

Chapter 120 Wen Dini's choice (third more! Seeking subscription!)

"I don't know what to do."

Wendini lost her eyes, and now she is in the dragon's lair.

What else can I do?

"Stay in Noxus and deliver the soul to me."

Xilin made the decision for Wendini.

If Wendini was just an ordinary but good-looking forest elf, she would not have said that.

But now Wendini has a talent, and she is very beautiful.

A god-level talent.

The power of wood that can communicate with the world, turning decay into a magical ultimate talent.

Even among the god-level talents, that is one of the top talents.

If Wen Dini joins herself, then Noxus's strength can once again ascending a step.

Xilin's words made everyone present be bewildered.

It doesn't matter if humans can join Noxus. Didn't expect that even the elves of the red dragon's mortal enemy can join Noxus now?

Ramos stood by and was surprised, but there was no movement.

When he let humans join Noxus before, he had already accepted the rules that Noxus would never refuse.

Anyway, as long as it is strong enough and loyal to Noxus 220.

No matter what race you are, you can join in.

"Me? You would let an elf join your Red Dragon Empire?"

Wen Dini looked up at Xilin in disbelief.

Only then did she realize that there were humans standing around.

Humans can also be in everything with the Dragon Life, and it seems that the relationship is not ordinary.

"Why not? Has anyone stipulated it?"

Xilin didn't care about this. Katelina was different from Silver Dragon.

But with the passage of time, even Dragon Mother Dannier has gradually accepted her.

"But this is the rule that has been handed down in Western Fantasy Continent since ancient times."

Wen Dini's heart is moved, but if she joins Noxus, how will she face the Own people in the future.

The elves are peace-loving, and the red dragon is the boss and leader of the evil family.

"Rules? In Noxus, what I say is rules. No one can change it.

"Even if the gods in the sky come here, it is the same.

Xilin's words were very arrogant and defiant.

Especially in this world where gods really exist, what he said is simply bold.

Because the gods in his mouth represent all the gods in the gods.

Wen Dini also understood that there was indeed a red dragon in front of her, even though he looked different from other red dragons.

But in his bones, he still has the arrogance of the red dragon.

"I, I can join Noxus, but can you help me find Her Majesty the Queen?"

Wendini knelt on the ground begging.

In order to save the Elf Queen who was taken away by humans, she actually prayed for the mercy of a red dragon.

Just like Alisa before.

Eliza felt very familiar with this scene, as if she had seen herself in the past.

In fact, Wendini is not only the guard of the Elf Queen, she is also the Little Sister of the Elf Queen.

According to the rules of the forest elves, she should be the queen, not her Big sis.

Because Wendini's talent is more powerful.

Only a powerful elven queen can protect the forest elves from foreigners.

But when running for the queen, Wendini gave up.

She deliberately left a flaw, letting Big sis defeat herself.

After the incident, Big sis chose to give up her position as the queen (chbb), but Wendini forced her to die, so she let it go.

The relationship between the two sisters can be described as close.

Even both parties need to have a little understanding.

Wen Dini can feel the fear and anxiety of Big sis, and can also feel that Big sis has not suffered any inhuman treatment at this time.

"Bold! Remember, in Noxus, the only thing that can be called your Majesty is our Death Wing, Majesty Xilin!"

Ramos immediately stood up and refuted Winbondini.

Originally, he was not going to interrupt.

As a result, Wendini dared to call other people Your Majesty before your Majesty.

This is simply innocent!

Do not put Noxus Majesty To put in one's eyes!

"I "

Wendini suddenly understood that she had said something wrong.

But I was just in a moment of urgency, without thinking about it.

After playing, it is estimated that even the dragon can't help himself.

"Go down Ramos, I don't care about this, I only care about Wendini, whether you want to surrender your soul and be loyal to Noxus."

"As for your elven queen, remember that from the beginning to the end, what I said was not a negotiation, but an order."

Xilin hates that someone uses this sentence to bargain with him.

If it irritates him, whether you add it or not, a bite of dragon's breath will turn you into a pile of ashes.

"I understand that I, Wendini, would like to join Noxus! And entrust my soul to you.

Wen Dini wanted to understand that as long as she was still alive, she would still have a chance to find Big sis.

Even if Big sis has an accident, he still has a chance to avenge her.

Revenge for those dead sisters!

Afterwards, a group of green light spots full of vitality condensed in mid-air, and gradually flew to the inverse scale of Xilin, and then disappeared.

At this moment, Xilin almost couldn't help but swallow Wendini's soul.

It's a pity that this devouring can only absorb power, not talent.

And if she absorbs it herself, Wendini will die suddenly.

"I feel your soul, Alyssa, you take Wendini down to take a bath and change clothes."

Xilin said to Alisa next to her.

"Okay Your Majesty.

Alisa nodded, smiled and pulled Wendini and said, "Let's go down and wash."

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