

Chapter 107 Death God Tanatos (Fifth more! Seeking subscription!)

[Host: Xilin] [Creature: Red Dragon (Chaotic Evil)] [Attack: 5000 (Ordinary Youth Dragon Red Dragon 3000)

[Defense: 4000 (Ordinary Youth Red Dragon 2000)] [Speed: 3500 (Ordinary Youth Red Dragon 1500)] [Physique: 5500 (Ordinary Youth Red Dragon 3500)] [Items: Tiamat's dragon scales (demi-god), Uranus's hair (demi-god), Zeus's thunder and lightning (demi-god)]

[Magic: One-ring magic (known), two-ring magic (known), three-ring magic (known)

[Tian "Two-Three" Fu: Excellent physique (half-god level), breaking potential (god-level), proficient in magic (spirit-level)] [Abilities: Bite, Tear, Fire Breath, Frost Breath, Lightning Breath, Poisonous Mist Breath, Acid Breath, Swallow] [Evaluation: You are now far ahead of the young dragon, but you are a little tender in the eyes of the older young dragon, but the overall strength is already top-notch]

"I feel it, the power to devour the soul."

Xilin closed his eyes and felt his extra power, swallowing it.

The current self can devour the soul to strengthen own strength.

It is equivalent to owning a growth skill.

Of course, he will not go crazy and devour the souls of his men.

Xilin is extremely happy now, and the flames on his body have become a little high.

Olena, who was standing next to her, couldn't stand the heat, and was retreated for dozens of steps using barrier magic.

Spirit world

"How is it possible?! How could this dragon swallow what I created!"

The god of death Tanatos opened his own Death pupil, and there was no vitality in his eyes.

Ordinary people only need to take a look, the soul is deeply attracted by the pupil of the god of death, and there is no need to do anything by Tanathus, the person who is trapped will sacrifice the soul by himself.

Tanathos was a little uneasy. This was the first time that his pet was killed by a creature that was not a god.

Although it was eaten to death in the end, the dragon couldn't digest its own pet.

Unless unless another god stepped in to help this red dragon!

That's right!

Since it is a red dragon, it must be Tiamat, the mother of the five-color dragon, who has intervened!

Damn it! Doesn't she know this red dragon is her own prey?


An endless sea of ​​blood erupted from Tanathos, and countless evil spirits around began to roar.

In an instant, this place turned into an abyss The Underworld.

At the beginning, I was surrounded by the gods and lost the Palace of the Death God, so I could only shrink in this endless sea of ​​blood.

Unexpectedly, more than a thousand years have passed, and even a middle god Tiamat would dare to oppose him!

This is simply looking for death!

As the breath of Tanathos leaked, the entire endless sea of ​​blood gradually collapsed.

The ruinous momentum rushed into the sky.


The surrounding souls roared and gathered together, turning into a cloud of black mist.

Afterwards, it turned into an extremely black sickle, exuding an extremely cold breath, like the eighteenth floor of The Underworld.

The annoyed Tanatos decided! Today he wants to slaughter the gods!

Maybe the current Tiamat didn't know that the own red dragon actually annoyed a god of death completely.

And this god of death has to kill himself.

Mortal Western Fantasy Land

Xilin didn't know anything about what happened in the God Realm, and now he just wanted to try this swallowing ability.

"Swallow~" Xilin muttered silently as he watched the giant horned lizard brought by Dragon Turtel in armor.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of black mist drifted from the horned lizard.

The black mist wandered in mid-air, Xilin's mouth was like an abyss, swallowing the black mist into his stomach.

[Swallow the soul of the giant horned lizard, gain strength +10]

"It's so low." Xilin's mouth twitched.

Two hundred four-ring magic]

Unexpectedly, it was ten o'clock, but because it was the soul of a horned lizard, he didn't care too much.

The horned lizard is a kind of vegetable monster, and it doesn't even have wisdom.

In the next period of time, Xilin was using the remaining horned lizards to continue to be proficient in devouring abilities.

Walls Town

After a short period of time, Mutu and the others finally came to the town referred to by His Majesty.

Mutu took the huge dragon scales from his back, and the dragon scales shone towards the town.

"That's it, let's keep a low profile."

Mutu doesn't want to enter the town too high-profile, what if your Majesty's affairs are delayed.

"Understood." The two desert ronin behind them nodded.

Immediately, the three desert ronins gradually shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the bones 1.1 on their bodies also made a crackling sound.

When the height reached two meters, the reduction of the desert Ronin stopped.

Not only that, all the fur on their bodies disappeared, replaced by a furry dress.

The original wolf head changed into the face of a ferocious man among humans, and the tail was also retracted and hidden in the pants.

Werewolves Werewolves, they are called so because they can become humans.

This is one of the few creatures that can turn into humans in the monsters.


The big man Mutu became more aware of, even if he became a human, he still walked like a humanoid Titan. .

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