
Not a Dragonborn But Still a Badass (re-writing)

Hi, wanted to try an idea I had a while ago. This will probably be really bad at the beginning, but I may rewrite it when I get used to writing in English (yeah, English isn't my main language, same shit you've seen in many other synopsis) Feel free to tell me whatever you think I'm doing wrong or pointing out misspelling and grammatical errors. You all probably know this already but I don't own Skyrim, Devil May Cry or anything that you can slightly recognize from other games, novels, animes, etc. The cover isn't mine, so if you can prove me that it's yours and you want it to be removed I'll do that.

JoaKko_2609 · Video Games
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10 Chs

Chapter 7 - Whiterun

(Hi. This chapter may be bad at the end as I wrote it on a hurry so let me know what you think about it)


(In the last chapter)

Of course, while travelling Abjorn began joking, singing and, to Lokir's suffering, he did pretty much everything you could imagine a crowd entertainer doing. This made the journey more lighthearted as we only found minor problems like wolfs and the occasional wild/lost skeever. That is until we neared the main road towards Whiterun's entrance and passed near one of the farms, where we saw some people fighting an over 3 meters creature that had a club and was trying to stomp on them...


Without saying anything Abjorn began charging towards the giant. I suddenly had the urge to know if he could survive a hit of the giant's club which are known as the legendary space program, you know because he's got plot armor and all of that shit, but if Abjorn were to die because of my curiosity I don't know what would happen to Skyrim and Tamriel in general. Maybe the world itself would try to correct what wasn't meant to happen by replacing him, making another person as the dragonborn? or maybe nothing of that would take place and Alduin will be set to do whatever the fuck he wants. Better play it safe for now.

Lokir and I looked at each other and he sighed before we too started charging. I managed to take a good look at the people that were already engaging the giant. They were 2 women and 1 man, I recognized them to be Farkas, Ria and Aela, three members of the group known as the companions. Aela was trying to land an arrow at one of the giant's critical spots when she noticed us approaching the fight site and a faint smirk made it's way to her face. Farkas and Ria seemed to be worried about us as they didn't know what could happen to us. Abjorn seeing their looks became a little angry because he doesn't like people to look down on him, but he noticed that they were just worried for us so he didn't blame them for it. When we were finally near it's feet we tried to land a hit without being stomped to death, keyword being tried, because it was simply too difficult as the giant had the advantage in reach and strength which made it easier to keep us away from it.

The fight was rather...how do i phrase it? Curious, I guess? Maybe even boring? The thing is that neither us nor the giant could land a hit, first: the giant's swings were too slow as he was swinging a thick wooden club that was slightly bigger and wider than Abjorn who's 1,90m in height and has a bulky build, second: we didn't want to get killed due to heroism and rash judgement. The only ones that were actually doing something were Aela and Lokir, well mostly Aela because Lokir's iron arrows did little damage to the giant's thick and rough skin.

The only heated moment of the fight was when Aela managed to pierce one of it's eyes, making the giant go nuts and start swinging it's club everywhere. Me, Abjorn and Farkas didn't even hesitate to charge into the storm of attacks and tackle the it's left foot that had some shallow cuts product of Farkas previously grazing it with his steel greatsword. Having it's foot pushed by 3 above the average in strength adult males, the giant stumbled but instead of falling face first into the ground it managed to plant one knee to the floor, barely stabilizing it's body, though now his arms were closer to the floor so he couldn't make large swings, giving us more room to maneuver. We all began raining attacks on the poor creature who at this point was only defending it's head. It was finally killed by Farkas who drove his sword through the giant's neck from below, making it fall to the ground where it finally died.

(Aela): "That was a magnificent fight. You two would be good material for great shield brothers." She totally ignored Lokir, though he didn't seem to mind. I guess he doesn't like the kind of woman who thirsts for a fight with a murderous grin plastered on her face.

(Abjorn): "Shield brothers? I heard that term somewhere but can you tell me what it means? if you don't mind me asking that is." Contrary to Lokir, Abjorn seemed to be interested in Aela and tried to impress her making himself look bigger by pushing out his chest and broadening his shoulders.

(Aela): "You're not from around here, huh? We're members of the group of fighters called the companions, and we call our members as shield brothers and sisters. After seeing you fight, I'm sure the two of you would be pretty good members if you join. That's if the old man allows you after you pass one test."

