
Obligatory Fanservice

Ian finally stepped outside of the dining hall, once again flanked by his companions. He'd ended up casually speaking with the neighbor to his left, his mother being on his right, for the remainder of dinner. He stretched a little, glancing over his shoulder after a moment.

"I don't know why you're following me, of all people, but I insist you lot walk next to me. I hate that 'someone is watching me' feeling I'm getting with having you behind me and all."

"You'll have to get used to it sooner or later," Michelle noted clinically, "Lieutenant Markus might be willing to walk beside you, but the rest of us will be following. Or did you think you'd be behind us the whole trip?"

"I wish," the boy said, feigning a sigh of regret, "Alas, I'll have to check you out some other time."

"Eh? What was that?"

"Nah, nah, I'm sure I didn't say anything. Now then, this is the chapter in every good story where I get my obligatory fanservice. So, I wonder what it'll be? Perhaps the lucky pervert, hmm, I didn't really take the time to enjoy the bath, that might work..."

"I don't know exactly what you are saying," Michelle said quietly, glancing at Our Hero, "But I really, really don't like that look on your face as you say it. How about me and th- I mean Ellea head back down to her cell for the night?"

"What?" the half-elf asked, startled.

"I feel like I've already told you," Ian said gently, "Ellea will be staying in my room. You're welcome to join her if you want to make sure my chastity is properly protected, or my life, or whatever you were worried about."

"I don't think that's a good idea..."

"It's not up for debate. I realize things were a little mixed up, but I did get a smaller bed brought in. Just for the sake of my maidenly heart, of course."

"Maidenly heart, sure it is," Ellea said fondly, leaning against him a moment. "Fine, I'll await thee in thine bedchambers, my lord... A-ah... W-will you take responsibility?"

"Absolutely," he said at once, even as Michelle cut in with her own reply.

"Absolutely not!" The pair stared at each other a moment, then Michelle added, "I'll be guesting as well, then, to protect your cha-I mean to protect you."

"Spoiled sport," he muttered under his breath. Then, "Well, I'm for the baths, ladies, so I'll see you shortly I suppose?"

"Not for a bit. Hmph. Pervert." Michelle sniffed disdainfully, her nose elevating.

"Very soon, my lord," Ellea promised, leaning toward him, "As soon as I ditch this stuffy prude of a human, I promise to teach my lord everything he wishes to know... Are you going to push me down this time, or do I n-eep!"

"None of that!" the guardswoman half-shouted, shaking the elf. "Come along, you. Ah, we'll await you in your quarters, my lord."

The youth watched them go, smiling warmly. They were so fun to play with. Ah well, he turned from their retreating figures, heading toward the bath.

This was it... this was the scene every reader wants, every fan girl dreams about. This was a scene entirely written to be fanservice! Except, well, our hero was completely alone... Well, there was still a chance!

The youth undressed, tossing his clothing in the appropriate places, though it was interesting that he had a stainless steel knife with him as he continued on. The kid had read all the wrong books. He slipped into the shower, quietly, taking his time to wash, and at last entered the bath.

It was a large bath, more like something you'd expect to find in a public bath house than a private affair. The water was hot, but not scalding, and our hero sighed as he slipped almost completely under.

Time passed. It was really quite boring. So much for fanservice... Disappointed, he finally stood up, prepared to leave, when he heard the sound of footsteps. There were several pairs of feet, definitely moving with purpose...

Was this an ambush? The youth headed for the far side of the bath, toward where the water cascaded into the bath itself, doing his best to hide. His timing was spot on.

A number of men and women entered the area, taking a quick look around. The men retreated after a few minutes, but the women... H-hey, was this actually going to be a fanservice scene after all?

Holding his knife, he stood up, calling out as one other person come into view...

"Oi, what are you... people... doing..." he trailed off, staring as Princess LaLuna entered the room. Ian looked down, then instantly fell into the water again, backing away.

"Oh-ho, what is this?" that sarcastic voice asked, eyes wide in feigned surprise. "The peasant is still here? Were you looking to sneak a look at me?"

"Stuff and nonsense," our hero boldly replied, sniffing disdainfully. "As if a kid like you had anything worth looking at."

"Your words say one thing, but you can't take your eyes off me," she noted. "How impudent."

