

Chapter 123 Prepare for war (first update! Seeking subscription!)

"I can't believe that human beings are actually with the monster Life."

Wendini looked down at Noxus on the wall, her face full of incredible.

She has never heard of a human being with the monster Life.

As long as the monster doesn't eat people, it's a miracle.

"In Noxus, everything can't exist."

Alyssa felt that at the moment when His Majesty established Noxus, a miraculous empire appeared on the Western Fantasy Continent.

"What are they?"

Wendini suddenly saw a human woman walking on the street holding the arm of a desert werewolf.

And the expressions of both of them are so warm and happy.

"Oh, the two of them formed a family.

Alyssa told Wendini the story of these two people.

"Unexpectedly, your Majesty will still be beautiful in adulthood."

Wendini covered her mouth and smiled. It seemed that this red dragon was indeed different.

"Adult beauty? Haha, you are the first to use this kind of word to describe Your Majesty."

Alisa couldn't help but chuckle 27.

In Noxus, no one dared to say that your Majesty is the beauty of adults.

After all, such words are more applicable to humans, not to dragons.

"Is there anything going on?"

Wen Dini asked with a worried expression on her lower lip with her index finger.

If you speak so rashly, will you be heard by your majesty.

"Don't worry, your majesty will not be so stingy, especially if you are so beautiful." Alisha praised.

Wen Dini turned her head in embarrassment when she heard that, a red glow appeared on her face.

Dragon Palace

"Your Majesty, anyone who dares to offend Noxus will be punishable even if it is far away!"

Pepys was very angry, this group of predators was really damned.

Even the great Noxus dared to provoke.

"We should take the initiative, tear the enemy to pieces, and tell them that Noxus is not a good soft persimmon."

Ramos was equally excited, he and Pepys were both violent tempers.

"We should wait for your majesty's order."

Saman is relatively calm.

"Yes, Your Majesty! No matter what order you give, my wild dog will do it."

Mutu agreed with Saman's point of view, and just obeyed His Majesty's orders.

Cross didn't speak, she just explained own suggestion.

Now Noxus needs development and is not suitable for combat.

The Ionian Forest to the east is eyeing Noxus.

It has not been completely calm during these two months.

Ionian Forest often collides with Noxus.

It just turned out that Ionian Forest first confessed and lost something.

But the collision is still happening.

Now Noxus has Ionia to the east and unknown enemies to the west.

"Have you finished the discussion?

Xilin sat next to the four tribal leaders arguing.

Each has its own opinion.

Two advocate war, two do not have their own opinions and only obey their orders, and one Clos is more conservative. First, figure out who the enemy is in the west.

After all, Ionia, the enemy to the east on the bright side, is exposed on the bright side.

To the west is the enemy hidden in the dark.

"His Majesty."

The leader present bowed his head deeply.

No matter how intense their discussion, only His Majesty Xilin can determine the result in one sentence.

"I like war, because many things can't be solved with words, they have to use force.

Xilin knew that the battlefield was terrible and would cause many people to be displaced and lose their families.

But if you go to hit others, they will come and hit you.

The best way of peace is always unity.

As long as the Western Fantasy Continent is unified and an unprecedented empire is established, peace is no longer a dream.

"Ionia in the east, I'm ready for the monster to find out, as for the enemy in the west.

"Mutu, take a few wolf cubs to take a look. You are fast and flexible.

"Even if you are found, you can find a chance to get out.

Xilin did not leave the investigation to humans.

The smell of humans is too sensitive to monsters.

It's like a person smelling a barbecue, the smell is big and fragrant.

As for other monsters, their hands and feet are not as flexible as the desert werewolves, and it is difficult to get out if they are found.

"Yes, your loyal wild dog will complete this mission perfectly.

Mutu squeezed his right paw and placed his chest half-kneeled on the ground.

"Well, remember, probing is only secondary, the important thing is to come back.

Xilin still liked Mutu, a stray dog, and he was obedient and sensible.

If something happened to Mu 223tu, he would have less fun.

"Thank your majesty for your concern!"

Although Mutu said so, but he will definitely put the task first.

If you can't even do such a simple task as probing, you should be the leader of the Langya tribe.

It is also worthy to say that he is an obedient wild dog.

"Well, other tribal leaders should also pay attention to strengthen the inspection of the border."

"Never let go of any enemy, if you find a predator, bring it back to me."

"Daddy will interrogate himself.

As soon as Xilin finished ordering things with the leaders, Alyssa returned with Wendini.

"Your Majesty, I have taken Wendini to visit Noxus and it's over." Alisha smiled.

"Yeah." Xilin nodded, and the surrounding monsters suddenly understood that they all retired and left the Dragon Palace.

"Wentine, what do you think of Noxus?"

Xilin looked high above Wendini.

"Noxus is great, I have never seen such a wonderful empire.,

Wendini fell in love with this place.

In the beginning she was to live, for Big sis. .

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