

Chapter 108 It's the Red Dragon again! (The first one! Please subscribe!)

When Mutu walked into the town, he found that the town was deserted.

It's not like a place for halfway transactions.

There are very few people coming and going. Through the sense of smell, Mutu also discovered that there are basically no people in the house.

If it weren't for one or two people passing by on the street occasionally, Mutu would have thought it was a dead town with no one.

"Chief, how do we find the mayor?"

The desert werewolf next to him leaned over and asked.

They have never dealt with humans, but vaguely heard of human things in the mouths of their elders.

"I don't know, I haven't seen humans either, but the previous leader Jacob.

Mutu's eyes looked around, and he didn't know how to find the mayor.

"How about the leader, let's just grab someone and ask?"

The desert werewolf on the other side seemed impatient.

Mu Tu frowned, just about to refuse, suddenly changed his mind.

There is indeed no good way 27, so it is better to just do it.

Thinking of this, Mutu nodded to his hand, and his hand understood.

The subordinates stepped forward and walked straight to the old human man who was walking in front of him.

"You what are you doing?"

The old man felt a little frightened when he saw the burly figure of the brawny man.

This is the first time he has seen such a big person.

"Where is your mayor?

The desert werewolf asked straightforwardly.

"The mayor?! Why are you looking for the mayor?"

The old man asked more subconsciously, but he found that the strong man in front of him frowned.

Scared and hurriedly said: "The mayor The mayor is in the tallest house in front.

The desert werewolf who heard the mayor's whereabouts turned and left and returned to Mutu.

"Chief, the mayor is in the tallest house ahead."

The desert werewolf pointed to the front and said.

Mu Tu nodded his forehead: "Go, let's go find him."

Three desert werewolves walked towards the mayor's residence.

During the period, Mutu also discovered that there were no basic guards around.

"Be careful, it may be a trap."

Mutu became vigilant.

The mayor, as the ruler of the entire town, could not even live in a place of guard.

You know, even your majesty, a powerful dragon like this, will arrange several gatekeepers at the door in order to show his own status and identity.

"Understood, boss."

The palms of the two desert werewolves next to them were bent into claws, and the claws hidden in them could attack at any time.

Mutu is also the same, if it is a trap, he will kill without saying a word.

When he came to the mayor's door, the desert werewolf knocked on the wooden door.

Boom boom boom! boom boom boom!

But after a while, there was a rush of footsteps, and then Chajir opened the door.

"You are?"

When Chagil saw the three big guys at first, he almost couldn't help closing the door.

How could there be such a fierce person.

At first glance, he is a rapist.

If it weren't for the fact that the town of Own was already so poor, Chagil would have thought that he was going to be robbed by a big man.

"We are the mayor who came to see you.

Mutu thought of the group of people in Noxus, so he reluctantly smiled according to his own memories.

Don't those people all like to laugh.

But what Mutu didn't know was that from Chagir's point of view, the laugh of own was even worse than crying.

Chagil swallowed, "What can you do with me?"

The mage he hired now, Mousse, had already ran away, and because he had no money, he didn't even have a soldier by his side.

If these three big guys are hostile to them, they will definitely be powerless.

After all, without the identity of the mayor, he is an ordinary person.

I don't know anything about magic and battle.

"Let's go in and talk about the mayor."

Without waiting for Chajier's consent, Mutu forced Chajir into the room by relying on his powerful body.

The men behind him also took the initiative to close the door.

At this moment, Chajir's heart was half cold, and he was so poor.

Why do you want to rob yourself.

Now Chagil has regarded Mutu and the others as robbers.

Entering Chajier's room, Mutu gave two men a look.

The two desert werewolves next to them immediately understood, and turned to close the window curtain.

When the light was blocked, Chagil tremblingly turned on the lamp, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "I don't have anything of value anymore."

"A few months ago, a huge red dragon came to our town, and the news spread out immediately, which caused the pedestrians who passed by now to dare not enter here."

"The only ones left here are some lonely old people and abandoned children, please! Don't kill me.

Chajier saw that the three big men were still pulling up the curtains. Wasn't he still preparing to kill people?

But I really don't have any money. The reason I stay here is because I can't bear the position of mayor.

Now that I say that again, I am still the mayor.

The old people and children underneath will obey their orders and still live a bit more moisturized than others.

Unexpectedly, because of the vanity of own, I have to pay the price of my life today.

"Kill you? Haha, you are not worthy of us to kill.

The next moment when Mutu finished this sentence, the figures of the three desert werewolves gradually skyrocketed, and the fur all over their bodies was springing up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

In the blink of an eye, 213 changed back to the posture of a desert werewolf.

"You, you, you are actually werewolves!"

Chajir shivered and fell soft to the ground. He never expected that the opponent was a werewolf.

Although he didn't know what werewolf was, he still heard some legends about monsters like werewolves.

"We are the desert werewolves, and I have something to discuss with you.

Mutu liked the horrified look of Chagil very much. This is the reaction he should have when he sees a werewolf.

At the same time, he also knew one thing. Your Majesty had been to this town a few months ago.

After all, there is only one red dragon in the Death Desert.

No wonder there are so few people in the town. If your Majesty had lived there, everything would be reasonable.

"Discuss one thing?"

Chajil supported the table beside him fearfully and stood up, looking up at the desert werewolf standing in front of him.

He didn't believe in the words of werewolves a little bit, where are monsters discussing with humans.

Didn't it always meet humans and then eat one bite?

"You just said that a great red dragon came here a few months ago."

"I'm here to explain, that is our Red Dragon of Noxus, who asked us to come to you.

Mutu bent down playfully and nodded Chagil's chest with his pointed claws.

It was so scared that Chagil's heart almost jumped out.

Red Dragon! Red Dragon again!.

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