

Chapter 128 Xilin's lying (first! Seeking subscription!)

Dragon Palace

Except for Olena and Kloss whom Xilin called, the leaders of other tribes were also called by him.

"You are here because of one thing, the war is ready to begin."

"The enemy to the west is a dirty and stinking black dragon. He sits in a black forest and the black swamp in the center.

Xilin told his subordinates all the results he found after completing the investigation.

"Your Majesty, we desert werewolf haven't gone to check it out yet."

Mutu was a little surprised, he hasn't set off yet, why would your majesty know the enemy's situation.

And also understand it clearly.

When the other leaders heard Mutu's words, they were also full of doubts.

Only Olena and Kloss seemed to understand.

No wonder your Majesty disappeared so early that he ran to investigate the enemy's situation.

"I know, this morning I used the Dragon Whisper magic of probing to understand the enemy clearly."

Xilin was very comfortable when he lied, as if he was telling a fact.

"Your Majesty is amazing."

"It's a godlike means."

27 "Your Majesty will always be the god in our hearts."

"Long live your majesty!

The leaders of the four tribes praised Xilin's greatness one by one.

Only Clos and Olena next to them could not help but laugh out loud.

Knowing the actual situation, they never thought that your Majesty was still so interesting?

"Since knowing that the enemy is a messy black dragon, Noxus will prepare to enter a state of war preparation."

Xilin couldn't help but let Noxus conquer the Black Forest.

If the other party dares to send predators to harass Shurima's border repeatedly, then he must be prepared to bear the anger of a red dragon.

I didn't know the condition of the dragon in the Ionian Forest to the east, so Xilin resisted not stalking the snake.

As a result, your black dragon dared to jump out.

And this black dragon absolutely didn't know that he was a red dragon with youth strength, otherwise the other party would not dare to harass his own territory.

With the urine of Heilong, he would definitely turn around and run.

After all, in front of the old Dage red dragon, the black dragon was still a bit too tender.

Even the second child, Blue Dragon, didn't dare to show off in front of Dage.

In the five-color dragon, the red dragon is only interested in the red dragon, and the other dragons are simply not looked at by the red dragon.

This is the arrogance of the red dragon.


The four chiefs and Kloss knelt to accept the order.

"Within three days, I want to see Noxus's army ready to go, and then expedition to the Black Marsh."

Xilin had to force this black dragon out first.

As long as the black dragon comes out of the swamp, his end will be reached.

"We understand, Your Majesty!"

Without further ado, all the leaders retired to Xilin and all went to rectify the army underneath.

However, Noxus will not be so stupid as to make all the military expeditions, so he has to leave a group of troops to stay in Noxus.

It's just that almost all Noxian soldiers want to participate in this expedition.

After all, in Noxas, as long as you kill the enemy on the battlefield, you can get rich rewards.

Under the heavy reward, no one in Noxus was afraid of fighting, and everyone was eager to fight every day.

Xilin likes this folk customs very much. You may not like war, but you must not be afraid of war.

On the battlefield, as long as you have a little fear, your chance of death will be ascension to 99%.

"Orina, how long will you hold back?

Seeing that the four chiefs and Kloss had gone, Xilin looked at Olena speechlessly.

"No, your majesty, I didn't laugh.

Olena's words are tantamount to not confessing.

"Is it so funny?"

Xilin touched Olena's back lightly with the pointed dragon's tail.

"No, it's your Majesty. Why did you say that you used dragon language magic to detect the enemy?"

Olena tried to hold back her laugh and hurriedly changed the subject.

Where does she dare to say it is funny, be careful.


Xilin Tsundere turned his head, he couldn't say he went to check it in person, otherwise it would be too Losing face.


Olena decisively chose not to speak any more, and absolutely could not speak any more.


Bang bang bang ~ puff bang bang ~ bang bang bang ~

An orderly army of monsters jogged down the street, one by one wearing armor and carrying a large axe on their backs.

Since understanding Noxus' hostility, Ionia couldn't be so stupid to continue to sell weapons to Noxus.

Knowing that Ionia would not continue to sell equipment and weapons, Xilin decisively launched the Noxus own forging business.

Some things still have to be owned, otherwise it is easy to be choked by people.

There was a silver mine in the city-state of Akelia just before Noxus.

As a result, the monsters of Noxus mined and transported them, and finally handed them over to the human blacksmiths of Noxus.

Although it was so complicated and tiring, Noxus finally had his own equipment.

And the technology of human blacksmiths is not built, it is much more perfect than the weapons picked up on the battlefield.

At least there are not so many bumps, all are brand new.

Noxus Arena


Wendini turned around and kicked a desert werewolf, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"It's amazing, Wendini? I remember you. I can definitely beat you next time."

The desert werewolf stood up slowly. The elf looked thin, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Her own bones felt like Rui was about to be broken.

"Thank you for your compliment, but you can't beat me."

Wendini smiled slightly, and smiled confidently.

At this moment, an army ran from under the arena. .

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