
Interlude 1

Spider Supreme's POV

"So, what do you think about Peter?" I asked once we returned to my dimension.

"My little brother is a good and honest kid. But honestly, he reminds me a lot of Percival like I have said before." Melusine said, giving her assessment in a sad tone.

"By the way, I still have difficulty believing that something like this exists. A being which is born out of a planet, a Celestial. And you all killed it and even made it your headquarters." Melusine said as a looked at the huge face of Tiamut, the Celestial in which Avengers had made their headquarters for more than a hundred years.

"It was something necessary. I can't believe those idiotic Celestials actually put a seed of a Celestial in Earth. Earth is the dimensional nexus of any world in this multiverse. If it is destroyed, the secondary dimensions will literally start overlapping with the main dimension. It will invite so many dimensional invasions that the entire universe will destroyed in a few years." I explained the reason Tiamut had to be killed.

"By the way, do you regret not dying that day?" I asked Melusine hesitantly.

"Everyone wants to live in this world. I just regret that my entire world was destroyed even though it was a cruel one. Everything I used to know vanished like it never even existed." Melusine said sorrowfully.

"It was something unavoidable. Even though the British Lostbelt had evolved to a Lost World, that doesn't detract the fact that it was a world which should have been destroyed long ago. We could do nothing as it was just that world's fate."

"But Her Majesty had prevented that destruction for thousands of years even though she hated nearly every faerie. You can't just dismiss her efforts. Still, I can't be that it was you, someone who are so weak in front of us that time was the one who had saved all of us." Melusine said, remembering how I had been the one who had saved everyone from their death.

"Well, you can thank Morgan for that. Who would have thought that she would catch me while I was snooping around in my Astral form?" How can I forget that fateful meeting which had led to me saving her as well as her Knights' life?

"And she was intelligent enough to take advantage of you upon realising that you were not from our dimension. If it were not for Her Majesty creating backup bodies for us and you transferring our souls into them, we would not be alive." Melusine said, reminiscing about the past.

"At that time, I had no other options. I needed to escape that dimension no matter how, but the dimensional barriers were too strong and my powers were too diminished there. And after what happened with me in the Indian Lostbelt, I feared going to any other lostbelt. It was fortunate that I went to the British one." Those times were really tough for me. Fortunately, I managed to find some good comrades even though trust was not actually formed between us before we left that world of Lostbelts.

Still, I had never guessed that I would marry Morgan one day. After all, she was always so cold and distant. Even after the destruction of British Lostbelt, there was only a business relationship between us which was only because everyone of us wanted to escape that dimension at that point.

But after a point, trust started forming between us and they decided to accompany me even when I came back to my own multiverse.

"Hello, Father!" I was brought out of my thoughts as I was greeted by Baoban Sith, my stepdaughter.

She was a red haired beauty wearing a Victorian era red coloured dress. She was the adopted daughter of Morgan and the only one with whom I didn't have a good relationship for a long time.

I never liked how cruel and sadistic she was. But everything changed when Morgan helped her regain her memories of her past lives.

Baoban Sith was so confused and broken by her memories at that time because the memories of her previous and present lives painted a completely different picture of who she was.

It was at that time that I had helped her face those memories and rebuild herself, creating upon between us in the process. She was now a fusion of her present and past life personalities, generally kind although her sadistic streak appeared quite often.

As a result, she was quite accepting of my marriage with Morgan and had even recently started calling me 'father'.

"So, how was your day?" I asked Baoban Sith.

"Oh! It was great. I had went to the Moon and am just returning now. I had a lot of fun visiting all the various cities on the Moon. Let me show you the pictures." Baoban Sith said excitedly.

"I will see them later. But you are not abusing your privileges again, right?"

Although I didn't generally interfere with the government authorities, I was actually the de facto leader of the entire solar system. This was necessary so that I could have complete control over all the technology and other knowledge I had obtained from all over the multiverse as I could not risk them falling into wrong hands.

"Of course, I am not doing so. I promise!" Baoban Sith said, trying to convince me that she had not done anything of that sort.

"By the way, where are Kirschtaria and Ophelia?" I asked for their current locations.

It was fortunate that I had been able to obtain their souls while I was checking on Chaldea's journey during the free time I had while serving Morgan. They had been of great help, especially Kirschtaria, who only wanted to help humanity even though had not chosen the right path for it.

"They are on a date in Venice." Baoban Sith replied.

