
Intruder Detected

As the alert popped up, a shiver ran down his spine, sending a chill through his crystalline form. The words "Destroying Core" flashed ominously before him, stirring a sense of dread in the depths of his being. He couldn't help but question the meaning behind it, his mind racing with fearful possibilities.

"What... does it mean by 'destroying core'?" he whispered to himself, the words barely audible amidst the eerie silence of the barren landscape. The implication struck him like a bolt of lightning, sending a surge of panic coursing through him.

"Isn't the core... me?" he mumbled, his thoughts racing in a frantic attempt to make sense of the situation. "Does it imply that I will... die if that threat attacks?" The realization hit him like a truck, the gravity of his predicament sinking in with crushing weight.

Fear gnawed at his insides as he contemplated the implications of his vulnerability. As a Dungeon Crystal Core, his existence was tied as the dungeon's core, and any threat to it posed a dire risk to his very being. The thought of facing such a fate filled him with an overwhelming sense of dread.

With the warning alert relentlessly popping up and the rat charging at him, panic threatened to overwhelm him entirely. Desperation clawed at his mind as he searched frantically for any means of defense or escape. But as a mere Dungeon Crystal Core, he was at a loss, his abilities seeming woefully inadequate against the imminent threat.

Then he started to think about his abilities once more and he noticed that the ability called crystal shards, in its description it said that it can be used as an offensive and defensive tool. But he could only use one crystal shard at a time due to him being a half destroyed low level dungeon.

As the rat closed in, its sharp claws glinting menacingly, he focused all his attention on his one available ability: crystal shards. With a surge of determination, he willed the power to manifest, channeling his energy into forming a single, shimmering shard of crystal.

With a swift motion, he projected the shard towards the charging rat, aiming for its vulnerable points with precision born of desperation. The crystal shard sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, finding its mark with a satisfying thud as it embedded itself in the rat's flesh.

The rat squealed in pain, recoiling from the unexpected attack as the crystal shard lodged itself firmly in its side. Seizing the opportunity, he summoned another shard, this time directing it towards the rat's head.

The crystal shard whistled through the air, closing the distance between itself and its target in the blink of an eye. With a sickening crunch, it struck the rat's head with devastating force, piercing through flesh and bone with relentless efficiency.

The rat fell, motionless, to the ground, he won the fight. As the immediate threat lay vanquished before him, a wave of relief washed over him. Yet, this victory was but a fleeting moment in the grand scheme of his dire situation. The realization that there were likely more threats lurking within the depths of the dungeon loomed large in his mind.

The alert "Destroying Core" had ceased, but the silence that followed was anything but comforting. It served as a grim reminder of his vulnerability and the uncertain future that lay ahead. He knew that surviving this ordeal would require more than just defense, he needed to evolve according to the laws of this new world.

[ Mineral Rat has been Absorbed ]

[ You obtained 1 dungeon point ]

With the notification of gaining a dungeon point and absorbing the Mineral Rat, a new layer of complexity was added to his situation. The concept of "absorption" was something entirely alien to him, yet he soon realized that his unique ability absorption is the reason behind it.

He focused his thoughts on the dungeon point, and instinctively, the holographic panel updated to show options for its use. The choices ranged from enhancing his existing abilities to possibly repairing the half-destroyed state of his dungeon core. Each option seemed crucial, but without a clear understanding of the dangers this world held, making an informed choice was challenging.

[ Use Dungeon Point ]

Repair Dungeon Core (1 DP): Partially restore the core's integrity.

Enhance Crystal Shards (1 DP): Increase the number and potency of shards.

Expand Dungeon Territory (1 DP): Widen the dungeon's reach and influence.

Each option held its appeal. Repairing the core seemed like the most direct way to ensure his survival, enhancing his offensive capabilities could offer more immediate protection, and expanding his territory might provide long-term strategic advantages. Yet, the decision was fraught with uncertainty. Without knowing more about the world outside and the types of entities that might come seeking his core, every choice felt like a gamble.

He hesitated, weighing his options carefully. The instinct to repair the core was strong, driven by a primal urge to protect his own existence. However, the attack by the Mineral Rat highlighted his vulnerability and the need for effective means of defense. Enhancing the Crystal Shards could give him a better chance at fending off intruders, potentially preventing damage before it occurred.

