

Chapter 115 The intuition of war (third more (please subscribe!)

Shurima Frontline


Cross led five thousand human warriors into the battle.

far away

A group of monsters more than two meters high and dark green all over noticed Kloss.

They look a bit like frogs, but two stand up, their eyes are like two lanterns, emitting red light.

"Not good! Silver Devil is here again!"

When the sharp-eyed predator saw Kloss's figure, he fled trial in a panic.

The shadow that Kloss gave them last time was very huge, so Kloss's silver armor was remembered by the marauders, nicknamed the silver Devil.

"Charge! Stop! Enemy!"

Cross stepped on the back of the Yalong dog and jumped up with strength, and landed in the group of predator monsters.


The predators around were all shaken away and fell to the ground.

"Damn! Don't be afraid, everyone, kill her! She is only one person!"

All the predators raised the scimitars in their hands and slashed at Kross.

"Don't step into the forbidden domain, he will be angry with 217!"

Kloss's body was covered with a golden shield, and countless scimitars slashed on the shield, but did not leave a trace.

The next moment, a masterpiece of shield golden light, all the predators just want to retreat, but the shield is blooming at this moment!


A shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out, and countless predators fell to the ground one by one, and their chests were blown to pieces.

Green blood splashed around at this time, and the beating heart was exposed to the air from their chests.

"Broken life, remind you of forgotten memories."

Kloss stood up slowly, and the golden God of War gun shined in her hands.

The flowing golden streamer sets off her long hair, and the whole person is like an invincible God of War.

"Run! Silver Devil is here!"

At this moment, the minds of all the predators came to the minds of Clos killing all quarters a few days ago. It is impossible for them to beat the Silver Devil.

For a time, all the predators threw their helmets and armors and fled towards the back (chbb). They had no intention of fighting anymore.

The armored Dragon Turtel stopped at this time and looked at the energetic Kloss.

It is indeed the human being that your Majesty has fancyed, and you can do this in a human body.

You know, although the armored Dragon Turtel is fighting against the predators, it doesn't make the predators so scared.

"You are growing fast, Closs.

Ramos turned and came to Cross.

Two months ago, this little girl was only a human being who relied on her Majesty to threaten her own.

Two months later, Kross has grown to such a point, already much better than some armored Dragon Turtel.

But it's far inferior to myself.

Ramos didn't take much action in the battle, he wanted to use this to exercise the cubs, and don't let the bones of his body get rusty.

"Thanks to Chief Ramos for his compliment.

Kloss put away the God of War gun and turned it into a golden hairpin and inserted it on the tip of her own hair.

"This is not a compliment, I am stating the facts.

"What about that group of predators, do they need to continue pursuing?"

Ramos still has to ask Close about this.

After all, in name, Kross is the general at Shurima's border, and his Majesty handed this to Kross.


Kloss shook her head.

I don't know why, Own Sixth Sense is telling myself that this time I absolutely can't pursue it.

"Why not, now we can just catch all the clutter.

An armored Dragon Turtel couldn't understand Kloss's decision.

Now is the opportunity to wipe out the predators, why should we give up?

"I…" Kloss didn't have time to explain.


Ramos said angrily: "Shut up! Remember, you have to call General Cross. If you are not convinced, you can ask me to fight."

"Yes, I target the leader."

The armored Dragon Turtel immediately did not dare to speak any more.

Ramos has secured his position as leader in the past few months, and his strength is beyond doubt.

The armored Dragon Turtel obeyed Ramos up and down.

"You don't have to be such a leader Ramos, in fact, I have a reason for not pursuing him."

"If I have to say anything, I can only tell you instinct.

Kross smiled slightly, she was not annoyed by the words of Dragon Turtel just wearing armor.

This is a matter of reason.

"Intuition? It seems that Kloss you value your own intuition."

Ramos was a little surprised. He thought that Clos had discovered something, but he didn't expect it to be her own intuition.

"Well, at least I believe in my intuition in combat."

Clos said and waved his hand, and the soldiers behind him began to search for the spoils of the predators.

Ramos didn't say anything any more, he just happened to come to Shurima to pick up the goods this time.

The two months that your Majesty gave Chajier have come, and he is here to transport the monsters.

He didn't expect to be attacked by the predators, so he went to the front with some human forces.

"I'll leave it to you here, Cross, and I'm going to find Chajier to get the goods."

Ramos left the front with ten armored Dragon Turtels.

Kloss nodded symbolically, then knelt down and pulled out the scimitar from the predator's corpse.

The scimitar reflected light in the sun. The equipment of the previous predators was pitted, and many of them were rusted.

Did today's predators suddenly get rich? All of the equipment was renewed all at once.

Thinking of this, Kloss became more certain that his own intuition was correct.

"The three of you sneak up to see if there is an ambush on the predator's side. Remember, don't startle the snake."

Kloss said to the three soldiers beside him.

"Yes, General Cross!"

The three soldiers unanimously put down their spoils and rushed to catch up.

Yalong dog pictures,

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