(Ria): "She's right. Lately there's not been many new members that can uphold the name of the companions to it's true glory and meaning. People are starting to make fun of us for accepting milk drinkers that don't even know how to throw a punch." This time it was Ria who talked, who in the game, was said to be the only truly acceptable newbie of the companions.

(Farkas): "Aye. As much as it hurts me to admit, Ria is right." Farkas was known to be a man of few words and have immense strength, even by Skyrim's standards. He was one of the best fighters of the companions, some would even say he's the best, and I do think so as well.

(Abjorn): "Well I always welcome a challenge so you can already count me as part of your group 'cause I'm going to crush that test."

When Aela heard that she just gave him a smile and turned around, telling us that they were also going to Whiterun so we may as well go together. The trip was really peaceful because there usually isn't anything dangerous around the main road as it's surrounded by civilization, rare cases like the giant back there are usually exceptions to the norm. I was talking with Ria about our previous battles, and the conversation was mainly about her crushing her opponents in many different ways as I didn't have that many experiences in the field. Lokir and Farkas remained silent through the journey and Abjorn was trying to strike a conversation of his own with Aela, who mainly kept sneering at his obvious boasting. He was telling her our fights while exaggerating many, many things, but never talked badly about us. The rest of us kept silent just enjoying the show, with Ria telling me somethings about her life in the companions from time to time.

We finally reached the stables outside of Whiterun and Lokir eyed the horses while assessing their worth. Nearing the actual gate of the city we were stopped by the guards who questioned the companions members about us. Aela just told them that we needed to talk to the Jarl about a serious problem in Riverwood and also vouched for us not being criminals so we wouldn't be bothered by the guards while being inside.

Finally entering the city I realized that it's bigger than what's shown in the game. We saw some shops and houses before even reaching the market area, said area was filled with people eyeing different stalls while some others entered and exited shops. When we approached the companions quarters, the hall known as Jorrvaskr, we prepared to part ways.

(Aela): "Well, this is our stop. If you keep going that way you'll see a long staircase that leads to Dragonsreach, the place where the Jarl stays. I hope to see you two soon so we can take care of your test. I'm planning for it to be different from the usual one we give, for a slight change of pace."

(Nero): "...Sorry, when did I say that I would be joining too?" I was actually planning on doing so, but the fact that she just assumed I wanted to do it without even asking kinda pissed me off.

(Ria): "You kiddin' me? you two got lots of potential, the moment you join we'll begin to train you both to be among the best in our rankings. It would be a waste if you don't join too. And it's been a while since I had a good fight outside of the few true members of the companions." She said totally sure of her words as if it was a fact of common sense that we should join.

(Nero): "Well I can't deny that I really need to train and learn how to properly fight and use a weapon so I'll be joining in along with Abjorn I guess." Ria and Farkas flashed a smile at what I said. Seems like if I join at least I'll already have 2 friends to help me adapt to the place and train myself.

(Abjorn): "Great! We'll take that test without problem and join your rankings before climbing them like child's play."

Seeing the scowls that slowly formed on the companions faces after those words I jabbed Abjorn on the shoulder as if saying 'shut the fuck up!', before he could say something else I questioned him.

(Nero): *Whispering* "Was there any need to belittle them like that man?" I know he was only trying to get on Aela's good side and had a slip of the tongue, seeing the hit of realization that covered his face assured my thoughts, but it could still be troublesome if we don't clear the misunderstan-

(Aela): "Let's see if you can uphold all of your boasting when you face my test." She said before turning around along the others and storming into Jorrvaskr while still wearing a scowl on her face.

Aaaaand there goes our chance to fix things with them. Now she'll probably beat him up telling him that he should try again after becoming a real warrior or something like that. God damn it, I hate these types of outdated cliches.

After that little event Abjorn was a little down in spirits, but managed to take care of it before entering Dragonsreach to see the Jarl. While nearing the door, a guard just opened it for us to enter...I always found it weird that they just let you through without even noticing the Jarl. I mean are they that confident in Irileth,who's the housecarl of the Jarl, and the other guards inside? or are they just stupid? Anyway, we walked through the hall and reached a short staircase that lead us to see two really long tables for feasts and the Jarl's throne in the middle. Irileth noticed us and...well pointed a sword at Abjorn's neck, while the guards surrounding the place did the same to me and Lokir.

