
Chapter 8

As my instincts were acting up, I immediately went to see Ancient One after freshening up.

She was in a nearby courtyard, talking with some other sorcerers. As soon as she saw me, her eyes widened.

"Your powers are acting up. This could be dangerous. Come, we must start another spar so that you can increase your control over your body once again." Ancient One immediately discerned my state and hurried me.

"Ancient One, may I have a few moments?" We were about to depart when suddenly, a dark skinned man interrupted our plans.

"Yes, you may, Master Mordo." So, the man's name was Mordo and he was a master at Kamar Taj.

"Ancient One, you are the Sorcerer Supreme of Kamar Taj. As such, you have great responsibilities." Master Mordo spoke of Ancient One's duties.

"I understand that this new apprentice has great potential. However, I believe that any master at Kamar Taj is enough to train him. So, I believe you should relegate his training to a master. I myself would be more than glad to do this task." Master Mordo politely implied that Ancient One has greater duties than training me.

Upon hearing this, Ancient One didn't get angry that someone was challenging her position as the leader of Kamar Taj. Instead, she just slightly smiled.

"It is my fault that I had forgotten to talk to you about Peter's true powers. Master Mordo, why don't you spar with Peter today instead of me? Then, you will understand why it is necessary for me to train Peter." Ancient One invited Master Mordo to spar with me.

"It would be my pleasure, Ancient One." Master Mordo said bowing to Ancient One.

"Do you have any objections, Peter?" Ancient One asked my opinion.

"No, it's fine. I am fine as long as I get trained." I did not have any objections in the first place.

Although, I only knew Ancient One, I would be happy to be taught by anyone. I was more than grateful to the Sorcerers of Kamar Taj that they were training me and helping me control my powers.

Ancient One opened a portal after the whole arrangement was confirmed. Entering it, I found a courtyard similar to the one before we had entered the portal. The only exception was that there were no people here.

"This is the Mirror Dimension. Here, we can train without the fear of damaging anything or injuring anyone." Ancient One explained this new strange world to me.

I and Master Mordo took our positions in the courtyard, ready to start the spar.

"Start." Ancient One's voice echoed in the empty courtyard.

As soon as I heard Ancient One, I stopped holding my instincts. In a way, it felt like the beast within me was unleashed.

Yesterday, the transformation had happened suddenly and I had no time to observe it properly. However, now I could feel how my body was transforming.

My hands became claws and my skin was covered in black scales at various places.

Two horns appeared on my head and a pair of wings unfurled from my back. Several red lines appeared on my body glowing brighter than yesterday.

My entire body felt like it was surging with power. Red lightning was also emitting slightly from my body.

Master Mordo was obviously surprised by my transformation. It seems that he was not in the courtyard when I had appeared there yesterday.

I started the battle by shooting a bolt of red lightning at Master Mordo. The red lightning indeed seemed to be stronger than yesterday.

Master Mordo's boots started glowing and suddenly he dodged the lightning bolt by leaping into the air.

Upon seeing my surprise, Master Mordo took advantage of it and summoned a staff which glowed with magical energy and then elongated. He rushed at me while walking on the air.

I could easily counter him by releasing another bolt or even use my superior strength to overwhelm him. However, I instinctively used a move I had not used yesterday.

I discharged a wave of red lightning from my body, engulfing my surroundings.

Master Mordo, surprised by this move of mine, hastily created a magic shield.

Furthermore, a ring on his hand glowed and another shield appeared behind the hastily created shield. However, the shields were unable to withstand the lightning discharge and Master Mordo was propelled backwards, somewhat shocked by the lightning.

Seeing Mordo momentarily incapacitated, I launched another series of bolts at him. But, Master Mordo was ready this time, deftly dodging the barrage of attacks.

Seeing that I would not be able to attack him by just launching bolts, I started to attack seriously.

I used my wings to dart towards Mordo while simultaneously launching lightning bolts.

Mordo dodged the lightning bolts but was caught off-guard by my speed and agility as his boots could not surpass my wings.

As I came near Mordo, I instinctively used another move I had not used before. I swung at Mordo using my claws, this time covered with red lightning.

However, Mordo was more prepared than before this time and therefore conjured a more stable shield along with the shield from his ring.

However, my claw easily broke through the magical shields as if they were paper.

As I saw Mordo's look of terror, I tried to halt my attack. However, it was already too late as I could not stop the momentum.

Suddenly, Mordo vanished before my eyes. Seeing this, I released a sigh of relief. I had almost thought that Mordo could not teleport like Ancient One.

"This is enough. The spar is over." Ancient One's voice rang out.

Looking over, I could see Master Mordo at the side of Ancient One looking ashamed.

Could it be that Master Mordo really couldn't teleport like Ancient One?


And so ended Peter's first proper fight. I hope you liked the surprise fight. Honestly, with Mordo's rigidity, it was pretty obvious that there would be a fight.

As I have said before, this is my first story and I only know about combat scenes from what I have read in the novels and seen in the movies. So, I hope everyone liked the combat scenes.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye

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