

Chapter 130 Heilong's subordinates (third more! Seeking subscription!)

Xilin slowly walked out of the Dragon Palace, looking down at the group of monster soldiers under him.

All the monsters and people raised their heads and looked up at Xilin with admiring eyes.

"My Death Wings! Lord of Noxus! Today, fight the Black Morass!"

The pair of unfolded dragon wings on Xilin's back was extremely huge, like a cloud hanging down from the sky.

"Long live Noxus! Long live Noxus!"

"Long live Noxus! Long live Noxus!"



The horn of war has sounded, and hordes of monsters set out toward the Black Swamp like horses galloping.

The dense movement of the army made the earth sway, and the sky was full of smoke and dust behind him.

This is the king's army of Noxus!


The low groan of the real dragon swept across the entire Noxus once again, and Xilin grabbed Olena into a mass of meteorite and soared into the sky.

In order not to be discovered by the black dragon prematurely.

The current Xilin has been specially reduced in size, with a length of only about fifteen meters, a proper figure of a young dragon.

Even the aura on his body was put away, fearing that this black dragon offal would smell the scent of own and ran away.

At this time, the black swamp

"Your Majesty, we should take the initiative, it's just a red dragon from a young age."

Walkkin, the leader of the swamp werewolf, came out and said.

"Yes, your Majesty, we should take the initiative to strike them by surprise."

Longordo, the leader of the predators, also stood up. Unlike other predators, his body was covered with hideous wounds.

This is the last time Kross smashed into his old lair and left the scars on him.

It made him hate this Noxus even more.

I was actually injured like this by a despised human.

He wants to use human blood to wash away the shame of his wounds!

Predators are also a race that likes war very much.

All of their things are plundered, and none of them belong to them.

"Chee, Longordo, being so embarrassed by a human being, or you can give up the position of leader to the cub, hahaha!"

A ridiculous laughter came from Longordo's left. This was a black humanoid monster.

He had a black swamp-like complexion and looked slimy.

The two big yellow eyes like light bulbs are very permeating, and the limbs are very slender, and they don't seem to match the body at all.

The two long arms can directly touch the ground while standing.

This is the black licker, a monster that can only be born in a swamp.

The strength is slightly stronger than the predators, and he disdains the new predators who have joined the Black Swamp.

A group of wastes that were afraid of being beaten by humans have also joined the Black Swamp. Bah! It's really rubbish.

Had His Majesty the Black Dragon choose to accept the predators, the Black Licker would have eaten them.

"It's so noisy! Shut up! Anlu!

The black dragon lying in the black swamp opened his eyes impatiently.

"Daddy is here to listen to your opinions, not to come to see you arguing! Give daddy more talk, I will definitely let him feed my stomach!"

Heilong scolded at the three leaders angrily.

Anlu, the leader of the black licker, immediately shrank his head in fear, and retreated a step behind him (chbb).

"Wokking is right. He is just a young red dragon. To me, he is just a little kid!"

In fact, the black dragon didn't have much confidence in the young red dragon to win, but before the hand, he still had to pretend.

And he is also very biased towards Walkkin's idea. Active attack is always better than passive attack.

The main face looks much better.

Facing a young dragon who cringes, are you embarrassed as a young dragon?

After Heilong finished speaking, none of the leaders again dared to speak, for fear of becoming his catharsis.

"Let's do it, tomorrow we will take the initiative to advance to the Shurima border!"

The black dragon thought about it carefully, and it was better to start at the border to fight a young red dragon's lair.

As long as he breaks Shurima's border quickly, his face will also add a lot of brilliance.

"Understood, Your Majesty."

The three leaders bent over.

The black dragon nodded in satisfaction, and then plunged into the Black Swamp, still here can bring him some sense of security.

"Huh~ remember, I only need the head of that human girl!

Longordo will kill Kloss in this life, otherwise it will be a stain on his life.

"Hehe, don't be killed by humans at that time, haha!"

An Lu's eyes continued to mock Longordo with a killing intent. If his Majesty didn't need a predator, he would definitely kill Longordo on the spot.

Longordo naturally saw the killing intent in Anlu's eyes, which made him a little alert in his mind.

I was afraid that An Lu suddenly came behind him when he was on the battlefield.

At that time, even if he died on the battlefield, Anlu could completely say that he was inferior to the opponent and was killed by the enemy.

"Anlu, Longordo is the monster of our Black Swamp after all, don't be like this all the time."

Walkkin came to Anlu and patted him on the back. Now he chooses to be a peacemaker.

When the war is over, Walkkin will take care of them to die, as long as there is no accident during the fighting.

"Of course." Anlu sneered.

This made Longordo feel cold behind his back and couldn't help but retreated a step.

In the clash of eyes, he had already lost to Anlu.


Anlu glanced at Longordo with a mocking look, then turned and left the shore of the Black Swamp. .

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