

Chapter 116 Bring to your majesty (fourth more! Seeking subscription!)

Shurima Border

"Chagil, what monster your Majesty needs?"

Ramos stood in front of Chagir's door, raised his head and shouted.

"Ah! Lord Ramos, you are finally here!"

Chagil opened the door immediately, holding a broom in his hand, and cryingly hugged Ramos' thigh.

" What happened?"

Ramos disgusted him and pulled Chagil away, this human being he hated the most so far.

none of them!

"You don't know, just now, General Cross brought a wooden cage, but she told me not to touch it~.

"So I didn't dare to touch it, who knew that the wooden cage just moved suddenly-!"

"Then there were a few screams, and then the wooden cage shook a few times, and there was no sound or movement.

"It scared me almost to pee.

Chagir threw away the broom in his hand and talked with tears and nose.

"Wooden cage?" Ramos questioned: "Since you are scared, why don't you call the guards nearby?"

Now Shurima border is not like the previous town of Wals, there are guards on patrol here.

As the master, Chajir naturally has the right to mobilize guards.

"It's not that General Cross warned me not to move."

Chagil was afraid of Cross's misunderstanding, and was afraid to die and didn't dare to call the guards over.


Ramos was a little amused by Chagil, walked into the house with a huge body, and came to the wooden cage.


Ramos opened the black cloth, revealing the unconscious female elf inside.

"This fairy!"

Zhajir's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the wooden cage was actually a fairy.

That's not right!

Since it is an elf, why did he make such a screaming sound just now?

"Well, it looks like Kloss didn't know where he got an elf."

Ramos looked up and down at the elf lying inside, um~ Your Majesty must like it very much.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to take this female elf back to Noxus and dedicated it to His Majesty.

"Where is the monster? I brought the elves to your majesty by the way." Ramos said.

Chajier hurriedly returned to the gods: "In the back yard, I will take you there.

Later, under the leadership of Chagir, Ramos came to the backyard and saw dozens of iron cages, which contained all kinds of monsters. ,

It's just that the monster was dead, and there was no movement on the ground.

"This is the leader of Ramos. After knowing that you are coming to fetch these monsters, I secretly put sleeping pills in their food, and I am asleep now."

Chagil was afraid that these monsters would make trouble during the transportation, so he stunned them in advance.

"Good job, just save trouble."

Ramos nodded in satisfaction, this Chagir was not useless.

At least this is indeed better for transportation.

I don't have to be quarreled by these monsters on the road.

After carrying all the iron cages into the box, Dragon Turtel in armor put the box on his back and headed towards the Noxus Imperial Capital.

Ramos re-covered the black cloth on the wooden cage and dragged the wooden cage forward himself.

The wooden cage of the elves is a lot easier, and there is a cage underneath to move it.

Watching Ramos and the others leave, Chagil heaved a long sigh of relief, and at last he was all right.

No! Wait!

Just now General Cross said not to move, but he let Chief Ramos take it away.

However, the elves were sacrificed to His Majesty, and General Cross shouldn't blame himself.

At this time, Zha Jierxin mentioned his throat again, how could he forget this.

Outside Noxus

"This is?!"


The three soldiers quietly followed the predator all the way, walked out of Noxus, and came to a place less than a kilometer away from Noxus, and saw tens of thousands of monsters.

Although this is no longer Noxus, it is only over a thousand meters away, and it is still within the sight of Noxus.

...…Please ask for flowers….

Nowadays, there is such a huge group of monsters hidden here.

The three soldiers looked at each other, then turned around and wanted to leave without saying a word.

"Humans? How many little tails follow your predator's ass but you didn't notice it?"

Four or five monsters blocked the warrior's rear. Their shape was like a desert werewolf, but the color of their fur was dark green.

Swamp Werewolf!

Their extremely developed sense of smell can smell the scent of the soldiers.

"Damn! You humans dare to follow here!'

The predators discovered with hindsight that they were following humans.


"not good!

The three warriors clenched their long swords back to back. They knew that this time they would die nine times.


Kloss, who hadn't waited for the news of the soldiers for a long time, had already chilled for more than half of her heart.

She could already guess that the soldiers must have encountered an accident.

"I have to tell your majesty."

Kloss didn't know why her heart began to panic, as if there was a powerful enemy staring at this place.

"Warriors! Return to Shurima border!" Clos shouted.

One minute later

Shurima Border

Crowe Ribbon led the soldiers back here.

Upon returning to the Shurima border, Clos quickly set up a defense to prevent an impending war, and then went to Chajier's house.

"Where is the wooden cage?!"

Kross kicked into Zhajir's room and saw the wooden cage in the living room missing, and she was immediately a little angry.

"General Closs, just now Chief Ramos came, and he took the elf away!"

Chagil wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, really afraid of something.

"Elf? Did you see it?"

Kloss's face was wrinkled, and she looked at Zagiel with a bad look.

The second wall on which Clos sits,

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "illustration" button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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