of two hundred meters is enough for Noxus to charge.

Soon, night fell.

The Noxian army successfully arrived at the western border post and stopped here to rest.

The human ascending on the ground raised the fire and took out the meat from the backpack.

The same is true for other monsters, they uniformly give the meat to humans for barbecue.

In their eyes, humans are now masters of grilling, and the things they grill are very fragrant.

"Your Majesty, I expect to arrive at the Black Swamp at noon tomorrow."

Olena analyzed the map that Xilin gave her.

It will take a day and a half at the current speed of Noxus.

"Yeah." Xilin landed on the ground and took a piece of roasted meat: "Orina, you ask the chiefs to take some patties and take turns on duty at night, in case there are spies from the Black Swamp."

"Good Majesty!"

Olena quickly jumped from Xilin's hands and walked towards the position of the leaders.

"Hahaha! Drink? Closs."

Mutu took out a jug of wine from his waist, his jug was one and a half meters long.

"Uh, no, I don't know how to drink.

Kloss waved her hand quickly to refuse, but she didn't know how to drink, and she couldn't drink either.

If you get drunk tonight, how will you lead the army tomorrow?

"That's a shame.

Mutu was about to take a sip from the hip flask.

"Everyone! Your Majesty has an order to send some people to take turns at night."

Olena trot all the way to everyone's side and said.

"Okay, we will do it right away."

The leaders nodded, then turned around and ordered the matter down.

Kloss picked up a skewer of barbecue and blew it gently: "Orina, do you want it?"


Of course Olena wanted it, she was already drooling.

"You're welcome." With a smile, Kloss handed the skewers to Olena, picked up a skewers and grilled them again.

Humans don't do patrols. It's not that Kross resists Xilin's order, but it's Noxus's rules.

Humans need more time to rest than monsters.

If some people were to be watched at night, it would easily cause human beings to be in a bad state tomorrow.

the other side

After Xilin's infiltration, the black dragon tonight is very angry.

All the monsters in the Black Swamp were called out to patrol on duty.

He dived into the black swamp and fell asleep, making many monsters dare not speak.

Time passed slowly, and the sun gradually rose.

The monsters of the Black Swamp dozed off, preparing for the afternoon battle.

The hot sun came all the way to the top of the sky, and it was noon.

At this time, the Noxus monster army all arrived two hundred meters away from the Black Forest.

"Your Majesty, we are here."

All the monsters were extremely excited, and the battle was finally about to begin.

The enemy's heads are all brilliant rewards!

"Well, Mutu! When I fly to a height of 10,000 meters, you will call out the charging wolf howl."

Xilin spread her wings and flew towards the sky, while Olena in her hand was handed over to Kloss.

Sitting completely behind Clos, the two ride the Yalong dog together.

Mutu raised his head and looked at Xilin, his throat kept rolling.

…For flowers…

All the monsters clenched their weapons and stared at the black forest ahead.

Olena's heart was a little nervous and covered her chest. Kloss saw Olena's tension and patted the back of Olena's hand with her hand.

Just now.


A protective shield slowly dissipated from the surroundings, revealing the monsters of Noxus inside.

All monsters and humans moved at this time.

"For the great Noxus!"


"Tear them!

Black forest

The monsters who were still dozing off suddenly heard the drum beating in their hearts, and all came back to their senses, seeing the crowd of monsters pressing down right in front of them.

"Not good! Enemy attack! Be prepared!"


The predators blew the horn.

The sound of the horn spreads towards the entire Black Forest, all the way to the Black Swamp.

"Damn! The enemy is here, you are still sleeping!"


The huge body of the black dragon rushed out of the black swamp, and the two magic balls held in his hand were thrown to the sides.

Bang! Bang!

The two small mushroom clouds that exploded quickly awakened all the monsters, and the sound of ping-pong-pong sounded in the Black Swamp.

All monsters panicked and picked up their own weapons and equipment.

"This is my armor!"

"No! This is mine!"

A few monsters are still arguing at this time, just to fight over who owns the armor, obviously there is an extra pair on the ground.


The black dragon smashed the two monsters and shouted, "Don't snatch it from Daddy, just get it!"

I have to say that even if the monsters in the Black Swamp are rotten, after all, they are still the troop of monsters for decades.

In a short time, they all assembled.

"Boys! The enemy has reached the door! We must stretch out our own claws to let this group of enemies understand how stupid Own is!" B.

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