(Irileth): "What are your intentions in coming here, strangers?" She seemed to have a permanent frown on her face. Is it a disease or something? Better watch out for it.

(Abjorn): "Wow, calm down lady. We came here in petition of the townspeople of Riverwood. They asked us to inform the Jarl that there was a dragon sighted in the distance and that they need help to protect the town in case of an emergency." He was brooding a little before, but the sword threatening to pierce his neck at any giving moment brought him out of his thoughts.

(Lokir): *Whispering* "Seriously!? Why can't we meet a normal woman for once, god damn it!?" I swear to the divines and all of that shit, that I heard some of the guards holding back a chuckle at Lokir's words, which caused the frown on Irileth's face to grow.

(Jarl Balgruuf the Greater): "You said Riverwood's in danger? Then you must have seen the dragon right?" The Jarl who overheard our conversation spoke his thoughts.

(Nero): "Indeed. We were taken to Helgen to be executed by the imperials and when Abjorn here was about to be beheaded the dragon attacked ant started wreaking havoc in the place. We managed to escape with another friend, and if you ask me, I think we survived by pure luck." I mean c'mon, we're talking about Alduin, the motherfucking 'World Eater' here, you know?

(Lokir): "The imperials wanting to execute us didn't have any right to do so by the way! It was a blunt injustice that they didn't even let us explain ourselves!" Lokir used this chance to vent out his opinion over the execution over in Helgen.

(Irileth): "Hmph! Only a thief would try to justify himself even after all their problems are over. Your kind just loves to talk shit about others." I was kinda scared by her accurate judgement, I guess that's what happens when you're a Jarl's housecarl for so long. "What about you two? Are you also scum like that thief?" She directed her next question towards me and Abjorn.

(Nero): "I don't even remember if I did something that deserved an execution. I just woke on the carriage towards Helgen being all dizzy and lost."

(Abjorn): "According to one of the prisoners that were with us I was trying to cross some border and walked into an imperial ambush of the sorts."

(Pretty much everyone): "...." Well...this is awkward.

(Balgruuf): "Well it's none of my concern who the Imperials want to execute. Especially now. Irileth, it seems you were right about the dragon. What do you think we should do about this?"

From there on the conversation progressed as in the game, with the steward and Irileth arguing about what to do until Balgruuf shut them down saying he refused to abandon his citizens.

(Balgruuf): "Irileth, dispatch a group of around ten guards and send them towards Riverwood! As for you three, you've done a great service relaying this information to me. I'll reward you with a sum of gold or one weapon of above average quality, the choice is yours."

We each selected something. Lokir asked for gold and told us that with this reward he will finally be able to buy a horse, saying that he will most likely set off tomorrow towards Rorikstead, parting ways with us. We respected his decision, though Abjorn wanted us to stay together and have more adventures he knew Lokir had his only family member in Rorikstead and he couldn't control his choices over what to do. Lokir left the hall to make his preparations and told us that he will meet us tomorrow to bid farewell to us.

I also choose the money because after handing over the dragonstone to Balgruuf's court wizard, he'll allow us to choose a weapon from his personal armory, which I suspect will be filled with good items with him being a Jarl.

Of course Abjorn choose the piece of equipment and was given a piece of lightly enchanted steel chest plate. It had the enchantment of reinforcing stamina, but it was a minor one with little effect, yet Abjorn was nearly jumping from excitement telling me that it was his first time seeing and touching an enchanted item.

Balgruuf told us that he wanted to ask something else of us that had to do with his court wizard and we naturally accepted. I gave Farengar, Balgruuf's wizard, the dragonstone and his eyes started shining. Before coming here I had copied the dragon burial sites that are engraved on the stone onto a map in case I ever need it.

(Balgruuf): "I'm really grateful to you two. I'll allow you to pick one item of your choosing from my personal armory. You can ask Irileth to take you there, now I need to have a meeting with my advisors to think of a plan against the dragons. Till we meet again." He turned around and walked up into a staircase that led to the second floor.