"That's fear, not lust," he retorted, "It's like when you see a dangerous creature, you keep your eyes on it until the danger has passed. At least this way, I'll see the danger with my own eyes!"

"Is that so? Then would you like to explain... that?" She pointed at him, well, her eyes dropped a little.

The boy dropped further into the water, blushing furiously. "Wh-what are you playing at!"

Even while the pair were speaking, the various women whom were accompanying the Lunarian princess were approaching the boy. Suddenly, the princess waived them off, laughing. "Leave us alone a bit. This impudent peasant won't try anything. Ah, but take his weapon for me, hmm?"

He glanced at his hand, then tossed it outside of the bath to his left, as though it were a snake he didn't realize he'd held.

"S-stay away from me! I mean it, I'm a boy in the full swing of puberty, I might do something stupid! Trust me, boys my age are the worst! In fact, c-could someone grab me a towel and maybe you'd all turn your backs? No?"

"That's not very cute," the princess said, pouting. "You didn't really think I'd let you run away, did you, Hero of Deimos Hold?"

"Absolutely! This is the perfect time for it too, we can pretend you never saw me and voila..."

"Hardly. Besides, my escorts would murder you and leave your corpse somewhere out of the way if you tried to escape now."

"To escape. HEY! What are you plotting?"

As the Princess' retainers left the bath, she smiled at the youth, eyes practically glowing with mischief. "No matter what happens from here on out, it's the word of a peasant versus the word of a princess. Now, what shall I do with you?"

"You should firmly, emphatically, with no chance at denial, order me to get out of here! Hey, that's a great idea, I think I'll..."

"Oh? And how will it look if you stand up and I scream?"

"You! That's fighting dirty! Is this about tomorrow's game? How about we cancel the bet, then. I wouldn't want to embarrass you in front of your squad of boy-toys."

"Boy-toy? What's that, exactly? Be very specific, I'd hate to have to kill such an interesting commoner."

"You know... the boys you are playing with like other kids play with toys. 'Go out and get me this to prove your love!' and all of that."

"Oh, you are an interesting one, aren't you? It's a pity you are a commoner, I might be willing to make out bet more interesting if you were a proper noble's son."

"How do you define a 'proper noble' exactly? I'm asking for a friend."

"Hmm... One of Lord Maris' sons, perhaps... Well, that's obviously not your role yet, though if he adopted you, I might convince my father."

Yeah right, what exactly was this kid playing at? How terrifying... did she know? Was this an attempt to get a confession out of our hero? Or was she trying to add him to her collection of toys?

"If only, if only," he replied light heartedly. "Marrying so beautiful a lady as yourself, with such a wonderful personality, what man wouldn't be pleased? Cursed am I, to have been born of the wrong parents! Well, I do love them, though. My mother is beautiful, you know?"

She frowned at him, looking thoughtful. "Are you... no, you wouldn't dare mock me, right?"

"Never," he agreed fervently, "I would sooner confess my undying love for dear Michelle in front of the entire guard while naked than intentionally mock you, Highness."

Okay, that was a lie. He was probably teasing her at the very least. He frowned, tilting his head to the side. "S-so, what are your intentions?"

She smiled at him beatifically, "Yes, about that. I want you."

"Excuse me?"

"I want you. I'm going to beat you fair and square, but I'm offering better odds. If I win, you follow me wherever I go. You'll become mine and work for me. Well? That's not such a bad deal is it?"

"And when I win, does that mean I get you? Hey, are you going to follow me around everywhere?"

"Sure. There's no chance I'm going to lose, so I'll accept your proposal. If you, by some miracle, manage to beat me... I'll follow you everywhere and serve you exclusively."

"Tell you what... I'll accept this deal. However only you and me know about it, right? So when I win, if you prefer, you can pretend this conversation never happened and I'll be fine with that."

"Hah! We shall see what we see. Someone is underestimating me."

The bath grew quiet as the pair finally relaxed and, for the first time, started talking about various things. Things were looking up, after a fashion.

There's an unfounded, unjustified rumor that my title chapters are clickbait. I'm shocked to hear it. Shocked, I say! In other news, I'm a needy narcissist that requires your validation to feel motivated! OI! Say something... anything. Is... is anyone there? Anyone at all...

Jahrikcreators' thoughts