
New Life

I'm Callie. I've had a pretty horrible life until recently. I got a new job, new apartment, new life. I didn't have much before besides a small two bedroom house, a broke down car that couldn't be fixed, and not a lot of money for clothes, or food, or water. I work at a restaurant now as a waitress. I actually got a raise yesterday which was great! I've never asked for a day off, never missed work, I haven't even been late to this job. I honestly love it... well, most the time at least. There's this one man that sits at the same table every other night to drink and talk to his friends, I guess. He isn't very nice, or at least to me he isn't. He's yelled at me while I was working but I don't really care. I decided just to deal with it and still be polite to him because it's my job. I kind of hope he doesn't come tonight though, I've had a pretty bad day, it's just one of those days, I guess.