
Not A Perfect World

At nine years old, Faina's life takes a harrowing turn when her father sells her to a mysterious woman known as the Witch of the Forest. Escaping from her clutches, Faina becomes the pawn in her father's twisted schemes, repeatedly sold to different families only to run away and return, each time hoping for a fleeting moment of kindness. Years of torment culminate in a nightmarish realization when Faina, suffering from a rare and debilitating disease, experiences a seizure and wakes up back in her nine-year-old body. With memories of her painful past intact, she navigates her second chance with caution, teetering between fear and hope. Adopted once more by Lady Myra, the Witch of the Forest, a noblewoman shrouded in rumors, Faina hesitates to trust the genuine affection shown to her. As she grapples with her distrust and the haunting memories of her previous life, Faina tries to reach deep and seek happiness. Haunted by her past yet driven by a newfound resolve, Faina embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of her existence, seeking redemption and a place where she truly belongs. In a world where echoes of her former life linger, she must decide whether to forge a new path or remain a prisoner of her past, even as she desires to heal a silent ailment plaguing her.

Sunny_sama · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Teon's present arrives

I sat in the dining room under the gaze of two women. I ate silently as I contemplated how to tell Lady Myra about my decision. It sounded so easy when I thought about it this afternoon, but now that I was faced with the real thing, I was starting to get cold feet.

"So, Livi," Elise started, and I looked up.

"It's Faina," Myra corrected, wiping her mouth.

"Faina," Elise said, rolling her eyes. "Why don't you tell me what your hobbies are?" Surviving, living. She's really trying; I should make this easier for her so she won't get frustrated and angry.

"I don't really have any," I replied.

"But do you have anything you'd like to try?" she asked.

"I haven't thought of any hobbies," I said.

"Really? Then is there any field you prefer?" she finally asked.

"Uh…" Now that the opportunity had been handed over to me, I was too scared to talk.

"Don't pressure her like that," Myra said with a sigh. What was that sigh? Is she already frustrated? "You can take your time to think about it, okay?" she said, and I nodded slowly. I shouldn't waste this chance.

"I… I actually… I was thinking of… uh… studying medicines, if that's okay," I said. I did it, I said it.

"That's a great choice," Elise said, and I looked away shyly.

"Is that what you want?" Myra asked. Is it bad? Should I pick something else? Does she not like it? Is she angry?


"If that's what you want, then it's fine," she said, and I nodded.

"T… Thank you," I said, and it fell silent for a while.

"Teon mentioned that you bonded with one of my cubs," she said, and I looked up in surprise. Why would he tell her? Does he… no! "I thought that since I don't have time to take care of them and their mother is not fond of them, you should keep it," she said.

"You don't have to," I said quietly. I don't want a wolf; what if it eats me?

"It's a gift," she said, and I remembered my number one gift.

"My gift is discipline; you should not say no to discipline and accept it happily," my so-called brother said that.

"I insist," she said, and I gulped my rejection.

"T… Thank you," I said quietly.

"I also heard that you are scared of Maxine, so I'll have it brought to you. Is that fine?" she asked, and I nodded. I stood up and mumbled a 'thank you' before walking out.

"I think she doesn't want the wolf," I heard Elise say.

"I know," Myra said. If you know, why did you have to make me keep it?

I fell on my bed and closed my eyes. I've been here for three weeks, and a lot has happened. My life is just moving on. It's more like my entire life before I died was just a bad dream. I wish it was, but I know it isn't.

My lectures continued, and it was still the basics. Lady Elise was a really nice teacher. She insisted I call her 'Elise,' so I did. Everything was moving smoothly for two weeks that I forgot about my conversation with Lady Myra.

I was sitting outside on the balcony of my room, doing my assigned work, when I heard a knock on the door. I stood up and walked inside, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw paws instead of feet. Did it get bigger?

