

Chapter 102 Death Treasure (Fifth more!! Please subscribe!)

Soon, the time came to night.

With the help of the desert werewolves, the humans moved their luggage into their homes at once.

"Thanks, thank you.

A woman holding her child with a look of Vino in her eyes, raised her head to help own the desert werewolf.

"Cut! No thanks, this is your majesty's order, besides, it's a trivial matter."

The desert werewolf turned his head, his legs were slightly bent, and then he leaped hard, jumped out of the woman's house, and landed on the ground.

The woman stared at the desert werewolf in a daze. It seemed that these monsters were not bad.

This situation still occurs in many homes.

Human beings understand etiquette very well, regardless of whether monsters have this "1997" habit.

As long as they help them, they will say thank you.

"Chief, are these humans so polite?,

A desert werewolf came to Mutu and smiled.

No effort is needed to carry something light and light.

"This is the rule between humans. Although it is very cumbersome, but your Majesty seems to like it very much."

Mu Tujing glanced at the human being, turned his head and said to his opponent.

"Speaking of the chief, why are you so friendly to that little human girl."

The desert werewolf pointed at Kloss behind him with some doubts.

"She, from now on, let the wolf cubs not to have sex with Kloss, she is a human being admired by your majesty.

Mutu almost forgot to tell the matter and order to go on.

If a wolf cub who doesn't have long eyes provokes Kloss, it won't be good to have any conflicts.

But there is no need to blindly please, the werewolves also have their own dignity.

They will only please your Majesty the Red Dragon.

"The person your majesty values? I understand."

The desert werewolf hurriedly communicated the matter.

Dragon Palace

"Your Majesty, I have already explained the situation to Alisha Big Sis."

Olena came to Xilin and cleaned Xilin's scales on her body.

But the effect is minimal.

"How did she react?" Xilin asked.

Alisha replied: "She said that she was very grateful to you, and that she would follow you without regrets in this life."

"Really?" Xilin was expressionless after hearing it.

There was no ripple in the calm expression.

An ordinary person's following, he didn't feel much.

I only took in Alisa because of the enhanced buff.

"Oh~" Olena let out a sigh of fatigue.

"Sleepy? Then go to sleep."

Xilin looked down at Olena, and when she grew up to the young dragon stage, Olena would look even smaller.

"Good Majesty."

Olena did not try her best, Own was indeed very sleepy.

Xilin got up and lay in his own lair, opening his mouth.

The smashed gold coins were spit out and piled up a high hill of gold coins.

"A lot of gold coins and gems~"

Olena's whole body was shining with gold coins.

"Is it too much? Compared to my mother, it's worthless."

Xilin thought of Daniel's treasure, which was the real dragon's treasure.

I don't have more quantity than Danier's, and the quality is not as good as Danier's.

Daniel's treasures are plundered from the top empire treasures, and the level of gold coin casting is not knowing how much higher than the Acreian city-state.

It can be said that one gold coin of the empire can be worth a hundred gold coins of Akria.

"Your mother must be a great dragon, otherwise you cannot be born."

Olena praised.

I have to say that after getting along with the monster for a long time, Olena has also learned a few words of praise.

"No, no, I am the adopted son of my mother. As for my biological parents, I don't know where they are.

"Maybe it's still out there, Xiaoxiao, or has died in some wilderness."

Xilin shrugged. He had no feelings for his biological parents.

After all, he was originally a human, so he grew up relying on Dannier to grow up.

There is no appearance or name of the parents in the memory of the dragons.

But if Xilin really met his biological parents, the strong blood relationship could make him recognize at a glance.

"Ah! Sorry, Your Majesty!" Olena suddenly covered her mouth. Is this too much of her mouth?

"It's okay, I don't care."

Xilin finally vomited the treasure, and there was a big box made of gold in it.

"Your Majesty? What is this?"

Olena widened her eyes curiously.

Is the city-state of Akelia so rich? Even the boxes are made of gold.

"No, this is the treasure of the god of death. It has been hidden in the second stomach before and has forgotten to take it out.

Xilin stretched out his claws and knocked on his head. There were too many things to work on recently.

"Reaper's treasure?!"

Olena exclaimed, and thought of the mixture 1.1.

It was creepy and disgusting.

If it were not for your majesty's strength, they might have died in the desert palace.

"Well, I just have time now, I can finally open it to see what's there.

Xilin protruded his right paw and placed it on the golden box.


The golden box seemed to have turned on a certain switch, accompanied by a crunch.

A black body exuding black air appeared in front of Xilin's eyes.

"Your Majesty, is this?" Just as Olena was wondering.

The black thing suddenly opened a pair of scarlet eyes.

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