
Not a Mob: Psycho

A former mercenary dies and gets reincarnated in the world of Bleach, vested with tremendous psychic powers. No plot knowledge. No harem.

Einlion · Anime & Comics
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105 Chs

Every Action Has Consequences

Despite waking after a short nap with Ohta's hand on her bottom and two of his fingers grazing her still-sensitive slit, Rukia couldn't believe she had actually lost her virginity. She had definitely gotten caught in the moment, so now she had one more trouble to worry about...

Without opening his eyes, Ohta muttered, "You should get some rest. If the alarm goes off, I'll take care of it..."

"I'll rest later," said Rukia. "Since you're awake, there's an urgent matter we need to discuss..."

"Like how transferring Shinigami powers to a mortal is a capital offense and that it's only a matter of time until Soul Society sends someone to capture you?" asked Ohta, opening his right eye to meet the diminutive Shingami's gaze.

Recalling that she and Ohta had discussed her situation the first time they sat down to talk, Rukia offered a curt nod, adopting an apologetic smile as she replied, "Right..." in a faint tone.

"So, what do you want me to do?" asked Ohta, slicing straight to the heart of the matter.

Lowering her gaze, Rukia's voice was barely a whisper as she answered, "If–when someone comes for me, I want you to remain hidden..."

Craning his right brow, Ohta asked, "Is that why you asked me to become your lover and forced yourself to have sex with me? You're planning to die without regrets...?"


After a telling moment of silence, Rukia shook her head, asserting, "Due to my background, there's a good chance I'll simply be expelled from my Squad and put on house arrest for a few years. If...if during that time you can't wait..."

Silencing Rukia's words by squeezing her ass and drawing her closer to him, Ohta quietly but firmly asserted, "Give me a loose leash, and I'll run wild. We already agreed we belonged to one another, so I'm not letting you go easily..."

"But...!" started Rukia. However, before she could get another word, Ohta silenced her with a kiss. She tried to break free and state her case, but he wasn't hearing it, pulling her on top of him and allowing his erection to sit between her ass cheeks, nestled against her notably palpating pussy as a 'warning.'


Feeling Rukia relinquish her resistance, Ohta freed her lips, staring into her watery eyes as he said, "You have two options. You can run away with me and let me deal with the consequences, or I can come and rescue you if things don't go as you expect. I'm willing to wait a few years if that's all, but if your sentence is something more 'severe,' I'll either break you out or suffer it alongside you. You're my woman...If you wanted me to stay out of things, you shouldn't have let me fuck you..."


Unable to respond to Ohta's words, Rukia buried her face into his chest and began to sob silently. He wasn't wrong when he pointed out that one of her reasons for sleeping with him was that she didn't want to have any regrets. If she had known it would come to this...

Interrupting Rukia's thoughts, Ohta said, "Look at me, Rukia..." in the same gentle yet firm tone. When she complied, he asserted, "You should know I don't form bonds easily. I also don't have much regard for my own life, so I 'will' come for you. If you do something drastic to try and deter me, Soul Society will crumble under my fury..."

Though he didn't actively channel his psychic powers, Ohta's eyes exuded a faint red glow from their depths. He knew he would die trying to take on an ancient organization like Soul Society, but he didn't care. It wouldn't be the first time he died seeking vengeance...

"You idiot..." whimpered Rukia, tearing up even more. However, when Ohta consequently kissed her, she reciprocated with all the fervor and zeal she could muster, far more than she thought possible. Even when Ohta angled his glans at her entrance, she offered no resistance, readily accepting his intrusion to feel as close to him as possible...




A few days after setting out for her reconnaissance mission, Yoruichi met up with Ohta, initially confused when he asked her to accompany him to the underground study chamber. When she learned why, her right eye twitched as she asked, "Is that supposed to be some kind of joke...?" with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

Shrugging his shoulders, Ohta replied, "Hey, you had your chance to monopolize me. I was even willing to deal with being harassed by your family and stalked by your creepy bodyguard-turned-Captain. You just weren't willing to commit."


Moving faster than Ohta had ever seen her move, Yoruichi landed a heavy punch in his gut, sending him flying several tens of meters and smashing into a large boulder. His impact against the boulder did no damage to him, but he coughed up a moderately concerning amount of blood due to the internal injuries inflicted by Yoruichi's blow.

"I forgive you," said Yoruichi, her words failing to match her expression. She and Ohta were never technically in a relationship, but she didn't take kindly to being 'dumped.' If she didn't believe it would send him over the deep end and force her to kill him, she might have pushed him down and 'forced' him to retract his words.

"That's good..." replied Ohta, collapsing face-first onto the ground after pulling himself out of the boulder. He anticipated at least some form of retribution from the proud and temperamental woman, so he was willing to let her get a few hits in. With how many times he had fucked her over a relatively short period, she deserved that much...

Making her way over to Ohta's collapsed form, Yoruichi nudged him with her toe, asking, "You still alive...?"

Instead of raising his face from the dirt or responding with words, Ohta gave a shaky thumbs-up. He felt like he was about to shit his intestines, so quippy remarks would have to wait until after he healed himself.