I took a cautious step back, maintaining eye contact with it. The butler who brought it smiled at me and said,

"Sorry it took so long; the poor feline was sick." Did you say feline? This is a beast. Wait, sick? Oh, the poor thing. He smiled and walked out just as a few others came in with different things for the cute beast. Are we going to stay in the same room? They all smiled as they walked in and gave my room to the cute beast.

"My lady asked me to inform you that she hasn't named the cub yet, and she'd like you to do that since it's yours now," the last maid said. The moment the door closed, I turned and went back to the balcony, closing the door behind me.

It came to the door and stared at me. Why is it cute?

"If you are seen by that family, you'd be tortured," I said, and it just stared at me. "What do you want? You have taken my room as well, what else do you want?" I asked, but it just stared. I sat down and continued studying, but the beast kept distracting me.

I stood up and opened the door slowly, squatting to look at the wolf. It didn't move; it just kept staring at me.

"What do I call you?" I asked, and it took a step forward. What? What? It bent its head in front of me. Does it want me to pat it? I touched its head slowly, but it didn't do anything. "You like when I pat your head?" I asked, and it purred. I sighed and stood up. "Since we are going to be roommates, let's at least cohabit," I said, sitting on the bed. "What do I call you? You look like Teon a bit, so I will call you…" I said, thinking hard. "Tino? No, Tyler? I think Tyler's good. What do you think?" I asked. What am I doing, talking to a wolf?

I dropped it on the small bed they brought for it and went to continue my assignment for the day. Tyler walked out and just started staring at me. What now? Is it hungry? Does it want to eat me?

"Are you hungry?" I asked, and it took a step forward. Was that a yes or a no? "I'll ask someone; wait here," I said and left the room quickly. I went to the place I remembered to be the kitchen. After almost getting lost, I looked for a familiar face. Everyone just smiled at me and put things in my mouth that I lost track of what I was eating.

"Tyler is hungry," I managed to say to the next person before he could stuff my mouth.

"Tyler?" he asked.


"Oh, you named the cat?" one of the maids that was serving me said. Did she say cat? It's a wolf, can't you all see? You gave a predator to a child.

"Yes," I replied, pushing aside the storm in my head.

"Oh, that's great. I'll bring something for you two," she said, leading me out, but I didn't escape whatever was put in my mouth at each step. It was tasty, but I could barely chew before someone else put something in my mouth. I don't think I want to visit the kitchen again.

"Come again, okay? I'll make you something tastier," someone said, and I nodded. Now I have to come back.

I walked back to my room, and the moment I opened it, my eyes met Tyler's. He was standing at the door. Why is he there? Is he preparing to pounce on me?

"What are you doing here?" I asked nervously. He just stared at me without any sound. I bent down and touched his head. Why do they like it when someone pats their head? I should have asked Teon.

Someone knocked on the door, and I stood up and moved away so that she could open the door. The maid from earlier walked in with a tray. Another person walked in, but she was wearing an apron, so I assumed she was one of the chefs.

"Your lunch is served," the maid said, smiling. How come I don't know her name? I should ask. How do I ask? The chef smiled and walked out while the maid set the food on the table for me.

"Umm… I… I wanted to ask…" I started, unsure of how to go about it. "What… I wanted to ask what your name is," I said, and she smiled.

"I'm so sorry, my lady; I should have introduced myself earlier," she said, and I nodded. "You can call me Blair."

"Blair," I repeated, and she nodded. "Miss Blair," I confirmed.

"No, just Blair," she said, and I nodded.

"Thank you, Blair," I said, and she smiled at me. She walked out, leaving us—by us, I mean Tyler and me. I looked at him and sighed. The new development was not something I liked, but it's not like I had a choice.

I sat down and ate quietly, looking at Tyler every now and then. I wonder if I'll get along well with this wolf. I can't just not be scared of it. But I can't say I don't want it, and I'd feel bad leaving it with its siblings when they don't like him. My room is big enough to house the entire pack, so space won't be a problem. I'm just worried that I won't get used to him.

There will be a few time skips to highlight major events before the story fully kicks off.

Sunny_samacreators' thoughts