

Chapter 127 Incompetent and furious black dragon (fifth more! Subscription!)

The huge body of the black dragon suddenly fell, and a pair of dragon minions easily squashed the dozen or so swamp werewolves, turning them into a mass of flesh.

A red dragon went deep into the Black Swamp in the middle of the night without knowing it.

As the Black Swamp, he naturally couldn't let go of these swamp werewolves. He wanted to vent the anger in his chest.

Fortunately, this time I chose to sleep in the Black Swamp, and did not sleep in the dragon's den on my shore.

Otherwise, he must be more wicked than auspicious.

But the most important thing is that the other party should be a juvenile dragon.

This was the smell of the black dragon smelling the air.

"You trash! No one "Ni Ni San" found a giant dragon hovering above me!

The black dragon was furious now, opening the huge mouth in his mouth, and the terrible black liquid slowly condensed and formed in his mouth.

Acid breathe!



"Your Majesty? Where did your Majesty go?"

Olena, who woke up, subconsciously called Xilin, but found that Xilin had disappeared.

However, Olena was not too anxious, and with her majesty's strength, it was impossible for something to happen.

Is it because your Majesty himself got up earlier today?

Thinking of this, Olena immediately got up and changed into today's clothes, picked up a toothbrush and washcloth to clean her teeth and face.

In the Dragon Palace, there is a bathroom specially built for Olena.

Inside, you can brush your teeth, wash your face and take a bath. There is a compartment behind the bathroom, which is for Olena to use the toilet.

After all, Olena sleeps in the Dragon Palace every day, and she will be very inconvenient if she doesn't build it for Olena.

After washing her face and looking at herself in the mirror, Olena walked out of the Dragon Palace.

"Morning! Kloss Little Sister!"

As soon as Olena went out, she saw Kloss walking up the steps.

"Morning, Olena Big sis, your majesty is in the Dragon Palace."

Cross smiled and waved to Olena. She was here to talk to Xilin.

"Your Majesty? Is Your Majesty not outside?"

Olena was a little puzzled when she heard this words from Kloss.

It seems that your Majesty is no longer outside, so where will your Majesty go.

"No, isn't your Majesty in the Dragon Palace?"

Kross is also very smart, and immediately understood the meaning of Olena's words just now.

"Well, I woke up early in the morning to find that His Majesty was not by my side." Olena explained.

"Strange ~ Where will your Majesty go?"

Kloss's white index finger nodded his chin.

"I'll ask Alisa Big Sis to see if she knows where your Majesty is."

After thinking about it, Kloss turned around and went to find Alisa.

"Wait for me! Kloss!"

Olena raised her own skirt and hurried to catch up.

Why is this Clos always so impatient?

Alisa Residence

Because Alisa's father is the chief of humanity, their family lives in a relatively large single-family house.

Boom boom boom!

When Kloss came to the door of Eliza's house, she knocked on the door immediately.

"I'm coming.


"General Cross? Why are you here?"

It was Alisa's father, Aklia who opened the door at this time.

Akeria is more disciplined. He wouldn't just call Kloss just because Kross has a good relationship with his daughter Alisa.

When he called Clos, he would add a sentence of position at the end.

"Oh, I've talked about Ackley Uncle, you can just call me Clos, the general is just a false name."

"By the way, Ackley Uncle, have you seen your Majesty?"

Clos simply looked at Ackley's pajamas, and she probably guessed that Eliza's family hadn't gotten up yet.

"Your Majesty? Isn't your Majesty in the Dragon Palace? Look, Olena Miss is also here, you can ask her."

Akeria saw Olena hurriedly coming from behind Clos.

"Okay, then you continue to rest."

Kloss smiled, turned and walked towards Olena.

"How about Clos, where is your majesty?"

Olena put down her skirt panting and asked.

It's the fighter like Clos who has a strong physique, and his face is not red and heartbeat.

What a magician like myself, after only running for a while, he was a little out of breath.

Kloss shook her head: "They don't know where His Majesty is."


Olena was a little confused at this moment.

Is it possible that your Majesty is going to fight?

But in the past, no matter what he did, his Majesty would take himself with him. Why didn't he take him with him today.

"Why are you here?"

At this time, Mutu happened to pass over here.

He didn't even know that the own task was all inspected by his majesty 1.1.

Now he has found several desert werewolf elites, and is preparing to get ready to move.

"We are looking for your majesty."

Kloss and Olena said in unison.

"His Majesty?"

Mutu was puzzled, and then a huge shadow appeared on them.

Everyone immediately raised their heads and saw Xilin's majestic figure flying over them.

"Your Majesty is there." Mutu smiled.

At the same time, Xilin in the sky also found them.

"You follow me to the Dragon Palace.


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