Crossing her arms and exhaling an ear-pleasing sigh, Yoruichi muttered, "Seriously..." while staring down at Ohta. She simply couldn't fathom how she had 'lost' to a brat with more meat in the cheeks on her face than her chest...

After standing in silence for a few minutes, Yoruichi asked, "Then what of our prior 'arrangements'? I can't imagine that little squirt you call a lover is willing to let another woman suck your dick or accompany you at night..."

Rolling onto his back with some effort, Ohta met Yoruichi's gaze, forcing a smile as he jokingly replied, "Yeah...I'm definitely going to miss that mouth of yours. That, and everything else about you..."

Furrowing her brows, Yoruichi resisted the urge to stomp on Ohta's face, allowing him to add, "She said it was okay if you slept together so long as you're in your cat form. As much as it sucks, everything else is off-limits. I may be a massive cunt, but I have principles..."

Narrowing her eyes and adopting a sly smile, Yoruichi asked, "Then what if I'm able to 'persuade' her to give you permission? We just spent the last month fucking and performing Soul Resonance. I'm definitely not going to pursue you, but even I would regret it if we stopped having sex. You have a good dick, and you must have noticed that we both grow stronger every time we experience Soul Resonance..."

Closing his eyes and adopting a broader smile, Ohta answered, "As much as I wish I could fuck you right here and now, I'm gonna have to pass on your offer. I can't trust a woman who deliberately used her as bait to act in Rukia's best interest. That isn't to say you're evil or malicious, but you're definitely not a good person..."

"Speak for yourself..." retorted Yoruichi, adopting an uncharacteristically hurt expression as she asserted, "You could have informed her of our plan whenever you wanted. Even now, you still haven't told her the full truth. If you had, do you think she would love you...?"

Leaving Yoruichi a little taken aback, Ohta confidently replied, "She would. She would definitely be hurt, but she would try her best to understand the reasons for my silence and ultimately accept that I did the right thing. The real individuals at fault here are your favorite creepy uncle and that mind-controlling cunt concealing himself in Soul Society..."


Unable to refute Ohta's words as readily as she would have liked, Yoruichi remained silent. She knew that Kisuke's plan wasn't considerate of Rukia, but the life of an individual Shinigami couldn't compare to the billions that would be imperiled if Aizen's plan succeeded. They were also planning to interrupt her execution and rescue her from the start, so it wasn't like they had forsaken her...

"I need some time to think..." said Yoruichi, promptly disappearing. Ohta could sense her thanks to their still-present link, but he didn't attempt to follow after her. Instead, he focused on using Kaidō(Healing Spiritual Arts) to mend his injuries. Once finished, he rose to his feet, dusted himself off, exhaled a regret-tinged sigh, and made his way home...




*click* *fwoop*

Using the spare key Ohta had given her, Rukia opened his door to find he was sleeping on his bed. At least, she presumed he was asleep until he asked, "How was your day at school? If I'm not mistaken, the end-of-term exams should be coming up soon..."

Adopting a smile, Rukia entered deeper into the room, discarding her bag as she replied, "Things are going well. Your doppelganger got into another tiff with Tatsuki, but that's fairly typical these days."

"Right..." replied Ohta, making some space so Rukia could take a seat and promptly curl up next to him. He was tempted to kiss her but instead ran his fingers through her hair, staring silently into her eyes with a smile that caused a faint blush to develop through her cheeks.

"I don't have to continue attending school..." muttered Rukia. "I'd say it's fairly obvious by now that being near Ichigo isn't helping me to regain my power as a Shinigami..."

"You know I'm not going to stop you..." said Ohta, positioning his hand so

that his thumb was tracing Rukia's bottom lip as he mused, "Whatever you decide, just make sure it's what you 'want,' not what you feel compelled to do. I certainly do what I want..."

Punctuating his words, Ohta traced his finger along the inner seam of her blouse, slowly undoing each button with his psychic power. By the second button, Rukia leaned in to kiss him, pushing him onto his back and leaning over him to initiate an intense makeout session. They were currently going through their honeymoon period as a couple, so from the time she got off from school to the moment he went out on patrol, they couldn't keep their hands off one another.

After nearly a full minute of kissing, Rukia abruptly got on top of Ohta, straddling him as she removed her blouse and began unfastening the buttons of her undershirt. As she did, Ohta undid the clasp of her skirt, taking advantage of the opportunity to feel up her dainty yet perky ass as he revealed, "I talked to Yoruichi earlier..."

Stopping in the middle of removing her bra, Rukia raised her brows and asked, "Oh, really? And what did the two of you talk about?" with a slight frown.

Adopting a teasing smile, Ohta explained, "I told her that sex and other intimate acts were off limits, so she sent me flying with a punch. She also proposed persuading you to allow us to continue having sex, but I turned her down. If she attempts to pressure you regardless, you should tell her the same."

Regaining her smile, Rukia's voice couldn't disguise her satisfaction as she asked, "And you did all that for me?"

Squeezing the diminutive Shinigami's ass cheeks, Ohta jokingly inquired, "Do I get a reward...?"

"However many you want," replied Rukia, putting aside getting undressed to bend down and give him another long and passionate kiss...




(A/N: (O w O)...)