
Chapter 64

Buzz! Buzz!

As I and Gwen continued on our patrol, the receiver in Gwen's pocket started vibrating.

This receiver was something I had made using an old smartphone which contained an app which I had personally made.

This app provided notifications on any crime in New York as soon as it was posted on the web. Of course, this criteria was too large. So, I had narrowed this category to show only those crimes on which the police was taking action against the criminals and chasing them.

This enabled Gwen to help the police officers in catching the criminals. Of course, it didn't work as perfectly as I had imagined. Often times, when Gwen reached where the police was, the criminals had either been arrested or had escaped. There was even a time when a false story had been posted and the app had given a notification on it.

"Looks like there has been a store robbery in the north. The police had been informed by a passersby and are now chasing the robbers. Let's help them." Gwen suggested upon seeing the notification.

"Sure, why not?" I agreed.

Buzz! Buzz!

We were about to depart when the receiver rang once again.

"Umm… There has been another robbery. But this time, it's in the east direction. What do we do?" Gwen had a confused expression on her face as she looked at the notification she had received on the receiver.

"Let's take one each. I will handle the one in the east direction and you take care of the north one. We can also patrol those areas while we are there." I suggested.

"Hmm… It is a good idea. Let's meet again in an hour after finishing everything in our respective areas." Saying these words, Gwen shot a web and swung away immediately to confront the robbers.

After Gwen went away, I looked around to see if there was anyone watching me. Although I could find no one, I still entered a nearby alley just to be safe. Then, I opened a portal which would take me around where the robbers had been last spotted.

In this kind of cases, it was necessary to reach the scene as soon as possible otherwise the whole case would already be finished by the time I reached the scene. As such, I opted to create a portal instead of rushing to the scene on foot.

The portal opened to an alley. As soon as I emerged from the portal, I ran on the walls and climbed to the rooftops to see the whole scenario.

Looks like I was just on time. There was a heavily modified car running on the road at a very high speed while a police car was chasing it although it was already quite behind on the chase.

I immediately started running on the rooftops and soon reached the road where the car was passing through. I then ran on the walls to catch the car. Now, I had a clear view on the car.

"Who is that guy? Don't tell me there is another one in this city like that bitch." A guy in the car cursed when he saw me running on the walls as though the gravity didn't matter.

I was about to jump on the car when I noticed something. The car was swaying too much. It seems that the modification of the car had not been carried out perfectly.

I had an idea as I saw the car swaying. Looks like I won't need to engage these petty robbers personally.

I activated the Dragon Claws and instead of directly launching a wind blast, I lessened the power of the attack and also concentrated it. At this point, it was not a wind blast but rather a wind bullet.

I shot the wind bullet at the car's front tire. As the wind bullet hit the tire, it punchered through it. The car which was already swaying couldn't handle the sudden punchering of its tire and thus— Crash!

The car lost its balance and crashed into a nearby house after rotating a few times in the air. I had not thought that the reaction of my attack would be this strong.

So, I decided to check on those who were in the car even though they were robbers. When I looked inside, I could see that most of the robbers were unconscious.

"W-What just happened?" Just as I was about to return, I heard someone moaning from the back seat. Although I felt bad for causing the accident, in the end they deserved it.

"Please help me." The man said as he saw me.

"Sorry man. You reap what you sow." Saying these words, I gave a small shock to that man causing him to fall unconscious.

"Hey, who is there?" A voice sounded from behind me along with the sirens of a police car. Looks like the police had finally caught up.

I need to get out of here. After all, there was no way that I could have a long talk with police in a police station. I immediately stepped away from the car and rushed up the walls to reach the rooftop of a nearby building.

"Hey! You are umm… Red Lightning, right?" I was about to leave when I heard a familiar voice. I looked back to see that it was Captain Stacy. From his expression, it was clear that he had recognised me.

"Well, that is what everyone calls me. I have still not decided on my own name yet." I replied to Captain Stacy.

"Have you decided to become a vigilante like Spider Woman?" Captain Stacy asked.

"No, of course not. I am just accompanying her for today. There was another robbery so she is not here." I answered. I knew that after this answer, Captain Stacy would definitely question Gwen. But it was something which was already fixed in place once I had decided to join Gwen for today's patrol.

"Well, see ya later." I bid farewell to Captain Stacy so that I could continue the patrol.


"So, how was your patrol?" I asked Gwen once I met her again.

"Thankfully, they were only some robberies I had to stop along with some thugs I had to beat. Ever since I became Spider-Woman, there have been far less crimes in night than before." Gwen said, thanking that there were not many crimes she had to stop.

"That explains why I also didn't find that many crimes being committed. By the way, I met Captain Stacy when I went to stop the robbers. He recognised me." I explained to Gwen the entire situation.

"It's okay. I have long since prepared for him to find out about my identity. Besides after seeing his reaction upon seeing you saving the protestors from Sabertooth, I know that he will likely not object too much about me acting as Spider Woman." Gwen said, once again reassuring me that she was now ready to talk with Captain Stacy about this matter.

"Let's finish this patrol. You also have to sleep after all." I said as it was already nearing 1am.

And thus, we continued our patrol. The patrol was about to end when we stumbled upon a unique scene.

A grappling hook came flying from the window of a mansion and along with it came a woman which looked more a cosplayer than a thief.

She was wearing a black leather, skintight suit and she had silvery white hair which I clearly recognised as a wig. Having seen Emma's silver hair, I knew exactly how it looked.

"Peter, you have to help me catch this bitch." Gwen asked me in an angry as well as flustered tone while also cursing her.


Looks like a Black Cat has crossed Peter and Gwen's path this night.

If you want to read 9 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye

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