

Chapter 129 Army assembly (second more! Seeking subscription!)

"What are they doing?"

Wendini saw this steel army and asked suspiciously.

"Ah~ the war is about to begin. Now Noxus is gathering troops. It looks like another expedition."

The Desert Werewolf is very familiar with this, he also participated in the last expedition.


Wen Dini did not expect that she had just joined Noxus for one day, and met when Noxus was preparing to fight.

"Well, it looks like it will take a few days from next time. I hope I will be alive by then.

The Desert Werewolf grinned at Wendini, then jumped off the arena, fell on the ground and ran towards the house.

He will also wear armor and prepare for battle.

But where the war is not dead, so he can't be 100% sure to survive.

But even so, the desert werewolf resolutely chose to participate in this battle.

No one in Noxus is a bully!

Watching the desert werewolf leave, Wendini's lips moved slightly.

She didn't know whether she should participate, after all, she joined Noxus one day, and she still didn't have the sense of belonging that belonged to Noxus.

After thinking about it, Wendini also jumped off the arena, she was going to find Alisa.

In Noxus, now she only has some contact with Alisa.

She is not familiar with other people.

Noxus, who was gathering troops, sounded neatly and thunderous footsteps.

The collision of steel between the armors gave Noxus a breath of despair.

The flags belonging to Noxus were raised one by one at this moment.

The streets were already empty, and all the troops came outside the city wall, waiting for His Majesty's orders at any time.

Regardless of what Xilin said was to give the leader three days of preparation time, in fact, no leader would wait for three days.

This kind of thing is of course the sooner the better.

Just like a project that the boss gave you to complete in three days, the sooner it is completed, the better, the happier the boss will be.

Dragon Palace

Boom boom boom! boom boom boom!

There was a rush of footsteps, and all the leaders rushed to the Dragon Palace.

"The assembly of the Blade Tribe army is complete, a total of 5,000 attackers have participated in the battle, and a thousand attackers stayed at home and guarded.

Pepys was the first to rush to the Dragon Palace and half-kneeled on the ground to report the situation of the knife tribe.

"The assembly of the Fangfang tribe army is complete. A total of 4,000 Dragon Turtels are armored, and 500 are left to guard."

Ramos followed closely.

The armored Dragon Turtel is the least of all the Noxus races.

"All the Sand Worm Tribes have assembled, with 6,000 participating in the battle, and 1,000 staying at home and guarding."

The next up is Salman.

Sandworm tribes are the fastest growing race, after all, they breed very well in the Death Desert.

"The seven thousand werewolves of the Langya tribe participated in the battle. Except for the wolf patients who were unable to fight and the mother-in-law who had just finished suffering, all werewolves joined the battle."

Mutu can be said to prove that the wolfya tribe almost all participated in the battle.

"The Death army fought five thousand people, three thousand guarded Noxus, and seven thousand guarded the Shurima border."

Cross is the last to be there, and humans are also the most numerous army.

It's just that the number of human armies has to be dispersed,

After all, there are still people guarding the Shurima border gate. What if no one is attacked by other enemies.

"Your Majesty, Noxus has assembled and is ready to fight!"

Olena immediately turned and raised her head to look up at Xilin's hill-like figure and said.

This is Noxus, who has only developed for two months.

Now that Noxus does not include Xilin, it can already reach the level of the middle kingdom.

The medium-sized kingdom can only reach a scale that can only be achieved after hundreds of years of development.

Noxus only used two months.

"Get ready to start."

Xilin's low voice spread throughout the entire Noxus capital.


Mutu took the lead in howling at Sirius, and all seven thousand werewolves responded to Mutu.

At the forefront is the armored Dragon Turtel known as the bayonet tank.

Their sturdy spiny shells can give the enemy a good lesson.

And behind them are dune raiders with rich combat experience, they will all dive into the sand after a while.

When the two armies are at war, they will go around the enemy's back and give them a severe backstab.

Followed by the desert werewolves and sand palms, and some miscellaneous troops composed of various races.

It was not that Shurima Border Gate did not recruit monsters, but in two months, Shurima Border Gate provided Noxus with more than two hundred monsters.

And these monsters are basically ten enemies, which greatly strengthened Noxus's strength.

At the end is the human army, led by Clos.

*""Warriors, the war has begun! The enemy has been known by the great Red Dragon."

"The enemy is just a dirty and messy black dragon, but behind us is the noble red dragon (Zhao)!"

"With the presence of your majesty, we will be invincible and invincible!"

"Tell me! Are you afraid?!"

Kloss's voice seemed very immature, but in fact it was sonorous and powerful.

I don't know, I thought he was a veteran who had been fighting for many years, preparing for his own army.

"Don't be afraid! We will be invincible! The Death army will bring Death to the enemy!"

All the soldiers shouted in unison, there was a blood in their chests.

"Very good! Even if we humans are not as good as monsters in terms of physical fitness, our beliefs are absolutely top-notch!"


With that, Kloss slapped the Yalong dog under him, and the Yalong dog immediately let out a low growl like a dragon. .

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