
Not My World -error-

When enigmatic gates open, the world faces a mysterious threat. In a realm of desperation and chaos, glimmers of hope emerge as whispers of the ‘Prophet’, who could stand up to defend humanity. As the past collides with the future and the fate of the world hangs in the balance, how will this epic battle between light and darkness unfold?

CrestCrossError · Fantasy
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3 Chs

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The sensations of anticipation were like a long thread woven from fear and pride, intertwining the hearts of friends and family. Sweat covered everyone, but their unseen presence continued to linger, like fireflies in the night's darkness.


In an instant, global hope was devoured, as if by the dark waters of the abyss. Each moment of waiting became an indescribable torment, reinforcing the belief that answers would be found and, at the same time, an emptiness signaling that not everything in this world could be deciphered.






The world held its breath, but in response, there was only emptiness.








Everyone waited in tense anticipation. Hearts beat harder. Tears flowed like streams of time, and heads of states gazed into the distance as if reading a hidden riddle with their eyes.






The anticipation turned out to be empty, like a sky devoid of stars. No signs, no phenomena – the world remained without answers. They vanished into the darkness that bore more questions than solutions.


And once again, silence...


Hours and days had already passed...

Weeks had turned into months. And still, there were no tidings from those who ventured to "the other side." Despite everything, people continued to dream of their heroes' return, of unlocking the mystery behind those gates. Prophecies and conjectures about what awaited them dominated people's thoughts, becoming a source of their perseverance and determination to keep living.


Meanwhile, the Horsemen of the Apocalypse continued to spread their cold and fear across the land. Humanity bore the heavy cross of suffering, unable to decode the secrets of the past and the future, held by these enigmatic gates.


And only time, like an inexorable sentinel, continued to move slowly, leaving in its wake hope, questions, and memories of the days when they ventured into the unknown world, trying to find answers to the questions that stirred in their hearts.




After a series of failed expeditions, where governments of the world repeatedly attempted to unveil the secret of "the other side," a moment arrived when hope seemed to wane, and despair grew. Three desperate attempts yielded nothing, and the curtain of mystery remained impenetrable.


In the bitter realization of their helplessness, the rulers of states watched another expedition depart, knowing that even this path might not yield answers, gazing after them, perhaps for the last time...





When the bitterness of defeat began to find its way into their hearts, the unbelievable occurred. At that very moment, as if reflected in a mirror, from the world "on the other side," just as our heroes left our world and stepped onto the ramp of the unknown...

one returned, whose face was no longer that of one of the heroes who embarked on the expedition.

The returnee appeared incredibly strong and robust, as if the power of the world concealed behind the gates permeated his essence. Muscular arms hugged his armor, and a mysterious expression on his face spoke of an extraordinary journey he had undertaken. Unyielding weariness and experience were reflected in his eyes, as if he had transported himself from a world of pain, suffering, and tears.


Beholding this wonder, heads of states, people seated before television screens, and especially those who were in close proximity felt that something had changed in their world and in their hearts. In this lone individual, they saw a fragment of the answers they had so ardently sought. The world proclaimed the news, and all nations breathed a sigh of relief, understanding that the long-awaited unraveling of mysteries had begun...


But is it really so?


And everyone's gaze turned back to them, to the gates, and to the one who had just emerged from them...




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