

Chapter 122 Noxus Arena (Fifth more! Subscription!)

After thinking about it for a while, Xilin decided to secretly go to the west to take a look at night.

As long as you don't show up and hide your own breath, those who are weaker than you can't find yourself.

If you are better than yourself, you will only have to do it on the spot.

"I know what happened to the west.

Xilin shook the Longwei behind him, and the flames above gradually rose, and the entire Dragon Palace was reflected in the fiery flames.

Anyone who is familiar with Xilin knows that he is really hot.

"Your Majesty, I think it is necessary to reorganize the Noxian army so that everyone can prepare for battle."

Kloss's instinct was telling her that the battle was about to begin.

"Call the leaders of the four tribes."

Xilin felt that Ke "two two three" Luo Si was right.

Kloss nodded immediately and was about to turn around and leave.

"By the way, if you go out and meet Alyssa and Wendini, that's the elf girl."

"Tell Alyssa to take Wendini to visit Noxus, and then come to Dragon Palace.

Xilin said.

"Okay, Your Majesty."

Clos left the Dragon Palace after speaking.

Olena looked at Kloss's back and was a little worried. In fact, she hated fighting.

The most important thing is that Noxus has been stable for two months now, and she has become accustomed to this stable life.

"A momentary stability can't be exchanged for a lifetime of stability.

Xilin saw Olena's thoughts.

"I understand your Majesty.

Olena sighed.


"Alyssa Big sis, your majesty asked you to take this Wendini to visit Noxus."

Kloss happened to meet Alisa again when she was descending the steps.

"Take Wendini to visit Noxus? Okay, I know Kloss Little Sister.

Alisha smiled slightly. She had the best relationship with Kloss in Noxas.

Wendini next to her raised her azure eyes.

Kloss also looked at Wendini.

Now Wendini looks even more beautiful after taking a shower.

A drop of water stains wrapped around her hair, looking very enchanting.

The clear blue sky looks like the blue sky, which makes people obsessed.

Pointy ears emerge from the moist hair and beards, cute and playful.

The face is as flawless as white jade, the curvy eyelashes are long and black, and the lips are thin and ruddy, just like the fascinating cherry blossoms, which makes people want to possess.

The current Wen Dini can be said to be responsible for Noxus's face, which is comparable to Olena's.

"You're Wendini? You look very good-looking."

Clos made a sincere compliment and stretched out her friendly right hand.

"Hello, Cross."

Wendini's face was a little unnatural and stretched out her hand and shook Kloss.

"you know me?"

Kloss was surprised.

"Alisa told me that the one with blonde hair is Kloss.

Wendini pointed at Kloss's hair and smiled.

The smile is like the sun in the sky, bright and gentle.

"It turned out to be like this. I'll leave if I have something to do. Goodbye."

Kloss no longer chats, she still has a task.

Seeing Kloss leaving, Alyssa turned her head and said to Wendini with a smile: "Let's go Wendini, I will show you a good tour of Noxus.

"Okay, thank you Alisha.

Wendini chuckled.

Then, Alisha took Wendini and strolled around Noxus.

Soon, they came to a castle.

"From here, you can overlook the entire Noxus, of course, except you can't see the whole picture of Your Majesty's Dragon Palace."

Alisa turned and glanced at the Dragon Palace that was several kilometers high behind her.

After two months of reconstruction, this dragon palace has become more magnificent.

The height is directly raised to thousands of meters.

After all, the adult figure of the giant dragon is about 100 meters.

In addition, Xilin grew very fast, and the Noxus monsters prioritized the optimization of Dragon Palace.

"There is the arena. Both parties who are in conflict will come here to solve everything with physics."

"Or if you stand on the arena for a month, you can get your majesty's personal reward. I heard that the reward is one thing your majesty will promise the winner."

"It's just that no one can stand firm so far."

Alice's eyes showed longing.

She had also challenged the arena, but was defeated on the fourth day.

As for the leaders of the four tribes, it is also very interesting to talk about.

Pepys stood on the arena for half a month, but was defeated by Mutu.

Mutu stood for half a month, but was defeated by Salman.

Salman stood firm for half a month, but was defeated by Ramos.

Ramos finally stood firm for almost a month, and in the end Pepys defeated him again.

It can be said that the leaders of the four tribes are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other.

There will always be another party defeating this party, and no one will stand firm for a month.

As a result, the leaders of the four major tribes also restrained a little together, and the leaders were not allowed to compete on stage.

In this way, even if the leader can't get the reward, if the monsters under the tribe stand firm for a month 1.1, it will also win glory for the tribe.

Unfortunately, none of the monsters succeeded.

"Can I try it?"

Wendini was a little bit eager to hear Alisha's words.

I just can make your Majesty promise to rescue Big sis.

And this is the reward that he has won with the proof of his strength. Your Majesty should not refuse and get angry.

"You? Of course you can, but we still need to see other places. You can come again tomorrow."

Alisha smiled, unexpectedly Wendini wanted to challenge Noxus's hottest arena as soon as she arrived.


Wen Dini looked at the arena with confidence in her eyes.

"Let's go, we need to visit other places.

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