
Not Human

I was awoken with no memories. Then I was told that I was not human. Then I Learned that I was not. Turns out, I’m a weapon.

thenonhumanalien · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

Turns out I fainted.

When I came to, I was in the same, small and white room as before. But this time Liam was not in the room with me.

All that was in the room was a bed and a wardrobe. I decided to go and see what was inside the wardrobe.

Inside were black sweaters and t-shirts. About five of each, hung up on hangers. Not including the ones I am wearing. On the bottom of the wardrobe were about five pairs of jeans.

"You're up."

It was Liam. I hadn't noticed him enter my room.

"You over exerted yourself which is pretty damn like you. I guess even if you wipe the memory's you're still the same person as before."

He sounded kinda happy as he said it.

But who was I before?

I decided to ask him that with my floating letters.

"I'm sorry, Ten but i'm not allowed to tell you that. Can't let personal feelings get in the way of the job."

But What Job?

"Can't say."


"Because, you're not a human. Now get some rest, i'll go get you some food."

Not human.

There it was again. But, why wasn't I human? The ability I had? I guess that's the answer.

Screw being human, anyways.

I sat on my bed pondering.

I guess I fell asleep.

When I awoke for the third time a bowl of noodles and a glass of water was placed on the floor. I almost stepped on it when I was trying to find a way to ask if I could use the restroom.


I looked up to see Liam again. He was wearing a grey suit. Judging by the wrinkles on his forehead, I would say he was about middle aged.

I wonder if he had a family. A partner and kids.

"Hello, Ten."

I still find it hard to believe that Ten is my name. I dislike it.

He looked down and noticed I hadn't eaten. He sighed.


I picked up the bowl of warm noodles and started to eat.

"You're going to half to prove yourself, again, you know?"

I looked up with a confused expression and then remembered I found a way to communicate.

What Do You Mean

"You're going to go on a mission."

A mission.

That sounds like fun but i don't think I want to.

I put my noodles back on the ground and leaned forward. Trying to seem intimidating. However, it didn't work because I was rewarded with a giggle.

"Well don't think you're going on one today. But you do have something scheduled for today."

He unbuttoned his suit jacket and pulled out a book.

"Read this in the meantime."

He handed it to me.

"See you, Ten."

He walked out of my tiny room.

The book was called: The Basic's to combat.

Oh shit.

I was halfway through "The Basic's to combat." when I heard someone barge into my room. It wasn't Liam and for some reason I felt a little sad about that. Then I felt angry when I saw who it was.

It was Grey Eyes and I hate him just as much as I hated him yesterday. Screw him and his grey eyes.

He walked right up to me and tried to put a blindfold on me. However, I felt like trying out some techniques from the book I was reading. He was screwed.

So, I grabbed his wrist and then kneed him in the stomach, pushing him to the ground.

"Shit!" He yelled.

"You little prick!"

I smirked, happy that I had made him upset.

Then My happiness went away when someone shot me with a taser gun.

That crap hurt.

I was sent to the ground with a scream.

The shot came from behind me but I didn't have time to see who had done it because Grey Eyes got right on up and blindfolded me.

On our walk to our destination, I tried to remember things about Grey Eyes. Tried to understand why I hated him. I could tell he was annoying from the little less than two days I had known him but I couldn't understand where the strong sense of hatred came from. I wish I could.

But not everything you wish for comes true.

The blindfold came off me.

I stood in an arena with the booths pretty empty but still held a little under a hundred people.

I stood confused.

What was about to happen?

Then Grey Eyes grabbed my wrists and led me to a room.

I found Liam in it but that was it other than a tv hung up onto the wall.

The Tv was earring footage of the arena. The center of it to be specific. Nothing was happening in it, for now.

What's Going On?

"It's Friday, idiot."

"He lost his memories, Siren."

"Oh yeah, that happened."

It seems like Grey Eyes was also dumb, was my first thought.

My second one was, what happens on friday?

So that's what I asked. I put it right in front of Liam's face so Grey eyes couldn't read it.

"You will be fighting a few from the other nine."

Can I get some Context?

"You're not the only one with abilities you know."

I hate Grey Eyes and his stupid little voice. It makes me want to puke.

However, what he said made sense. Why would I be the only one who was not a human? But why did I deserve to keep being dragged around. I was starting to get pissed off.

However I decided to just go with the flow because I wanted to know what was going on. I wanted to understand who Grey eyes and Liam. Who was the unknowns. And what was this building? I needed to know because it was all I had without my memories. I wonder if I did something to upset these people to lose them. I wondered if it had to do with Grey Eyes and that's why I hated him so much.

I needed to know.

I looked up towards the tv.

"It's about to start." Said Liam putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I think you will do well, considering the fact that you normally always do well at these."

I did?

So i'm guessing this happens every Friday. I have to fight my peers? That doesn't make much since.

I was begging to crave my memories.

I crave to know what's going on.

I looked back towards the tv.

A girl entered into view. She was tan with long red hair and green eyes. She was pretty. Looked kinda like an elf but still very pretty.

"Welcome to the Friday Battles!"

She talked in an energetic high pitched voice. She held a microphone and waved her arms around with a big white smile. It suited her.

"Our first contestants are Two against Five!"

People here got right to the point.

She stepped out of view as two more peop;e came into view.

Their names flashed above their heads.

Two was a blond girl who was petite but looked like she would kill you.

Five was a blond guy who looked like his proper name would be Chad.

I wanted Two to win for some reason.

I felt a liking towards her.

Liam removed his hand from my shoulder. I looked at him and all he did was nod.


They both stood still.


Two tensed.


Two ponced onto Five knocking him to the ground.

I cringed at the sound of Five falling.

Two got on top of him and started punching.

His lips bleed.

Then all of a sudden the shadows around them started bending.

At first I didn't notice it but as time went on I did.

Someone was controlling the shadows.

Then the both vanished.

The crowd made an excited sound. Then they made a sound of disappointment because they didn't get to see what had happened.

"They disappeared into the shadows." Liam explained to me.

Who did it, I asked.


It must have taken him some time to muster up the energy to do that. That must be why he let Two punch him for so long. Smart guy,

But I still hoped Two would win.

Maybe she was one of my friends before I lost my memories.

We waited a little while before they came out from the shadows.

My heart sank when they did.

Five was holding a beat to blue Two in his arms.

She looked like a doll who's owner colored with a blue marker.

I felt mad and Liam must have noticed because he put his hand onto my shoulder again.

I clenched my teeth and gave him my best glare. He didn't meet my eyes, though. I don't think he wanted to.

The crowd cheered at the site. I felt sick to my stomach.

This wasn't right. It couldn't be.

The girl with red hair came back into view.

"Wow, what a sight! Next time can you do it where we can see it?"

She put the microphone up to five's mouth.

"It's kinda difficult for me…"

A guy came into view. He took Two from five's arms and he didn't look too happy towards Five.

He looked a little like Liam. Maybe they were brothers.

"Anyways, congratulations, Five!"

She held up Fives hand towards the air. The way they do at sporting events.

The crowd roared as much as they could, considering the size.

The girl let down his hand and muttered something to him as he walked away.

I wondered where.

Then she said something along the lines of:

"Our next contestants will be Ten against Sven!"