

Chapter 106 The ability to devour souls (fourth more! Seeking subscription!)

Xilin was going to send spies to investigate Ionia.

Only this time, he needs a long-term undercover.

The undercover agent had to join Ionia, climb step by step, and finally go to the giant dragon, and then pass the news to himself.

And this monster can't be the monster of the four major tribes of Noxus, after all, Ionia has seen it.

But apart from the four major tribes, other monsters are not strong enough.

If you go to Ionia, you will show your feet if you are not careful.

"Who should I choose~"

Xilin's curved hook kept hitting the ground, lifting up a layer of sand.

Olena hurriedly used barrier magic to resist.

After thinking about it, Xilin didn't have a suitable goal.

At least the monsters in the Death Desert are definitely not-there are.


Xilin's mind flashed, and he thought of that small human town.

I can let this group of people bring a suitable monster for myself.

After all, the people in the town are almost all caravans that trade back and forth, and a large part of the merchandise of the caravans are rare monsters.

"Mutu!" Xilin shouted Mutu's name.

Mutu, who was talking with Kloss outside, immediately fell on all fours and ran towards the Dragon Palace.

Dragon Palace

"Your Majesty! Your most loyal wild dog is here!"

Mutu came to Xilin's feet out of breath and knelt on the ground.

"I'll give you a task. Go to the town of Vols, find the mayor in the town, and tell him that I need a rare and powerful monster."

Xilin was afraid that Mutu could not find it, so he pulled out a piece of dragon scale. This dragon scale would guide Mutu how to get to the town of Vols.

"Please rest assured, your Majesty, Mutu will definitely handle it for you!"

Mutu grasped the scales of the dragon and raised the tail of the wolf, and ran out without stopping, casually leading a few younger brothers towards the small town of Wals.

"Orina will keep me count!" Xilin shouted.

"Yes, your Majesty!" Olena said.

Three minutes later~

[Congratulations to the host for signing in and punching in push-ups, get bonus attack +50] [Congratulations to the host for signing in and punching in sit-ups, get bonus physique +50] [Congratulations to the host for signing in and squatting, gaining speed +50] [Congratulations to the host for signing in, punching in and running, rewarding crit! Get a chance to merge ability!]

"Critically hit?!"

Xilin was overjoyed, this time it was finally a crit.

"System, what is fusion ability?" Xilin asked inwardly.

[Fusion ability opportunity once, you can swallow the opponent to fuse all the opponent's abilities]

"Integration ability?" Xilin immediately thought of the death pet opened in front of him.

I was worried about how to deal with it, but I didn't expect to have a solution today.

"Speaking of the system, if I swallow that thing in my stomach, will I be okay?"

Xilin worried that he had eaten the wrong food and ended up with Danielle.

I don't want to get any inexplicable curse because of a small matter.

"Please rest assured the host, there are no side effects from swallowing that thing."

The system directly scanned the body of the death pet, and did not detect any bad curses or things harmful to Xilin's body.

"That's all right."

Xilin slowly stood up and walked towards the golden treasure chest.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Olena looked a bit pity, why your Majesty seemed to be interested in the monster in that golden treasure box again.

Xilin ignored Olena and stretched out his right paw to open the golden treasure chest again.


As soon as the little thing came out, it roared at Xilin, apparently it had been angered by Xilin's previous actions.

"Dare to yell at a giant dragon, who gave you the courage!"

Xilin immediately released all Longwei of own and pressed it on the little thing.

The little thing immediately felt the mountain-like crushing breath from Xilin, making it unable to move at all.

But it is not afraid at all, it knows that Xilin can't kill it.

In its eyes, only death can kill it.

But this time, Xilin did not kill it by hand, but directly opened his lava-like mouth, and swallowed the little things into his own furnace stomach.

In the stomach

It never thought that the dragon in front of it swallowed itself. Looking at Xilin's molten stomach, it didn't have a trace of fear.

Instead, he swam in Xilin's red stomach acid.

It's better to be locked here than in a golden treasure chest.

Xilin knew everything about this little thing.

This is my own body, of course I know it.

"System, give me the talent to integrate it." Xilin immediately used the talent he had just obtained from the crit bonus.

The little thing that had been swimming well in the stomach acid suddenly saw a mass of fire surrounding it.

At first, it didn't take it seriously, but it turned out that own body was gradually decomposed by fire!

The most frightening thing is that I don't feel any pain.


At this time, it finally panicked, trying to get into the stomach acid, but was grabbed by the anger, and the tissues of the whole body immediately decomposed.

[Congratulations to the host's fusion talent, Devour] B.

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