After much deliberation, he decided to focus on strengthening his defense. He chose to enhance his Crystal Shards ability, hoping that increased offensive capabilities would deter future threats and give him the breathing room needed to understand his new existence better.

[ Crystal Shards Enhanced ]

Ability upgraded: You can now generate up to two crystal shards simultaneously, and their durability and sharpness have been improved.

The enhancement of his Crystal Shards ability marked a significant turning point for him. The ability to generate two shards simultaneously not only doubled his defensive and offensive capabilities but also instilled a newfound sense of confidence within his crystalline form. The sharpness and durability of the shards meant they could potentially fend off more threats just like the Mineral Rat.

He still didn't know what to do, then he sensed something using his crystal resonance.

As he focused his senses through crystal resonance, he detected faint vibrations emanating from the depths of the dungeon. It was a subtle but distinct sensation, like ripples in a pond, indicating the presence of something stirring within his domain.

As he decided to attack the new intruder, a small bird with white and red feathers fell to the ground, it was tired and injured.

As he was observing the bird another alert popped up.

[ Intruder Detected ]

[ Please deal with the intruder before they destroys the core ]

He was wondering if it's the small bird in front him was the intruder? But the alert mentioned "they" instead of it. So he was sure there are others in the area.

As he used the ability crystal resonance once more he sensed 2 birds, at the size of a crows flying towards him.

" Are they after this small bird? If I don't act quickly it will be the end of me as well. "

As the big birds came closer, he used the ability crystal shard and instantly killed one of the birds.

[ Ash Crow has been Absorbed ]

[ You obtained 1 dungeon point ]

After killing one of the large birds, he felt a surge of relief wash over him. Yet, he knew the danger was far from over. As the second bird continued its advance, he braced himself for another confrontation, his enhanced Crystal Shards ability ready for action.

Summoning his crystal shards with practiced precision, he launched them towards the remaining intruder with determined resolve. The shards whizzed through the air, honing in on their target with deadly accuracy, aiming to incapacitate the threat before it could reach his core nor could it reach the small bird.

As the shards found their mark, piercing through the bird's defenses with lethal efficiency, he watched with grim satisfaction as the creature faltered mid-flight, succumbing to the onslaught of crystal projectiles. With a final, decisive strike, the intruder fell, motionless, to the ground below.

[ Ash Crow has been Absorbed ]

[ You obtained 1 dungeon point ]

With both of the large birds swiftly dispatched, he felt a sense of accomplishment tinged with relief. However, he remained vigilant, knowing that more challenges could lie ahead. As he absorbed the defeated intruders, gaining additional dungeon points in the process, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air.

Turning his attention to the small injured bird, he couldn't do anything but seemed like the bird was happy, that small chirped before it flew away from him.

As he looked at the small bird flying away while blood dripped from its body, he couldn't do anything.

He then decided to use dungeon points like he did before.

With the small bird gone, he focused once more on his available options, his mind grappling with the weight of his decisions. As he contemplated the best course of action, he knew that every choice carried consequences, both known and unknown.

After careful consideration, he decided to invest his dungeon points in repairing his core. While enhancing his offensive capabilities had proven effective in dealing with immediate threats, he understood that without a stable core, his very existence remained in jeopardy. Restoring the integrity of his core would provide a foundation upon which he could further build his defenses and expand his influence.

[ Repair Dungeon Core ]

With a resolute determination, he initiated the repair process, channeling his energy towards the restoration of his core. As the intricate network of his crystal core began to mend and stabilize, he felt a sense of relief wash over him. Each fragment that fused back into place brought him one step closer to ensuring his survival in this harsh and unforgiving world.

As the repair neared completion, he could sense the renewed strength pulsating within his core.

He didn't know what to do with the remaining one dungeon point, he was pondering over it.

"Do I need to save this for the future? Or use it now?" He didn't have an answer for that question.

After much consideration, he decided to save the dungeon point for future use. While the temptation to immediately reap the rewards of his efforts was strong, he recognized the importance of maintaining a reserve of resources for whatever challenges lay ahead.

With his decision made, he stored the dungeon point away, ready to deploy it when the time was right.

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