

Chapter 121 Enemy from the west (fourth more! Seeking subscription!)

"Take a bath? But I can't move my legs anymore.

Wendini tried to stand up, but the pain in her legs eroded her and made her unable to stand.

"It looks like a confined backlash, your legs have suffered some magical attacks."

Xilin's dragon pupils suddenly lit up, like two rotating suns, dazzling and dazzling.

His eyes could easily see through the wound on Wendini's leg and the remaining magic-dharma.

"Your Majesty I was just about to say.

Olena stroked the back of her head and smiled.

As a god-level talent with magic perception, it is naturally impossible not to see the traces of magic remaining on Wendini's legs.

"Then you can heal?"

Xilin looked at Olena.

"No, but this is what the pastor should be. I don't have to be lazy, your majesty."

Olena explained aggrievedly.

The magician can only heal one by one, but it is very poor.

Basically, it can only treat some skin injuries, such as the one that accidentally cuts a hole.

The pastor still has to come for this kind of things, after all, they are eating together.

Obviously, the wound on Wendini's leg cannot be cured by this level of healing technique.

"But your Majesty, you are very knowledgeable, you must know the skills of this priest!"

Olena has developed blind self-confidence to Xilin. Your Majesty Own must be omniscient and omnipotent.

"I do not know either."

Xilin was a little embarrassed.

The main reason is that the dragon doesn't need any healing technique at all, and its own recovery speed is the best healing technique.

All dragons don't even bother to remember these things, especially the five-color dragons.

However, it is estimated that there should be a memory inheritance of this healing technique in the memory of the lawful dragon clan.

It's a pity that Katelina is asleep now, otherwise you can really ask her.

"Um." Olena wanted to apologize to Your Majesty very much. Didn't you tell your Majesty that she was short.

"It's okay, Your Majesty, I can hold Wendini down."

Alisa patted her delicate arms, then bent down and hugged Wendini's body.

Then she picked up Wendini easily and walked towards the entrance of the Dragon Palace.

After all, it was Alisa who was an archer, and she didn't even have the strength to hold people, let alone draw a bow.

On the doorstep.

Alisa was holding Wendini and walking down the stairs cautiously.

"Alyssa? You have an elf in your arms?!"

At this time, the oncoming person was Kross, who had rushed back from Shurimada's border.

After confirming that the spies sent out had no news, she hurried back.

I must tell your Majesty the first time that she feels that something big is about to happen.

Unexpectedly, when I just walked the top rank ladder, I saw Alisa coming out of the Dragon Palace.

What surprised her most was the elf girl in Alisa's arms.

Didn't Ramos bring it back from Shurima's border?

What happened within a few hours of my absence.

"Yes, Your Majesty asked me to take her to take a bath. I won't say much about Clos. I'll go first. See you later.

Eliza hugged Wendini in her arms and walked down.

During this time, Wendini glanced at Kloss, and Kloss would also take a look.

Then he stepped into the Dragon Palace.

Dragon Palace

"Your Majesty! I'm back!"

Cross entered the Dragon Palace and knelt down facing Xilin.

"That group of predators on the front line got it done?"

Seeing Kloss came back, Xilin understood that the front line had been resolved by her.

"Yes, Your Majesty.

After Kloss finished speaking, she rolled her eyes and asked curiously: "Your Majesty? How did you decide that elf in the end?"

"Me? Seeing that she is so talented, she took her into Noxus, why? Are you interested in elves?

Xilin didn't expect Kloss to become interested in this elf.

"No, your Majesty, I'm just curious to ask."

Ask for flowers…

Kloss touched her head embarrassedly, then put away her smile, her expression turned serious.

"Your Majesty, I suspect that a big battle is about to break out.

Kloss told about the fact that he had sent a spy.

"I haven't come back, who are these three people? Do you remember their names?" Xilin asked.

"Yes "

As a general, Kross did her best, and even the three soldiers, she still wrote them down.

"Let me see."

Xilin quickly closed his eyes, and a sea of ​​stars appeared in front of him.

This is his mind and the home of everyone's souls.


Immediately afterwards, Xilin opened his eyes in the blink of an eye.

"The souls of the three of them have dissipated, and they appear to be dead."

There was a trace of anger in Xilin's eyes.

This is the first time that a Noxian soldier has died unexpectedly.

People who are not Noxus have never died, but they all died on the battlefield, and they died in a fair manner.

Never have I died so unclearly once.

And, know that this is the territory of Noxus!

"Are there any clues to the enemy?"

Xilin tried to calm his anger and calm himself down.

I wouldn't be as brainless and furious as some idiots.

"No, the only thing that is clear is that it has something to do with this group of predators, but I can probably guess where the enemy is."

"It's west of Noxus, but it should not be in the territory of Noxus."

"After all, there are monsters patrolling regularly around Noxus."

"If something happens to a soldier, the monsters guarding the border will notify you as soon as possible."

Kloss told the own guess.


Xilin twisted his neck, he wanted to go out in person.

It's just that the boss of the other party hasn't even started, so he showed up.

Will the price drop too much. Second.

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