"Alright! When they return, ask them to give me a report regarding the Artificial Valkyrie Project's progress." I gave the directions to Baoban Sith.

The artificial Valkyrie project was based on the artificial Valkyries from the Scandinavian Lostbelt. Even though we had only an artificial Valkyrie's body for research when we had started the project, Kirschtaria and Ophelia had been able to make amazing progress. The artificial Valkyries they had created could already show about 60% of the original's power and a Valkyrie Saint Graph project was also in the working.

"You girls get going. I have work to do." I said and left the girls' company.

"Try to complete your work early, Father. You know how angry Mother becomes when you don't give her enough attention." Baoban's voice sounded from behind me, reminding me of Morgan.

I entered a restricted corridor which only I along with a few others had the authority to enter. After going through several scans, I entered a lift which took me near the Celestial's heart, i.e. near the Earth's core.

When the lift came to a stop, I could see a large mechanical pillar in the middle of the control room which controlled the entire headquarters.

"Give me a report of your observation in the recent week, Hephaestus. Show me what is going on around the multiverse nowadays?" I ordered Hephaestus who now ran much of the systems in the Celestial base.

The remnant of the Machine God Hephaestus was yet another advantage I had brought from that world. I was lucky that our thoughts aligned and Hephaestus agreed to transfer his remaining consciousness so that he could come with me.

It can be said that Hephaestus was fortunate since the clone he had left behind in the terminal had been killed by that evil bastard Ashiya Douman in just a few days.

"It is as you have guessed. Enemies of the web are moving. As you know, the minions of Knull have conquered yet another Earth just last week. Even Chthon's movements can be felt." Hephaestus reported the grim news.

"What about the Spider Society Miguel O' Hara created?" I asked.

"They are still working on the canon events, not knowing that a huge number of their problems are not even because of the canon events. They have no clue of their true enemy."

Damn it! If it was not for the fact that I would be discovered by our enemies the moment I contacted Miguel, I would have given that idiot a big slap on his face.

"What about the Klirinomia I had brought? Have they been optimised yet?" I asked about the Klirinomia I had stolen from Olympus.

"The Klirinomia have been optimised. But you have not told me who will you use them on." Hephaestus asked.

"Their users will be chosen when the time comes." I replied.

At least, the preparations were going on well. The one major advantage I had was that the enemies of the Web not aware of me as I was assumed to be dead when I fell into the other multiverse.

Combined with everything I had brought from the other multiverse, I had more than a decent chance against them. But I could not reveal myself carelessly as it would be disadvantageous for us.

As such I had no choice but to watch silently as they started moving. However, I would have to move one day and at a critical point otherwise this could turn into a multiversal war.

"Don't worry too much. You are doing as much as you can." Hephaestus said, cheering me up.

Beep! Beep!

"Look, your wife is already calling. Go and spend sometime with her." Hephaestus said upon receiving Morgan's message.

"Morgan, dear...!" I greeted Morgan as I arrived at my room but was stunned at the view before my eyes.

Morgan was on the bed wearing a stunning black lingerie, her piercing eyes staring at me with a sultry look.

"What's the occasion?" I jokingly asked.

"Do I need an occasion to dress up for my husband? Besides, you looked quite worried these days. So, I decided to cheer you up." Morgan answered.

"You know what is going on these days. The situation can easily turn into a multiversal war in just a few years. As one of the strongest Spider Totem in the entire multiverse, I have a lot of responsibility. Like my Uncle Ben had said long time ago, 'With Great Power comes Great Responsibility'." I said, revealing my thoughts to her as I sat down on the bed.

"I know! But you along with all of us are you doing everything we can. As such, worrying needlessly will not do anything." Morgan said, asking me to not worry too much.

"Now, remove your suit! This is our bedroom, not any other place. After all, I have worn this lingerie especially for you." Morgan ordered.

"Alright!" I removed my suit using the transformation belt I wore and then transferred all of my artefacts into a spatial pocket dimension.

"Now, come here, dear!" Morgan said, placing her arms around my neck as soon as I removed my clothes.

As our lips kissed and we fell on the bed, I realised once again how lucky I was to have such an incredible wife.


I hope you all liked the first interlude! This chapter shows Spider Supreme's side of the story and the people and knowledge he has brought from the Nasuverse.

What kind of effect they will have on this multiverse will be seen later as the story progresses.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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