Irileth came into the room and told us to follow her to the armory. We walked through the east wing of Dragonsreach until reaching said armory's doors. They were a little over 2 meters high and had 4 different types of locks. Irileth proceeded to unlock the door and we went inside. There was an enormous assortment of weapons, armors, ammunition, enchanted items and a lot more. Abjorn was in a state of reboot, or at least that's what his face looked like. We spent near half an hour inspecting the most we could until Irileth asked us to speed up so she can attend the Jarl's meeting.

(Abjorn): "Alright, what are you going to take Nero? I myself think that this axe will be a good addition to my equipment considering that I already received an armor piece."

(Nero): "Well your reasoning sounds logic. I'm not sure what to take, there isn't anything that would benefit me more than the other things." While saying that I accidentally pushed a shelf that was at my shoulder's height and some things fell onto the floor. Nothing special, a helmet, some kind of belt and a pouch with slightly extended storage space. But there was one thing that grabbed my attention on that shelf. There were still some things which were an ornamented dagger, something akin to a pair of goggles and, strangely enough, a rather large case with a card deck inside.

(Nero): "Hey, Irileth. Why is there a card game in a Jarl's armory?" It seemed strange to me that a stack of cards would be laying in a place like this, they were covered in dust too, so I assume they were pretty old or at least no one touched them in a long time.

(Irileth): "Hm? Oh, those are really odd, they were bought by Balgruuf's grandfather. The vendor told him that the card deck was a magical one that could assimilate spells and be used like any other. It was meant to be used by people who were unable to produce magicka, but till these day we never found anyone who could make use of them, so we guessed that the vendor scammed the old man and forget about it."

I found the story to be an interesting one, so I asked a couple of questions about it. I discovered that these cards were bought to a khajiit caravan in the province of Cyrodiil around 70 to 80 years ago.

I grabbed the dusty case and opened it. The cards inside were arranged in a way that one card would be showing it's front and the following the back of it, then the front again and then the back, following that order a set of 31 cards laid inside. The front part was blank (As in there was nothing. The card design is black in color, I'll put a picture) in all the cards, I turned the other ones to see if it was the same and it really was.

(Nero): "If they are supposed to be magic cards then why are they all blank? How is one supposed to know the spell of the card?"

(Irileth): "It's said that the user of the cards needs to select a spell that will be forever engraved into the card until it's current user dies, and so the cards will go back to a blank state, waiting for a new one to come and find them. At least that's what the vendor said. Pure lies to sell his pitiful scams if you ask me."

(Nero): "...I'll be taking these cards then. Is that alright?"

(Irileth): "...I don't know what your reasoning was but I don't care either. Still, Balgruuf will get grumpy if I give you something that doesn't work, pick one more thing so we can be over with this."

I grabbed a dark steel sword with a black and purple handle that had a weak enchantment of life steal. In-game this enchantment wasn't useful if you didn't make it strong enough, but here a little difference could end up turning the tables in a fight.

When we were done with our pickings we left Dragonsreach and went to the Bannered Mare, as I said that there were good opinions of it in the streets. Renting a room for the night, I went directly inside it to test these cards.

Irileth said that the cards would react to a suitable user once he courses some magicka through the first card of the deck, which was marked with 4 little purple cats with two tails each at the corners of the blank front. The problem is...I don't have any magicka, I have mana but that's not useful in this place. I guess it's something that formed part of Devil May Cry's universe and it followed me here since I became Nero.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the card deck that started to vibrate, causing cracks to appear on it's containing case. Suddenly I felt a constant stinging pain in my right arm as the cards started floating and fused in one single card that flew towards my arm and disappeared inside of it after a bright flash that blinded me for a second, followed by an agonizing pain at the center of my chest.

*Ding* Warning! Host's soul is being forcefully invaded. System suspects a being of unknown nature is trying to bond itself with the Host. This could deal permanent damage to Host's growth potential, body's functionality and lifespan.

I couldn't really make what the notification said as I was rolling on the ground without even being able to scream. The only thing I could do was clench my fists to the point of bleeding from my palms. I managed to stand on my knees while being drenched in sweat and heavily panting.

*Ding* Host has....

I couldn't hear the notification at all as I fell once again and blacked out entirely without notice...


Chapter word count: 3691